Chapter 31- Retreat

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Xiao POV

"I say we go to the resistance first, get a hold on the situation, then talk to the Tenryou Commission." Xiao proposed. "A wise idea." Ei, or the Shogun nodded. It was complex, but from what he could understand, the Shogun would be the one accompanying them, but if she spoke, then it would be Ei, seeing the situation through the Shogun.

It was a long but pleasant walk through the varied scenery of Inazuma. Occasionally, monsters did show up, but with three more than excellent fighters? They didn't stand a chance. All through the while, they chatted, catching up on the situation.


"For the last time, I am NOT short! It's just that everyone else is too tall!" Xiao huffed in frustration. "For archon's sake, STOP picking on me!" The two girls accompanying him giggled and poked either side of his cheek. "Awww, you're cute when you pout." They said together, a small grin on their faces.

Xiao stared flabbergasted at them, eyes wide. "Hmph." He crossed his arms and turned away. Ei then patted him on the head with a smirk, knowing that she was almost a whole head taller than him, adding to his humiliation. "Don't worry, lil guy. We won't tease you anymore." Lumine said, smirking. " Why am I even travelling anywhere with you?" he muttered.

After that, most of the journey was relatively calm. As the sun started to set in golden hues, they finally reached Tatarasuna, where the resistance was battling it out with the Shogunate.

Lumine POV

As they walked forward, Lumine noticed that a few familiar faces were also mingled in the resistance army. Namely, her friends, Kazuha and Beidou. A cute little boy with dog ears and a fluffy tail also stood out from the crowd, as did a tall woman with baby pink hair streaked with blue. As they walked forward, a woman with dark navy hair and a tengu mask, gasped on seeing her. "Seize her!" She instantly ordered her forces, and a section divided and headed for her, weapons in hand. She sighed, guess they hadn't noticed the Shogun yet. With one blow of her weapon, she sent five warriors who had come close to her flying back.

"Halt." the Shogun said in an impeccably cold voice, walking forward from the shadows. She calmly walked towards the border, as if it wasn't a battlefield. Turning to Kujou Sara, she ordered, "Retreat with all the forces. All the way back to Narukami Island." Sara's eyes widened, as she stammered, "But-but-" "Do not make me repeat myself." The Shogun said. Overhead, lightning flashed and thunder roared. She nodded. "Yes, your Highness!" Turning to the forces, Sara said, "You heard. Follow me." With that, each and every of the Shogunate forces marched away.

The Raiden Shogun walked forward unobstructed, with Xiao and Lumine at her heels. "Sangonomiya Kokomi." She hummed, observing the tall woman with pink hair in slight curiosity. "Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island, descendant of Enkanomiya, and if my information is right, leader of the Resistance." Kokomi walked forward, head held high. "Indeed."

As the two faced each other, the sheer power and tension in the air could have been cut with a knife. Xiao and Lumine were fully braced for a fight. But Lumine walked forward, waving at Kazuha and Beidou, who waved back to her in shock. She walked over to them. "What is going on, Lumine? I thought you were wanted?" Kazuha asked in surprise. "I could say the same of you."She replied, chuckling dryly." But wait and watch. There's a bit of a surprise coming your way."

"Traveler." Kokomi noted. "It is a surprise seeing you accompany the Shogun, seeing how you acted against her a few weeks ago." "Indeed." She said, smiling.

"Enough of the niceties." The Shogun interrupted. "I wish to talk to you in private, Sangonomiya Kokomi." Kokomi's eyes widened in shock, and the dog-boy's tail began wagging hard. "I accept." She said. "But not one wrong move, or I won't hesitate to retaliate." "Your Excellency." The dog-boy interrupted. "Are you sure?" "Yes Gorou. If this works out well, then it could change things drastically." "Then may I accompany you?"

"Yes you may." The Shogun said. Kokomi, Gorou, Lumine and Xiao followed the Shogun inside one of the tents. She waved her hand, and a seal shimmered in view for a moment before disappearing in a flash of electro. At Lumine's questioning look, she said, "A sound shield, to prevent anyone else from overhearing."

"I shall get straight to the point. Do you want the Vision Hunt Decree abolished?" Both Kokomi and Gorou nodded without hesitation. "Then I shall also be straightforward. I was not informed of the resistance. According to what the Tenryou Commission had said, everything was going without a hitch and no one was opposing."

Kokomi hummed. "If that's the case, then how did you know of the resistance now?" "For that, you have Lumine and Xiao here to thank. They were the ones who brought this situation to light." Lumine smiled. "Even though I could never meet any of you properly, I did hear a lot of tell. Your efforts are admirable. But in defense of the Shogun, she did not know about the effect the decree was having upon the people of Inazuma."

"I see" Gorou mused. "So in short, both sides were misunderstood." They nodded. "And if our suspicions are right, then the Tenyrou Commission is to blame." Xiao added. Lumine smiled a little at seeing him actively involved in the situation; he was usually one to work from the sidelines and shadows. "Very well. Then, once I head back to Narukami Island, and sort things out with the Tenryou Commission, then I shall release the order for the abolishment of the decree." Kokomi smiled happily, and extended her hand, as a truce. After a moment, Raiden shook it firmly, sealing the deal.

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So yeah, there's a new update here, also I have the next chapter planned, its a matter of seeing when can I write it. And I shall not be doing any writing after 25th May to around 3rd June, seeing as I will be going on a trip. So keep well, and cyall ;) )

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