( So, like I'd promised, this is the special chapter. But again, thanks so much for the support, yall. I told my bestie about this, and because of the fact that I started this merely two weeks ago, that this already has 500 views made her have such a priceless expression XD Oops sorry I'm rambling hehe
Warning- This chapter contains death, gore and violence after ' ______________' Read at your discretion. I will include a quick summary in the next chapter if you don't wish to read it.)
(This takes place before Ch-12 Mystery Man and after Ch-11 Making Amends.)
Xiao POV
Ah, yes.
Night-time. The part of the day he loved the most, and yet hated the most. A time when everything was deserted, and he could stop for more than a moment to actually gather his thoughts. When the sweet, resonant melody of the Dihua Flute wafted through the air, a beautiful sound to his ears. The time when the tough to kill karmic monsters sprouted, making it his task to finish them.
But these days, though he would never admit it, things had become easier with Lumine by his side. You'd never expect it by just looking at her, but she was a very skilled fighter. When he questioned her about her commendable abilities, she'd shrugged it off, calling it 'a necessity that everyone in my world has to learn. in order to survive.'
He thought about how much his life had changed. Just a few weeks ago, he was very reclusive, absolutely antisocial. And now, he could talk easily with Lumine and Albedo. Admittedly, they were quite easier to talk to than the average person, both being the only ones other than the other adepti and Rex Lapis to know about his karmic burden.
Albedo.... was mysterious. But everyone had their secrets. Besides, they got on really well together, the alchemist also somewhat preferring the cold, almost-deserted haven of Dragonspine compared to the bustling Mondstadt city.
Lost in his thoughts, he was startled violently by a tiny fist waving in front of his face. He groaned. "Little pixie? What are you doing up so late in the night? Don't you know to never interrupt an adepti's thoughts? Hmph, no respect."
"I need your help!" Paimon squeaked, looking terrified. He rolled his eyes. "Get your food yourself." "Nooo, wait! Lumine needs help!"
He froze. Slowly turned around. "What do you mean? Is something wrong with her?" Paimon nodded worriedly. "Paimon is unable to wake her up! She's sweating in her sleep, and whimpering! It's like she is in a nightmare! Paimon tried to stop it, but didn't know what to do, and doesn't know who to go to, so I came to you!" Nightmares. He despised them. Slowly, his eyes unfocused, he said, "Lead the way."
Paimon hurriedly floated off, and he followed. It wasn't far away, a normal, minimally furnished but well maintained room. Well, almost normal. He frowned.
Lumine was tossing and turning, her hands holding the blanket in a death grip. Beads of sweat rolled off her forehead, as she sniffled and murmured some incoherent words. He narrowed his eyes at Paimon. "How long has this been going on?" He asked in a low voice.
Sweatdropping, Paimon squeaked, "Well, it happened to her sometimes before, but never this bad! Paimon usually just wakes her up!" Sighing, he walked forward. His hand hovered over Lumine's forehead, in a claw- like shape. Closing his eyes, he called upon an ancient adeptus art , one that he hadn't used in a long, long while.
Suddenly, incoherent scenes flashed in his head. He was prepared for this. What he couldn't decipher, but see was the essence of her nightmare. He fisted the hand that was above Lumine's forehead, and waited for the essence to coalesce. It appeared in his hand, obsidian black as the night, slightly fluffy, but extremely gross, like a ball of hair. Ewwwwww. He walked to the open window, and released his palm, letting the ball float in the air. 'Begone.' he whispered, and watched as it broke into a million tiny pieces.
"Yayyy! It worked!" Paimon's screechy voice cut through. He turned, and saw that Lumine was visibly calmer. Her hands weren't in as firm a grip on the blanket. She had stopped sweating.
He smiled slightly, the smallest, most indecipherable crooks of his mouth. She was better now, no longer stuck in her nightmare. "Shhh Paimon, now don't be so loud, and let her sleep. She's had a bad night." Paimon nodded and disappeared into her world.
That small smile still on his face, he softly said, "Good night Lumine. If you ever need help, don't ever hesitate to call me." A soft smile formed on her angelic face, framed by the moonlight, as though she had heard him. He turned and walked away.
Lumine POV
Not again. Those cursed memories, flashbacks, that chose to haunt her forever. But ultimately, she was powerless as she slipped into the nightmare.
'Mortal arrogation ends here.' Red blocks engulfing her brother, as she raced towards him. Too late. Her brother disappeared from sight. 'GIVE ME MY BROTHER BACK!'
The land of Khanreia'ah, oh- so precious to her, destroyed in front of her eyes. Seven deities appearing behind a figure dressed in red. Chaos broke loose, but all she could focus on was that an entire nation was laid to ruins, and she had been absolutely powerless to stop it.
"I don't want to see this anymore." She whimpered. To no avail.
She arrived at the battlefield, a young man running beside her. Their eyes widened as they took in the scene. A distinct clank could be heard as Lumine's sword dropped to the ground. 'No.' she whispered. 'No, no, no, no, no.' 'It's not your fault, Lumi...' The man beside her, Archer said softly.
Bodies lay littered all around her, familiar faces. A girl with bubblegum pink hair, and slightly tanned skin. A girl with obsidian black hair streaked with turquoise, and contrasting white skin. 'Oh no. Claudia... Cecilia... Please ... Please don't be dead.' She whispered, dropping to her knees and frantically checking for any sign of life, a twitch, a pulse, a breath. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 'No.' She whispered, tears streaking down her face.
'WATCH OUT LUMINE!' A yell came from behind her. She swiveled around, only to scream in horror and fear.
A blade was sticking though Archer. She gasped, running to him as fast as her shaky legs would allow. 'NOOOO, not you too, Archer, please don't die!' He simply gave her a soft smile and whispered, 'I knew this was coming.... I love you, dear sis. Stay till... the end...' His eyes fluttered close.
'My, my.' A voice intruded on her despair. A very familiar voice. 'Kronos.' She snarled. She gripped her sword in her hand, taking slow steps towards the Titan. 'You killed my brother and my best friends.' She said in a low voice. The sky began to crackle with lightening, the air got heavy. Her hands were fisted. The grief in her eyes had given way to fury and rage. Suddenly, lightening struck. A booming voice, another one she recognised, seemed to say, 'The Olympians give you their powers and blessings. Fight as we do.' A red aura enveloped her. The blessing of Ares. Her mind worked more clearly. Athena's powers. She felt as if she had all the elements to her disposal. Kronos seemed slightly unsettled. 'You will pay for this.' She whispered. Her sword began glowing.
She was powerless to stop her flashbacks, and the sorrow it brought. But slowly, something seemed to be changing. The nightmares seemed to be fading away, as though their very essence was being taken away. She felt a whole lot calmer; the memories seemed to be fading away.
As she fell into the welcome arms of dreamless sleep, she heard a familiar voice whisper, "Good night Lumine. If you ever need help, don't ever hesitate to call me." At the care in the tone, she smiled softly in her sleep. Things had turned the right side up again.
(1429 words.
Alright, so I know this chapter was a bit serious, and probably not at all what you expected in a special chapter. But it also sheds a light on Lumine's past, which is gonna be pretty important in the future chapters. If you'll remember the last para of Lumine's POV in Ch-2, then it will make some sense. Hope it turned out ok, and I'll be publishing the usual chapter [ Ch-14- Secret of the Abyss Part II] tomorrow, as I don't have time today. Cya!)

Important in Another World- A Genshin Impact Xiao x Lumine fanfic
Fanfiction*Who was this girl?, he wondered. 'This mysterious aura coming off her, something that even I, an adeptus, cannot understand... But something certainly not from this world...'* Heyyy, this is my first time writing a fanfic, as you saw in the title...