Venti POV
As he impatiently waited for Xiao to return with Zhongli, Venti turned to look at Lumine. The way she seemed to be suffering, he didn't like it one bit. He didn't know what was it about her, but he felt very protective of her, like a brother would feel for a younger sister. As he stared at her face, he couldn't shake the feeling that he somehow knew her. Like, not the few months, but for years and years. His guts told him that he should know where he had seen that face, but his memory, unfortunately, had gone fuzzy. That's another reason he wanted to talk to Zhongli, aka Morax. Morax had one of the best memories among the archons, solid as stone.
He couldn't stand just sitting. He had a restless streak, that few people knew about. He took out his lyre and began to play a healing tune, while carefully observing Lumine. As his notes wafted out, the dark aura around her seemed to ease a bit, but returned quickly. He played faster, but the darkness always returned.
He wondered how had Lumine gotten all that karma. Even a demon-killing adeptus hadn't managed to get that amount in 2000 years. So who was she? His brain told him he should know, but he still couldn't come up with anything. Curse his rotten memory.
Thankfully, he wasn't given much time to dwell on his thoughts. In a flash of teal, the yaksha reappeared, with a certain ombre-haired gentleman in tow. He crossed his arms and glared at Zhongli-Morax. Reason being, that he hadn't even bothered to tell Venti that he was gonna retire. Not a hint. The news of his supposed death had hit him pretty hard, since Morax was the oldest Archon, and one of his best buddies. "Why didn't you tell me, Morax? Or is this still about that tornado I sent through your lands accidentally?" Zhongli shook his head ruefully. "No, my friend. I couldn't tell anyone, for fear of my plan being sabotaged. My time in Liyue has long gone, and you know it." "Hmph." he pouted crossly. In this way, his childish nature often came to light. Zhongli patted his head, then asked, "What's wrong with Lumine?"
Venti shook his head worriedly. "Karma. A lot of it. And I'm pretty certain it wasn't there last time we met." Zhongli blinked. "Karma? As in karmic debt? As in the one Xiao has?" "Seems like it." Xiao replied. "but what do we do? I tried healing her with my songs, but it returned."
"Returned?" The adeptus asked. "Yeah. Some of it seemed to go away, but then it returned." He demonstrated what he meant. His fist clenched. Zhongli grabbed him and dragged him to the adjacent room suddenly. "What the-" Venti exclaimed. "Do you know what we have to do now?" Zhongli asked him in a low voice.
"Uh no, geez, old man." "Who is the best healer in the land?" He thought about it. The best healer was... "Jiliana? If my memory serves me right, which it usually doesn't, then the Hydro Archon of Fontaine, Jiliana, is one of the most proficient healers in Tevyat." "For once, your memory is correct. Jili is also our younger sister." "So basically, you are saying that we get yet another archon to Inazuma? Do you really think that Ei wont notice all the divine energy around here? It'll basically be a death sentence for all of us, including Lumine, seeing as she had openly acted against the Shogun."
Zhongli thought about it. "How about we take her to Fontaine then? Or meet on a neutral ground like Liyue or Mondstadt?" "Yeah, that'll be better. Say, Zhongli, do you feel something around Lumine? Like, you're supposed to know her, like for years? Or is it just me?" "I feel a kind of brotherly instinct. I don't know why." "Me too. Well, lets get back, and tell Xiao what we think."
Xiao POV
He waited for the Archons to return with a frown. Zhongli had literally just dragged Venti off. When they returned, he opened his mouth to speak, but they probably sensed what he was about to ask. "Xiao, do you know of the Hydro Archon?" He nodded. "She is an excellent healer, known to be able to cure any possible malady- Wait, are you saying what I think?" Venti cheekily replied with, "Maybe. If you are thinking that we'll get her here, then you're wrong. But we can go to some neutral ground, like Mondstadt, where she can try to heal Lumine." "But how will we contact her?" Xiao pointed out. "I am not going all the way to Fontaine." As one, Zhongli and Xiao turned towards Venti, sly looks on their faces.
""Why- Why are you looking at me like that? Venti asked in a scared voice. Zhongli smiled and said, "I am supposed to be dead, so I can't go. Xiao won't either. That only leaves one of us, really." "I-" "You can teleport, right?" Xiao interrupted him. "You're also excellent words." Zhongli added. Venti tried again, "I-" only to be interrupted again. "Also, Jili views you as her favourite older brother. So you should be the one to go."
"HEY!" Venti exclaimed. "You both are cornering me! Not fair!" Zhongli chuckled and said, "Nobody ever said life was fair, dear bard."
And so, Venti was forced to teleport to the court of Jiliana the Third, the Monarch of Fontaine, his lyre in hand.
(1123 words.)

Important in Another World- A Genshin Impact Xiao x Lumine fanfic
Fanfiction*Who was this girl?, he wondered. 'This mysterious aura coming off her, something that even I, an adeptus, cannot understand... But something certainly not from this world...'* Heyyy, this is my first time writing a fanfic, as you saw in the title...