Chapter 34 ~ Nate

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Drew's Pov:

So as a surprise I was planning on taking Lauren out to the cinema. Again. There was this new movie out and I really wanted to see it and seen as we had so much fun last tine, I thought she'd want to come.

"Hey Nate, do you think Laur would want to go and see the new avengers film?" I asked Nate who was currently perched on the arm of the couch watching an episode of South Park.

"Er well, she gets bored through most films like halfway through and looses interest. It might not be such a good idea to take her to the cinema." He said, his eyes still fixed on the TV screen.

"Laur, do you want to go to the cinema with Drew?" Nate asked lauren who had just walked in from the kitchen.

"What film?" she asked.

"The new avengers film." I replied.

"Er, okay." she said a bit unsure.

"Will you get bored."


"I told you." Nate said bitterly.

"Do you wanna go then?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'll see you later Nate." Lauren said as we walked to the door.

"Bye." he sighed.

Nate, jealousy can never get you anywhere.

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