Lumine POV
She turned away from him. Holy Poseidon, this was horrible. How could she have not noticed that there was someone else in the room too? She must have been too absorbed in the battle.
But what would she do now? Xiao looked like he wouldn't leave until he got answers, and he probably had a lot of questions. And she certainly couldn't give away the secrets of her homeland. She clenched her fists. Made a decision.
She swiped her hand through the air. The air seemed to shimmer for a bit. "What did you do?" Xiao asked, frowning. "I created a sound shield, so that no one eavesdrops on us, like you had." Her harsh tone made it amply clear that she didn't appreciate his sneaking.
She turned back to him. "Well, what do you want to know?"
Xiao POV
He had so many questions.... What should he ask first? Would she answer them?
He decided on something that really intrigued him. "Your sword. How did you do that?" He knew that she knew exactly what she was talking about. "It is a sword from my homeland, that has been infused with my powers." This succinct answer didn't satisfy him. "Elaborate. No nation in Tevyat, not even Snezhnaya, has achieved such developmental milestones that your sword showed." She looked annoyed, and said, "I repeat myself. This is a sword from my homeland, not yours, which is Tevyat." "Huh?" She groaned. "Are you seriously so dimwitted? Obviously I am not from Tevyat! I am clearly a Traveler from another world, who decided she wanted to see the universe, but is unfortunately stuck here."
He sighed. Clearly she wouldn't tell him anything else. So he proceeded. "What was that form you took after you, uhh, how do I put it. Erupted into flames?" With an emotionless face, she said, "That is an advanced form of myself, which is more powerful than the face I show the the world. It is like you when you don your mask, and Childe's Foul Legacy Transformation." "Why so succinct?" She glared at him, and said, "I will obviously tap dance around the important areas, as I have sworn a contract with the rulers of my homeland, to never reveal the important things. And surely you, of all people, understand the importance of contracts."
He pressed his lips into a thin line, as she did. "By rulers, do you mean gods?" "Maybe." she said nonchalantly.
Meanwhile, he was having an internal debate with himself. On whether to ask her about that day, when he saw her with her other brother, and the girl. But she had made it clear that she didn't appreciate his actions in the Golden House, even though he had done them as he was actually worried for her. He didn't think she would react well if he told her that he knew more than she wanted him too.
Suddenly, he remembered the seal she had talked about. "What is that seal you mentioned?" With that same emotionless look, she said, "I first came to this world at a very bad time, during the time when the Archons and Celestia destroyed Khanrei'ah, just for being an advanced human nation without a god. I had explored Khanrei'ah, and loved the place. But when it was destroyed, me and my brother tried to escape, but we were stopped by an unknown god, who sealed our powers to stop us from leaving. She also took my brother away, which is why I am here in Tevyat in the first place. Happy now? "
His eyes widened. "But- but, Khanrei'ah was destroyed 500 years ago!" Lumine blinked. "Come again?" "Khanrei'ah was destroyed 500 years ago." Her eyes grew faraway. "Impossible. I don't get it." She murmured.
He waved his hands in front of her eyes. "You there?" He called out. She snapped back to reality. "Yes." She said curtly. "Now, I hope you are satisfied, as I shall not answer more questions." He huffed. "Alright."
Lumine POV
Her outwardly demeanor was calm and collected, but inside, her teeth were gritted and fists clenched. 500 years? That was impossible. In Olympus, it seemed to have been only a month since she left. Unless, maybe the time didn't run at the same speed? But still, it was a huge difference. One month, and 500 years.
"Lumine." Her thoughts were interrupted rudely. "I am... sorry." Sorry? "What do you mean?" "I shouldn't have asked you those questions, they were obviously personal." Yeah, they were a hella lot personal. They raised a whole lot of horrible memories, things that I don't want to remember, but cant forget. "You can't change anything now. I would wish to forget this meeting." "Hey, wait! " She stopped in her tracks without turning around. "Yes?" Xiao fumbled with his words. "I... I, uh, wanted to say that...." "That?" She prompted. He scratched his head and didn't speak. She waited for a bit.
When he didn't continue speaking, she turned, and teleported away to make sure he wouldn't follow her. By now she was pretty suspicious of him, so she double and triple checked anyways. But she could have sworn that as she left, she heard him mumble, "Please don't be angry with me... I had just come to make sure you were okay as I didn't see you in the city." But she didn't get it. Why would he even care? After all, to him, she was probably a normal random mortal. Yet, he claimed that he had wanted to make sure she was safe. At this realization, a sort of warm feeling bloomed inside her that she squashed in the bud.
As she walked forward, she froze on seeing the air in front of her shimmer. Was someone sending her an Iris message? No, she didn't think so. Instead, words appeared in front of her. A handwriting she knew very well, and hated from the bottom of her heart. What she saw made her cover her mouth with her hands, and her knees go weak. Words had spelled out, "E V E R Y O N E A N D E V E R Y T H I N G IS P A R T O F M Y P L A N. T H E S H O W D O W N W I L L B E S O O N. - K R O N O S."
(1101 words. Guys I am sorry, this chapter is kinda short, since I was out of ideas right now. And we are nearly at 300 views in 11 days, woohoo, so lets aim for 500 views next! Toodles!)

Important in Another World- A Genshin Impact Xiao x Lumine fanfic
Fanfiction*Who was this girl?, he wondered. 'This mysterious aura coming off her, something that even I, an adeptus, cannot understand... But something certainly not from this world...'* Heyyy, this is my first time writing a fanfic, as you saw in the title...