Lumine POV
"You knew about it too, didn't you?" she asked in a low voice. She wanted confirmation. "About what?" Xiao asked, looking confused. Looking right into his eyes, she said, "The destruction of Khanreia'ah."
They say that eyes always betray a person's inner thoughts and feelings. And here, she had proof of that in front of her. She saw panic, worry and confusion in Xiao's eyes, which was all the confirmation she needed. He knew about it too.
She was sure her eyes must have been blazing angry, for he took a step back. "Wha- what do you mean?" he stammered. "Don't play dumb with me!" Lumine snapped at him, jerking up to point an accusing finger at his neck. He retreated further in. "You know exactly what I mean! You have lived for over 2000 years, there is no way you could have missed the cataclysm! And your reaction to my question told me all I needed to know!" She took another step closer to him, her hands fisted. When she spoke, her voice was quiet, though she knew that her simmering anger could still be heard underneath. "I trusted you. You were the only person I trusted, apart from Zhongli and Venti. Now you all also go and betray me." Her voice was now quivering with anger and sorrow as she said, "I thought you were my friend. But friends don't keep secrets as monumental as this."
She started to walk away.
Xiao POV
Holy Archons, she was damn scary when angry. He couldn't blame her.
"I thought you were my friend. Buy friends don't keep secrets as monumental as this." Friend... He never had a friend in his life, people usually ran at the first sight of him. This was new.
She started to walk away. "Lumine, hang on, I can explain!" He called out, desperate to explain his side of things. But she didn't turn back as she said, "I am afraid our friendship is beyond repair. Goodbye, Alatus, and may we never meet again." Alatus. He froze at the mention of his old name. How the heck did she know about it? He stood there, hand outstretched, watching as he lost yet another person important to him. He didn't know what to do as he stared at the sky, fists clenched, hoping for a miracle.
I trusted you... apart from Zhongli and Venti. Wait a minute. Zhongli and Venti. Who were they? She said that they all betrayed her. So did that mean that these two people also knew about Khanreia'ah? He walked down to Verr Goldet.
He got straight to the point. "Verr, do you know of any people called Zhongli or Venti?" "Huh? Why'd you want to know? Something you need from them?" He simply nodded, not willing to explain further. "Well, Venti is a renowned bard from Mondstadt. As for Zhongli, I am afraid I do not know much about him. However, a man called Childe is currently staying here, who is well acquainted with Mr Zhongli. You can ask him if you want." "Uhhh... Could you ask him for me?" Whatever was Tartaglia doing here? She sighed. "Seriously?" She walked off.
He waited for her to return. When she did, she informed him that Zhongli was a senior consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, and that he could be found there, in Liyue Harbor.
He frowned. Why was there something familiar about him?
He had gone discreetly to that funeral parlor, but someone had told him that he was not here, currently on a break at Third- Round Knockout. He groaned as he went there. But the moment he saw the described, he had frozen. More interestingly, the said brunette had the exact same reaction as him, though no one else there seemed to recognise him.
Xiao walked up to him, still frowning. The moment he reached the table, Zhongli whispered, "Xiao?!" His mouth fell open. "R- Rex Lapis??!" He whispered in absolute shock. There was no doubt, this person was Morax; he had the same aura of power, and kindness around him. Even that feeling of familiarity, that he only felt from the one person, who had saved him from decades of sorrow. Zhongli, or rather Morax, slapped a hand on his mouth, as he frantically hushed him to keep his voice down.

Important in Another World- A Genshin Impact Xiao x Lumine fanfic
Fanfiction*Who was this girl?, he wondered. 'This mysterious aura coming off her, something that even I, an adeptus, cannot understand... But something certainly not from this world...'* Heyyy, this is my first time writing a fanfic, as you saw in the title...