Lumine POV
Although Lumine knew that Raiden probably didn't mean it, the air crackled with electro. It seemed to weigh down upon them. "Uhhh... The air feels so suffocating.." Paimon mumbled loudly, a tired hand on her forehead, shaking her head. She suddenly ducked to a side as a bolt of lightening hit really close, then continued onward.
Signora... was slain. So... effortlessly. It had taken one, one single strike from the Shogun, and not even ashes had remained. She remembered the dream she had had a few days ago, one she had dismissed as meaningless. 'The victors will burn bright, while the losers must turn to ash.' 'Incandescent Ode of Resurrection' Had it perhaps been referring to Signora? Although she did hate Signora, she had never expected her to be gone so quickly and easily. Had perhaps Ei grown stronger while she was weakened in a 500-year slumber?
"What I don't understand is why they are doing it... Why are the harbingers collecting all the Gnoses?" Xiao said, clearly at unease too.Thoughts weighed heavy on her mind. Something was not right. Lumine stopped for a moment, massaging her forehead. "Hmm? You got a headache Lumine?" Paimon asked. She didn't respond, she could feel one building up. Paimon tried to be the morale booster, "Chin up, let's get out of this place. Paimon feels unsettled..." "Geez, never would have thought of that myself." Xiao said sarcastically, and she sighed. Still true to his nature then.
"There's the sound of electro zapping the air... Paimon can barely breathe." Lumine silently agreed, massaging her head once again. "Are you okay?" Xiao asked. "You're so quiet." Paimon nodded. As they neared the exit, they noticed a lot of noise coming from outside. "Has a fight broken out or something outside?" Lumine asked. "I dunno, lets check it out." Xiao said.
But as they wearily approached to gates, a sight appeared that instantly lifted their moods. Their good old friends Gorou, Kazuha, and a bunch of resistance soldiers. They smiled happily at them.
Kazuha POV
He was the first to notice the disturbance in the air behind the travelers, a frown making its way onto his face. The space behind them seemed to be torn asunder, as a familiar sign appeared in the air- an eye with the electro symbol inside, all violet. Just as Lumine and Xiao noticed something was wrong, a figure emerged from behind. Well more specifically, the katana preceded the person.
It all seemed to be going in slow motion- The Raiden Shogun appearing, her katana raised, ready to strike the traveler down. Paimon screaming in fear. Xiao lifting his spear. Gorou's mouth dropping open. His own eyes widening- not in fear, but determination. If one looked closely, they would be able to see sparks in his eyes, electro surrounding him, He remembered what his friend had once said before setting out to confront the Shogun. 'There will always be those who dare the brave the lightening's glow.' If his eyes had fallen on it, he would have seen Tomo's dead vision sparking back to life, as he bounded forward in a flash of purple lightening. An explosion followed.
When they rubble cleared, he found himself facing the Shogun head-on, his blade straining to repel the Musou Isshin. No emotion could be seen in the Shogun except for boredom. 'This is for you, Tomo.' Both his visions strained, coloured waves of elemental energy coming of them, as he continued to put more pressure on his blade. Until, he pushed the Shogun's blade backwards with a sudden force and a flash of anemo swirled with electro.
Surprise appeared in the Shogun's eyes as she drew her blade backwards. She once again swiftly attacked him, and by pure force he was thrown back. As his sword skidded across the floor, his eyes fell on Tomo's vision- what had been glowing violet had returned to a muddy grey.
Lumine POV
'WHAT ON OLYMPUS JUST HAPPENED?' Lumine was in shock. To openly attack her- why? She couldn't find any reason. As the Shogun moved to attack her once again, Gorou yelled "Charge!" 'They were no match for her.' She thought. 'I cant allow them to risk their lives' She saw a jade spear raised to defend in the side of her vision, but she ignored it as she defended herself by slamming her blade against the Musou Isshin, in a similar way as to what Kazuha had done. After a few moments, she felt a deep purple-streaked darkness envelop her, as it revealed a familiar red backdrop. The true Raiden Shogun meditating silently.
When Ei opened her eyes to see Lumine, she smiled a happy, genuine smile. Lumine could tell that she really did not know of what had transpired outside. "Lumine! We meet again!" She said, revealing a cheerful side of her that she usually didn't show in public. She sighed.
"Ei-chan, do you know what the Shogun did?" Ei frowned. "What do you mean?" She shook her head tiredly. "Hmm it was nothing. Only thing is that the Shogun tried to kill me several times, a friend of ours had to risk his life to defend us, because we were caught off-guard. Nothing, right?" She said sarcastically. She had just about had enough, what with the Delusions and Tenryou betrayal and Signora, and now a rogue Shogun.
Ei blinked in surprise. "Tried to... kill you?" They nodded. Ei frowned at this, saying, "That is going too far." "So does that mean something has been up between you two?" Xiao asked curiously. "Well, yes, but I never expected it to go this far. You see, the Shogun and I have been having a few... problems. She is disagreeing with my ideals of eternity, which are changing thanks to the world you showed me. The Shogun was made unchanging centuries ago, when I believed that resisting change was the first step to attaining eternity. Now she does not agree over the fact that I chose to trust human ambitions, that I intend to open Inazuma to the world again. Therefore she has also been more resistant, when I wish to go out into the world by using the puppet. While she is free to have her own opinions against me, going as far as to attempt to kill family and friends, merely for the sake of winning a disagreement, is simply unacceptable."
Xiao and Lumine stood in silence as they let this new information sink in.
"If you don't mind, could you help me out a bit? I would like to hold my own against the Shogun, and for that I shall need to go to another place. More specifically, another Plane of Euthymia."
Lumine sighed. "That's what I'm here for, isn't it? Help everyone out. Fine, we'll help you."
(1192 words
And that's that. I know I had said I wouldn't include this scene, but then a plot idea popped into my mind so I chose to give yall a surprise hehe~ 'Insert evil Hu Tao giggle'~ So I have basically mixed Ei's second story quest into this, so Inazuma arc will continue for a bit longer before Chasm arc starts. Cya soon! :D)

Important in Another World- A Genshin Impact Xiao x Lumine fanfic
Fanfiction*Who was this girl?, he wondered. 'This mysterious aura coming off her, something that even I, an adeptus, cannot understand... But something certainly not from this world...'* Heyyy, this is my first time writing a fanfic, as you saw in the title...