Chapter 7 ~ Hide and Seek

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Drew's Pov:

After brunch we walked along the beach. Because we were literally by the sea there was a nice beach a few minutes away.

"Who's up for an ice cream?" Nate asked and we all replied with a 'yes'.

So we went to the nearest ice cream selling shop and got some. We also picked up some food supplies for the house. The shop was massive with two floors so we decided to play hide and seek.

Lauren counted first and half of us sprinted up the escalator and the other half stayed downstairs. Me and austin hid in the bakery section so we could go into a different isle if we needed to. Nate, Morgan and levi went upstairs. Laur walked down the middle of the isles looking up and down.

"Austin, I think she's seen us." I said but turned around and he wasn't there.

"Quick." Austin screamed pushing a trolley.

"Shit." I said. I was now sitting in the trolley with my legs dangling over the front.

We went to the otherside of the store and there was no sign of lauren so we waited.

"Found you." She said popping up behind us.

"Damn it."

"Okay, any ideas where the others are?" She asked.

"Follow us." We said and walked to the nearest elevator.

"Guys your supposed to hide." She said to Nate, Levi and Morgan who were sitting outside of the café on their phones.

"Morgan, you can count this time."
She stood up and started to count whilst we went down the escalators.

"How about we hide in the toy section. She won't look there." Nate suggested and we all headed to that isle.

"Look there's a tent." Austin laughed.

So there was now 5 teenagers sitting in this tent by the camping gear.

"So how long have you two been going out for?" Levi asked out of nowhere.

"Er about 2 years." I replied.

"No. More like 2 months." Lauren said.

We spoke for a bit longer about some random stuff until there was a staff announcement.

'Could Nate Parker, Nate Parker and his friends come to customer services.'

"Hey." He said awkwardly as Morgan ran towards him, throwing her arms around his neck.

"Okay, lets get back to the house." Nate said as morgan kissed him on the cheek.

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