Chapter 37- The Seed in Time

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Xiao POV

Ugh, this woman was insufferable. And if she really was a 'friend' of Ei and Lumine, then he had absolutely no idea of how they bore her presence, and had no desire to either.

"-Impossibly stubborn, jumps straight to the most extreme course of action imaginable, presumes her sheer will can see her through, despite having a near-impossible goal that will require nothing short of the very height of her abilities.. Hmm alright, she sounds exactly like the Ei I know."

"Can you stop the idle chit chat and cut straight to the heart of the matter? While we are here talking for no reason, people are in an extreme duel possibly to the death." He snapped at Miko, finally frustrated to no end by her naturally teasing nature. Archons, he'd even pick Hu Tao's company over this fox lady any day!

She laughed, amused. He glared back at her, unimpressed. "My, so full of concern. I am quite sure you know that they both are immortal gods, no? They shall surely be fine, even if we dally a bit." "But even gods can be slayed, you know that very well." His temper set off, he walked off immediately out of the Grand Narukami Shrine. The moment he was out, he teleported to where the entrance to Raiden Makoto's realm of consciousness was, intending to find a way in himself. But alas, what sight greeted him there? The most annoying kitsune in existence, arms crossed, grinning obnoxiously.


He sighed as he mentally prepared himself for the fact that he would have to resign to her presence until they got Ei and Lumine out. "Heh, surely you didn't think you'd be able to shake me off that easily? I have been Ei's familiar for years, and as such I am privy to a lot of information. But you must be seriously pissed off at me, no? Quite a welcome change from the crowds upon crowds of people begging to just get a look at the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine." He massaged his forehead, telling himself internally to keep his cool. He swore that he didn't care about what happened afterwards, the moment his task was done, he'd be gone.

Yae Miko turned towards the torii gate. "Yes, I can indeed sense three divine presences, I'm sure belonging to Ei, the Shogun and Lumine-san." Wait a second...

"Hold on, kitsune. How exactly do you know about Lumine being a goddess?" She laughed heartily. "Dear Archons, surely you didn't think Ei would keep the happy news of her long-lost sister being alive all locked up inside herself, did you? She'd have exploded by now then. She's quite a child at heart, you know." "Well if she's a child at heart, then you are a toddler. No cut that, you're a newborn baby." Miko's expression turned to shock as she moved away to hide her expression. Xiao crossed his arms, feeling a great sense of satisfaction at having roasted the 'Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine' so well.

She coughed."Uh, well let's get back to business, shall we... Although I can't pinpoint their exact spatial location, I can still send you to them." Behind him, he heard the voice of the pixie about whom he had forgotten (definitely not for the umptheenth time O.o). She still seemed to be in shock about him roasting Miko. "Um so, it is abstract, but it has a location, but you don't know where it is, but you can still send us there... What? Paimon's brain juices are failing her right now!" "Who ever said about you coming with me, little glutton in the air?" "Waaah! Why's everyone being so mean to Paimon! Paimon can't wait for Lumine to come back!" She stomped her foot in the air, throwing a tantrum. He flat-out ignored her, turning to Miko.

"Well, if everything is decided, then I'm sending you in now, Xiao-sama." She extended her hand towards the torii gate, which swirled with sharp violet again. "... Its more turbulent and chaotic than expected. If you aren't careful, you could very well be swept away into some distant corner of space-time.Only if your will is strong, and your wishes heartfelt, will you not be swallowed by the giant waves of abstract space and I will be able to deliver you into the right space-time." "..Okay."

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