Chapter 21 ~ Drunken Dares

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Drew's Pov :

It was 10pm and we had just all been out to a carnival. We had to get a taxi there because it was at least 2 hours away and on top of that there was alot of traffic so we decided to stay later to make up from the hours we lost in the morning.

"Urgh I'm starving." Nate said as we stepped inside and was soon followed by a 'me too' from everyone else.

"Should we order a takeaway or something?" Austin asked and we all nodded.

"I've ordered a chipotle." Levi said minutes later.

"We were just deciding what to have." Lauren said.

"I know what you all like." Levi chuckled and jumped on the couch.

I saw Morgan and Lauren stand up and walk out of the room.

"Hey Laur where are you going?" I called out but there was no reply.

It was some time before they both came back with two cardboard boxes and placed them on the coffee table. Austin went straight over to the boxes, opened them, raised an eyebrow at Lauren and laughed.
I stood up and walked over too, soon followed by levi.

"We are gonna get so pissed." Austin laughed.

"I'm in." Levi said

"Yep so am I." I said

We all turned to Nate who was sitting on the couch on his phone. He looked up and instantly started to shake his head.

"There is no way that I'm gonna -"

"Come on Nate. Have some fun." We all said and he gave in.

Austin made the decision of drinking after the chipotle came because it would be awkward if we were drunk and answered the door.

"Food's here!" Morgan called out and we all scrambled into the dining room.

● ● ●

"Truth or dare?" Levi asked Morgan.

"Truth." She replied.

"Why did you go out with Nate?" Levi asked as everyone took another sip of their drink.

"Er Well, he seemed really nice and we worked together on a history assignment together and I kinda fell for him from there on." She said and Nate kissed her.

I could see that everyone was getting more and more into their drinks and in the brisk of being drunk. Out of all of us it was Lauren and Morgan that were drinking the most which I was quite surprised by.

"Drew truth or dare?" Nate asked me.


"I dare you to snog, like proper snog Lauren."

So I did. We kissed for at least a few minutes before everyone started coughing, signalling for us to stop before Austin called out "Get a room!"

"Levi, truth or dare?" Lauren asked him.

"After the last dare you all made me do, I think truth would be the better option." Levi replied.

"Who do you have a crush on?"

"Well to be honest, your friend Sophie is pretty hot and I wouldn't mind -"

"Right let's move on." Austin cut in.

After a while we were all intoxicated in alcohol. You could smell it in our breaths and it was chaos.

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