Chapter 27- Prophecy Unraveled

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Xiao POV

"We all are siblings."

For the first minute, he didn't understand what they said. When he started to understand..... His jaw dropped in utter shock, his eyes wide as coins. 

"Wait, are you KIDDING ME! The first person I made friends with in centuries is a SISTER OF THE ARCHONS!!" "Ehehe" Venti chuckled nervously. "Uhh, I know this is shocking, but yeah. We tried to put it in the most un-shocking way possible." "And did the exact opposite." He muttered, his brain still reeling from the information. Lumine is a sister of the Archons... He kept repeating this in his head, trying to dull the shock.

He looked at his lord for confirmation, and Zhongli nodded. Lumine looked at the three gods with an amused smile on her face. "To think that we all already met for months. but didn't realise our relations." 

"So...... " Venti said, an uncharacteristically serious expression on his usually cheerful face. "What's been going on at home?" They all exchanged glances, clearly understanding the question, though he didn't. Lumine took a deep breath and said, "You all might want to sit down for this." Without a word, Venti and Jiliana sat down on either side of Venti, He and Zhongli settled themselves on comfy armchairs facing Lumine and the others. 

Lumine took a deep breath. "It's...over." "The entire?" Jiliana asked, looking concerned. "Yes."

Xiao sat forward. "Would anyone care to tell me what is the topic?" Everyone ignored him, and he sat back with a sigh. "What was the prophecy again? I forgot over the course of millenia." Zhongli asked.

Lumine took another deep breath, then recited a poem of sorts.

"There will come a hero of the great,

For whom especially cruel would be fate.

The world in endless flame they shall see.

But powerless to stop it they would be.

Only when all hope is gone,

Shall Olympus be raised or lost."

"I forgot just how horrid it was." Venti muttered. Then Lumine finally acknowledged him. "I know you are confused, so let me explain. Years and years ago, I was the holder of a great prophecy. I had to shoulder the burden the fate of the entirety of our kind. What I just recited was the prophecy I held."

"That sounds horrible though."

"So what happened?" Jiliana prompted. Lumine swallowed. "Just what the prophecy said. One by one, I lost everyone I cared for. You were the first people to disappear. I was scared the the prophecy was coming true, so I searched and searched for you, to no avail. Then I lost my little sisters. The human ones. Camp was also affected. All my friends started dying, or vanishing, or going crazy. There was nothing I could do to stop anything." She paused, and Jiliana slung a comforting arm around her shoulders. She continued with a deep breath.

"In the end, when the war begun, all I had left were my brother Archer, and my besties, Claudia and Cecilia. The rest was a bunch of resilient demigods that I didn't know or care about. And on the last day...." Her voice trailed off.

She shook her head and began again. "That day, we had split up. Archer and I had to go and deal with a Lydian Drakon. We left the security of Olympus in Claudia and Cecilia's hands. They were very powerful demigods, but.... " She shook her head. "They were no match for Kronos's army. When we came, we found them... Dead." 

"While I was absorbed in my emotions, Kronos snuck up on me. He would have killed me, if not for Archer taking the fatal blow for me. That's... when I lost everything."

"Overcome by anger and grief, I let my emotions guide. I confronted Kronos. I fought him. Though the gods were fighting some monster I forogt about, they still gave me their powers and blessings. With their help, I... saved Olympus. But I lost what was most precious to me. I lost family."

She fell quiet, her head hanging down. Jiliana hugged her tight. "It was not your fault. You did your best to save them." "But my best wasn't enough. Anyways, to make sure what happened to me, didn't happen to anyone else, when the next one came, I tried to help, and mentor the next holders. And the next. Each time, Kronos threw me into Tartarus." "HE WHAT?" Zhongli yelped. 

"Over time, I got a new brother. Aether. He was my only brother by blood. Percy Jackson is also a son of Poseidon, but he is the next prophecy bearer. But when I left to explore with Aether, I didn't know about Perce's prophecy." She slumped down. "And now I'm stuck here, with my brother missing, and my other brother with a sword over his head."

He didn't know how to respond to this sad story. But Zhongli got up, and kneeled down so that he was at face level with Lumine. "We will help you find Aether." He said firmly. "I promise you that. We all do."

"But what about you all?" She replied questioningly, with sadness in her eyes. "What do you mean?" Venti asked. 

"You all are also my first family." She responded. "And I've finally found you all. I... don't know what to do. I don't want to leave you all."

The three archons glanced at each other. Venti said, "You can always come visit us, whenever you want. If you choose to go, then we will also come visit you. We didn't forget you for three and a half millenia; we won't forget you now, nor ever."

She took another deep breath; obviously all this talking and the trip down memory lane had taken its emotional toll on her. Then she hugged them all, and they hugged her back. Xiao stayed in the shadows. He didn't want to upset this little reunion. So he was rather surprised when she motioned for him to come over too. He raised his eyebrows, and she chuckled. "You've helped me so much on my journey. You too are like family to me." 

A small but genuine smile spread on his face as he hugged someone for the first time in centuries.

( 1127 words.

Uh huh. Im back from hiatus! And honestly, this is one of the chapters I was hyped for, coz it reveals A LOT of Lumine's backstory. Why did I say 'a lot' and not all? Coz there r still many secrets to be unraveled! So stay tuned, and Cyall!)

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