100 views Special Chapter

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(Note:- This takes place before Chapter 3- A Not so new life, and after Ch-2, where Xiao decides to keep watch on Lumi. And uh haha this was supposed to be a 100 views special, but you might as well consider it a 200 views special lol. Thanks for the support!)

Lumine POV

As she was walking through the Whispering Woods of Mondstadt, worn out from helping the Acting Grand Master Jean, she kept hearing things. Did she? Unnatural rustling of leaves, an occasional crack of a twig. She was becoming extremely paranoid.


"AAAAHHHH WHAT THE HOLY POSEIDON!!!" Lumine screamed, jumping a hundred feet into the air. Well, maybe not a 100 feet, but you get the idea. She was scared out of her skin.

That was until she saw a very familiar girl, the one and only Outrider of Mondstadt, dressed in red with her bunny hairband.

"AMBER!!!" She exclaimed. "Whatever did you do that for! It freaked me out so badly! Hang on, does that mean you were the one who made all those creaky and rustly noises too?" "Huh? Aww, I was trying to keep as quiet as possible." "Guess your stealth skills have decreased considerably. You did nothing except make me extremely paranoid."

But Amber was jumping excitedly, as though wanting to tell her something. "Oh go on, say what you want to, otherwise you'll keep jumping in the air." She huffed, exasperated, and slapped a hand to her forehead.

Xiao POV

Perhaps this was a waste of time? Watching Lumine from the shadows. She seemed to have a pretty boring and regular life. Right now, he was watching her go through the woods. But she kept looking back as though something was gonna pounce on her. Even he heard rustling and creaking, even though he was not the one who made them.

Suddenly someone yelled, "LUMINE!"

Xiao nearly fell out of the tree he was hiding in, he was so badly startled. Since when had he been so surprised, he didn't remember. 

But what happened next actually made him chuckle, and stifle a laugh.

Lumine jumped right into the air and screamed, "AAAAAAAH WHAT THE HOLY POSEIDON!!!"

He slapped his hand over his mouth. He had no idea mortals could be so amusing. He was actually choking with laughter, which he hysterically tried to keep in, biting his cheek. Thank the Archons the mortals didn't notice him. 

As she swiveled around, he saw a girl completely dressed in childish red. She was waving her hands and clapping. "AMBER!" Lumine exclaimed. So she knew this girl

"Whatever did you do that for! It freaked me out so badly! Hang on, does that mean you were the one who made all those creaky and rustly noises too?" The Traveler said all of this in one breath. How, he didn't know.  "Huh? Aww, I was trying to keep as quiet as possible." Amber said, pouting. "Guess your stealth skills have decreased considerably. You did nothing except make me extremely paranoid."Lumine grumbled under her breath.

Amber was jumping excitedly, which Lumine noticed, and asked her to tell what was on her mind. To which she obstinately refused, saying that she absolutely had to go to Mondstadt City ASAP. "What is this all about? Cant I have even an hour of rest?" Hmph. Typical mortals. "Oooh you will have rest, but first you have to see this!" "Oh alright, alright, I'm coming."

Lumine POV

Seriously, her BFF'S behaviour was making her suspicious.  But as they neared the city gates, Swan, one of the guards, said hurriedly, "Oh Miss Lumine! Master Jean has called for you in the Angel's share immediately." Amber got a worried look on her face, and said, "I don't get it. Why would she, unless its something important. Come on, Lumi." So saying, she dragged Lumine all the way. Lumine frowned.

Important in Another World- A Genshin Impact Xiao x Lumine fanficWhere stories live. Discover now