Chapter 18- Reunited at Last

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Xiao POV

"I see." Dain mused. "Well, I can pretty much figure out where the first Field Tiller ended up. Do you have any guesses?" "Really!" Paimon exclaimed. "Just from the Lupus Boreas story?" "That combined with an educated guess, and a comprehensive analysis." 

Xiao thought it funny that though Lumine was the main one travelling around, most of the talking was done by that miniature pixie. "Like that story you told me you heard in the cathedral." "The Tyrant's Final Fury." Lumine completed for him. "Yes, the strange story told to you by that young sister, long considered to be a curse laid down by a deceased tyrant." "Uh, actually, Barbara's the deaconess." Lumine mumbled, scratching her neck. Both Xiao and Paimon gave her a look that clearly said, 'Really?' "Sorry." She mumbled. "Totally unrelated." He motioned for Dainsleif to continue.


"We may have to go back to Stormterror's Lair, and comb through the area again." Xiao muttered. "No." Lumine interrupted him halfway. They all looked at her questioningly. "There was an abandoned ruin guard in the tower of Stormterror's Lair. Paimon, don't you remember when we went up there with Venti, Jean and Diluc?"

"Ooh, Paimon remembers too! Hard to forget such a thing." Xiao snorted. "Really? Sounded distinctly like you had forgotten about it just now. " "Hmph." Paimon crossed her arms defensively.

Lumine POV

"This is it, right? Use your elemental sight to search for the eye!" Paimon was as energetic as always. Maybe little kids always had that much energy. But yeah, she had a point. Lumine activated her elemental sight, and looked towards the ruin guard.


Absolutely nothing, nada zilch. "Nothing?" Paimon exclaimed. "But Paimon was so excited..." She had an air of dejection about her. She heard Xiao sigh. "Did you do it right?" "Yes she did." Dain said. "However, elemental sight doesnt work on Field Tillers, as they are not composed of the elements. Let me give it a try." They all looked curiously at him, while he extended his hand. It started to glow with a weird blue light, The Ruin Guard had the same effect. "... And done." Lumine watched, astonished, as something that looked like the core of the ruin guard emerged.

"The very thing the Abyss Herald has been seeking all along- the eye of the very first Field Tiller." But... something seemed to be off about it. She had a gut feeling that this wouldn't work. Nevertheless, she didn't say anything. 

"The Abyss Order's plan is dangerous... They must be stopped." Xiao said firmly. "What should we do with this eye?" He asked calmly. "Hide it somewhere no one will find it?" "No. I will guard it myself."

There was a pause, then Paimon said worriedly, "You?! Dain.... You won't go and do anything crazy with it, will you?" "You may doubt me if you want, but I need to ensure that it does not fall into the wrong hands." "We take you for your word." Xiao said calmly. "Till now, you haven't given us any reason to not trust you." "Then I appreciate your help and support." Dainsleif replied.

"But our work isn't done yet. To avoid further repercussions, we must also take care of that Defiled Statue." "By doing what, exactly?" Lumine asked, hands on her hips, sassy side coming out. "By taking care of it, I naturally mean to completely destroy it." She immediately knew the barrage of words that was gonna come from a certain munchkin fairy beside her.

"Destroy it? That's a statue of the Seven! As well as being a really important cultural relic, they are also actually divine! Ugh, well, good thing we didn't tell Barbara earlier. Otherwise she'd be going completely bonkers right now!" Xiao coughed to interrupt her monologue.

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