Chapter 5 ~ Sleepy Heads

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Lauren's Pov :

We all got out of the taxi, it was pre booked so we didn't have to pay extra for it. From the outside the house looked big. The inside was literally amazing. It had a big staircase at the side of the long hallway. A kitchen and bar, two living rooms, two bathrooms, a dining area and a few office like rooms with computers. Upstairs there were 4 bedrooms. 3 of them had massive double beds and the other had a single. Each room had a jaw dropping view. Threre was also another two bathrooms and a balcony near the back of the house.

It wasn't till we went back down stairs that we noticed that there was a gigantic pool and hot tub and a bbq.

I slid the glass door open and stepped outside into the cool air. Drew came with me, also interested at what else was here.

"This is amazing!" He smiled, looking around.

"I know right."

We stood on the edge of the pool side watching the water sparkle.

"What the fuck." Drew yelled swimming up from the surface of the water.

Levi, Nate and Austin had pushed him into the pool but luckily I saw them creep round the side so I could move out of the way quickly.

"Drew your soaked!" I said.

"I know." He smirked chasing after me. He wrapped his strong arms around me giving me a hug but also making me wet.

"Let go of me!" I laughed. "Drew this isn't funny, I'm gonna wet too."

"Haha Drew your shirts gone see through." Levi giggled and pointed at drew who was wearing a white t-shirt.

"Okay I'll take it off."

And in a quick whip he took off his shirt revealing an almost 6 pack.

"Right lets go inside." Drew said, walking off and the three of us behind him.

We all sat at the big dining table, a towel around drews sholders.

We had chosen a name for each room. The first one nearest to the stairs had a big window on the right wall. A double bed, with two waldrobes, a flat screen tv and an xbox. We decided on calling it the 'window room'. (Austins idea.) The next to it was the room with a single bed and not really much else in it apart from a few draws and a small window near the ceiling. That was the 'single' room'. Don't know why.

Then oposite that was another room with a double bed with similar furniture as the first room but it had an ensuite. That was the 'ensuite room'. Next to that was a balcony overlooking the pool and next to that was another room with similar stuff in. That one was called the the 'purple room' as the walls were painted a dark shade of purple.

"I say we tear up some names and put them in a pile with the paper with the rooms named on it." Morgan suggested.

"Okay then. Nate why don't you go first." Levi said.

Nate picked a piece of paper out of the room pile.
"I got the purple room." Nate said showing us the piece of paper. "Drew your next."

Drew searched through the pile of paper as if he had an idea where everything was.
"The window room."

"You cheated!" Morgan said standing up.

"How could I. I had my eyes close." Drew replied sticking his tounge out at her. "Go on Levi."

Levi picked one up straight away.

"Ensuite!" Levi shouted, standing up and dancing around.

"Should we do the last room or go onto names or -" Nate started to ask but morgan interupted him saying "Natey, I'm so tired lets just go to bed."

"Go on Nate pick a name."

Nate picked the top one which was morgan and we all let out a sigh of relief. I was with Drew and Austin and Levi were sharing the ensuit.

Nate, Morgan and Drew went up to bed. It was Around 10ish so Austin, Levi and I stayed up for a bit longer.
We chatted and watched some films till around midnight. It wasn't a very productive evening.

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