Chapter 28- Feelings

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Xiao POV

Xiao was still in shock after what he just got to know. As the Inn was bathed in orange and red from the fiery sunrise, he took a mental break to collate all that he had learnt about this mysterious outlander Lumine. Firstly, she was a god. A FREAKING GOD. Then she was the sister of the seven archons of Tevyat. Zhongli had said, that the archons had come here to search for a missing sister. Could that have been Lumine. It was more than possible. 

But then Lumine went around as if she wasn't at all some powerful, immortal being. He realised that because she was a god, she was actually in a higher position than he was. He'd have to keep that in mind.

Then came the matter of what had transpired in that clearing. He realised that he did not know who those things were. When he asked about that, Lumine snorted. "Who? More like what. Those were hellhounds, they live in the realm of Uncle Hades. But, unfortunately, Kronos has been able to aquire them on his side, although Hades is against Kronos. And that man... was someone who had made the very rise of Kronos successful by betraying my brother, who risked his own life to save Nakamura's."

"I see." Xiao hummed. "And Kronos is..?" She wrinkled her nose as she said, "Lord of the Titans. Sworn enemy of the gods. My own personal nemesis." The amount of hatred she held for him was visible in her tone, so he decided to move on. 

At the door, they encountered a freaking out Venti. "Where have you been! We thought you had sneaked off to Inazuma again!"

Xiao blinked as he realised something. She had said that the archons had disappeared before her prophecy was over. So... did they not know about her being a god? He pulled her aside as he asked this. "Sheesh, no need to add more guilt. I'm already feeling bad about it. But they can't know, not yet. Not until I find Aether and finish my journey."

"Hey! What are you two gossipping about?" Venti protested from the other corner of the room. "Nothing." Lumine said a little too hastily. Venti raised an eyebrow at that. "Just, you know.... Nothing." She said defensively, only causing his other eyebrow to meet his hairline. "Dont get any wrong ideas! We were just discussing something." Xiao snapped. Venti grinned, unable  to hold in his laughter. "Like your feelings?"




"What the heck are you talking about, Barbatos?" Xiao and Lumine asked together. It finally caused Venti to officially lose it, as he rolled about the floor with sheer laughter. Earning him some weird looks from people having breakfast, but he didn't care. "Oh... God!" He stammered between hysterics. "Its... so... funny! You two are... so... oblivious!" They both glanced at him weirdly. "Uhh, we will leave you here to compose yourself. I have things to do." Xiao said emotionlessly, as he vanished in swirls of green and black mist. Lumine did the same, but in golden mist.

After a long time, Xiao went to his reserved room, while Lumine went in hers.

Lumine POV

Sheesh. What the freak was wrong with Venti? He was literally acting like a madman. She wondered if he had had too much to drink. 

But what he had said really niggled at her. Feelings... Her mind said. She told it to shut up. She groaned in exasperation. These were the exact girl problems she had always tried to avoid in her life. Curse Venti for bringing it up.

She sighed as she cupped her hands together. They emitted a sift silver light, until a small, glowing lily formed itself in her palm. It had a silver sheen to it, and was similar to the lilies she wore in her hair. She extended her hand, and it disappeared into the air with a small pop.

She patiently waited, leaning back in her armchair. Some minutes later, a woman appeared in her room, glowing slightly blue, her aqua gown glistening in the morning rays. "Morning, Jiliana!" She said cheerfully. 

Jiliana smiled. "I figured that flower was from you. Need any help? " "As a matter of fact, yes." She sighed.

She told Jili about her confusing feelings about Xiao and what Venti had said. Jili grinned just like Venti did. "Ahaha, it's been long coming. Both of you deserve what is going on between you, and it's up to you to figure it out. But some day soon, you should talk face to face with Xiao about this. Good luck. " Jili looked amused as she disappeared into thin air, and Lumine huffed impatiently. Why couldn't anyone just give a straight answer?? "Sheesh. Feelings are so goddamn confusing! "

Some distance away, Xiao thought the same thing.

Xiao POV

After Venti's behavior, Xiao had gone to see Zhongli about what Venti had said. Zhongli had patiently listened to all that Xiao had to say. A smile spread on his face. "This matter is something you must figure out on your own. But you should know, that having feelings for someone isn't lame. And in no way does it endanger our contract. You should remember one thing- Follow your heart. Listen to your intuition."

 His notorious boss chose that moment to burst into the room. "Zhongliiii! I need you PRONTO!" Hu Tao exclaimed. Zhongli sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "What have you done now, Hu Tao?" "I, uh, might have scared some potential customers. BUT IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" He sighed again as he got up. "I have to go now, Xiao. Remember what I said." With that, he followed a running Hu Tao out of the room.

"Sheesh. Feelings are so goddamn confusing." he muttered to himself, as he vanished back to the highest balcony of Wangshu Inn.

( 1064 words.

Ok, so I know I disappeared for a while. But I have had to study for the new school year, soooo. And I am kinda running out of ideas in the long term, so it may mean potentially longer time between updates. Especially since I will be going on a 10-11 day trip in May end, so no updates. Then my physical school will also begin. But I promise to not forget Wattpad altogether lol. Cya soon!)

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