(Hi guys, I wanted to inform you that I have changed the words of Ch-4 from "teleport waypoint in Mond" to "teleport waypoint in Liyue Harbor" as it made more sense. Also, by now I think you know that I prefer writing in Xiao's POV more than Lumi's POV, ehe, so expect more of Xiao POV ;P Also, this chapter is heavy with Riordanverse lore)
Lumine POV
She had walked off from the bloody battlefield, hoping that Xiao had gotten the message and gone off to do whatever he wanted to. But still, she had to exercise caution. Suddenly, she stopped and abruptly turned around, to check if anyone was there. Not a soul in sight. She exhaled in relief, and continued along the river to a deeper part.
Xiao POV
His heart was beating faster than it should have; he had nearly been caught by Lumine. He had no idea what he'd do if he was discovered spying on a mortal. Thank the Archons, though, he hadn't been named 'Xiao' for nothing, having speedily flattened himself against a tree.
He still couldn't believe what he was doing. He tried to convince himself that it was for Liyue, to make sure she wasn't a threat. Somehow, he didn't entirely believe himself.
Lumine kept on walking, stopping at a part he knew was very deep. He decided he could see what was going on from here. Lumine walked right into the water. She sighed, obviously enjoying the feel of the flowing water.
He felt awkward. She had wanted nothing more than a rest. Just as he was planning to go, she stepped out of the water. And he was shocked.
Lumine was healed. And by healed, he meant completely healed. Not a sight of that extra-large gash, none of the cuts or bruises she had sustained. Apparently from just sitting in the water. How? Even he couldn't do it, and he was an adeptus, with extra-good healing powers. Yet, he had never been able to recover so quickly.
She leaned against a tree, relaxed. She grinned to herself, "Thank Olympus I am who I am, I don't know what I would do otherwise." 'Huh? What did that mean?' Rubbing her chin, she mumbled, "Can't hurt to check in at home, otherwise, I keep feeling as though I am missing out on something."
(hehe i think u know where this is going)
Lumine POV
She felt uncomfortable. As though she was missing out on something of vital importance. After all, she didn't even know how much time had passed since she left her home world... A lot could have happened.
She bent down near the waterfall, which had created a natural rainbow, and dropped in the customary drachma.( For those of you who don't know, it is the coin used by the Olympians) She didnt have to say the prayer though, she had a great friendship with Iris, so she could just talk to whoever she wanted. She called out, "Perseus Jackson, New York."
Seeing the picture that followed, Lumine froze. Utterly shocked. Mouth gaping open.
It was not a picture of camp, but of a battlefield.
Blood splattered everywhere. The clang of steel against steel, blades against blades. Unmoving bodies littering the ground. Lightening flashed. A freaking DRAKON thrashing around the scene, several people trying to subdue it. And in the middle of it all, Percy.
Without hesitation, her hand shot forward through the screen, and a white flash issued. When it cleared, everything was frozen, not a single thing moving. Except for two people. Percy and Annabeth. A fire was practically burning in Lumine's eyes as her hands went to her hips, and she glared at the pair, who just stared at her in awe and horror.
Percy broke the silence first. "Lu- Lumine? Is that you, sis? What d- did you do?" At which she retorted angrily, "Don't bother with that sister crap, or I would think you could atleast warn me that the prophecy and war had begun. As for your question, I froze the time, and everything in New York, apart from you two. Now, explain." "Explain what?" "The situation in Olympus, dumbass! Whatever in Hades is a drakon doing here, in New York? "
Annabeth nervously said, "It is Kronos's doing, our side has very few people, and he is trying to eliminate the remaining. And, uh, could you give us some tips on how to fight the drakon? We are really struggling." Lumine stared at them. Finally, she said, "I cannot tell you much, since previous prophecy-holders cannot help their successors. All I can say is that it is a Lydian Drakon, the oldest and most ferocious kind. If both its eyes are blinded, only then does its weak spot reveal itself. You shall need a companion to accomplish this."
"Seriously? Only that? Ughhhhh. And what did you mean by 'previous prophecy holders'?" Percy grumped, obviously unsatisfied. Sighing, she replied, "Until your prophecy is over, I cannot explain. And that is if you survive your prophecy, many haven't. Now, if you will give me a private word with Annabeth." He nodded nervously.
As Annabeth stepped forward, Lumi quietly said, "He has taken on the Curse of Achilles, no? Please don't let him die, he might very well be the last of my family." Annabeth nodded and said, "I promise you, I won't let him die." "I am forever indebted to you. Um, uhh, please keep your hand on the screen." Lumine didn't want either Anna or Percy to die, they both were her closest family apart from Aether. She still wasn't sure if she should do this. Steeling herself, she kept her own hand on the screen, something floated towards Annabeth, making her glow for a moment. Before she could ask, Lumine said, "I have transferred some of my divine powers to you, so that you may not die, Now you have enhanced survival, and enhanced fighting instincts. Please use this gift wisely." She called out to Percy and said, "Perce, I am sorry I haven't been of more help, but I am forbidden to say anything more by the other gods." With that, she swiped her hand across the screen, and it disappeared.
She drew in a shaky breath, sliding down to sit on her hunches, with her face in her hands. Things had just gotten a whole lot more complicated than she had ever wanted them to become.
(so, this fanfic is overlapping with the period of the war in Percy Jackson and the last Olympian, and this scene had been in my head from even before i started writing this fanfic lol. Aaaaand we are back to xiao pov ;P)
Xiao POV
If his mouth hung any more open, then it would disconnect. He was absolutely shell-shocked, shaken to the core. He was more than certain, that this was meant to be a private conversation, not to be overheard by anyone. And the things he discovered... It was too much for his brain to process and digest. He didn't understand even half of the things she said. Olympus, drakon, other gods, homeworld, prophecy, war, divine powers..... He had wanted answers, but he had nothing except even more questions. Nevertheless, he had to go now. Head back to Wangshu Inn, where he could come to terms with all that he had heard, or rather, eavesdropped upon. He could only hope that the Traveler never found out that he had been there, that he could face her normally if they ever met again.
With that thought, he disappeared soundlessly into the night.
(1269 words.
So it would seem that I like abrupt endings, since every chapter has ended in one. Ehe. So anyways, see ya next time, Toodles ;P)
(I'm rereading this, I'm getting second hand embarassment from how terrible my writing was...)

Important in Another World- A Genshin Impact Xiao x Lumine fanfic
Fanfiction*Who was this girl?, he wondered. 'This mysterious aura coming off her, something that even I, an adeptus, cannot understand... But something certainly not from this world...'* Heyyy, this is my first time writing a fanfic, as you saw in the title...