Chapter 11 ~ Maybe I Was Wrong

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Lauren's Pov:

Drew has been looking after me for the past 3 days and I think I'm almost over this sick bug thing. I still have a stuffed nose and I'm not sick as much but I still do feel a bit ill.

I woke up quite late and went straight into the shower and got changed into a pair of black leggings and a tartan checked t-shirt. I didn't bother putting any make up on and tied my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head.

"Morning." I sniffled walking downstairs into the living room.

"Hey." Drew smiled pulling me into a hug. "How you feeling?"

"Okay, I haven't been sick yet."

"That's always a good thing." He chuckled.

"I think you should ask her before we make any arrangements." Levi said to Drew standing up.

"Are you feeling well enough to come to the music festival that's on today?" He asked.

"Er, kind of but I've still got a headache though."

"Okay." He sighed and shook his head at Levi.

"What no, you have to go. Drew you've looked after me for 3 days, I think I'll be fine for a few hours." I said.

"You sure?"

"Yes. Go with the boys."

And with that Nate, Levi, Austin and Drew ran upstairs.

"Boys huh." I laughed and Morgan actually smiled at me for the first time.

We waved goodbye to the boys and Morgan said she wanted to speak to me.

"Hi Lauren."

"Hi Morgan."

"Look I know we got off at the wrong start and I know your best friends with Nate and it must be pretty hard when you want to meet up with him but his with me so I need to let you know that I don't mind if he cancels his plans for you. You seem like a really nice girl and the perfect one for Drew. So I want to start fresh and be friends."

"Okay." I smiled and she jumped up and down in excitement. "Can I do your makeup? "

"If you really want to."

She grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs. I sat on hers and Nates bed whilst she laid all of her make up stuff out and fucking hell she had a lot.

After an hour she was done. I stood up and walked to the bathroon and looked in the mirror. Morgan did a pretty good job.

"You should wear eyeliner more often, it really suits your eyes." She smiled.

We then went downstairs, chilled out and caught up on some pretty little lairs episodes which surprisingly she liked too.

Maybe I was wrong with what I thought Morgan was like. She seems really nice and not her stuborn, annoying self she was earlier on in the week.

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