(Haha forgive me, but I was listening to Zhongli's demo on loop during writing this chapter :D)
Dainsleif POV
He hid a smile as the Traveler and the Yaksha followed him towards the Abyss Stronghold. Young Xiao had firmly insisted on accompanying them again, on their hunt for a Herald. He wondered if the two were aware of what was going in between them. Well, if they didn't, and that certainly seemed like the case, they would know soon enough. 'I know that adepti suffer heartache just as I do. But though I do not know young Xiao's future, will he continue to fight the unending war he wages and be plunged into despair? Or.... has he finally met someone who can understand his sacrifice, and can shine a ray of light into his dark world? '
He knew that the tension between them would be dispelled soon, so he decided to focus on the Abyss. When they reached the stronghold, they all looked at each other. Lumine shrugged and attacked the Abyss Mages, while Xiao took care of the Ruin Guard. Dain, for his part, used his magic to prevent any stragglers and escapers that could ruin their plans, although it might not be visible at first.
But when everything was cleared, they all looked confused. One of the mages had dropped some kind of.... talisman? He briefly read through the familiar script, and mused, "Well, this seems to be related to the Herald. But why would a mere abyss mage be carrying it?"
"But Paimon cant understand a single word." Then she gasped. "Is that the script of Khanreia'ah?" "Indeed it is." Dain replied calmly. He translated the writing on it for them.
"... Engulf the faith of the enemy, and bring glory to His Highness the Prince." "Prince..." Lumine mused. "Well, the Abyss Herald had mentioned this 'Prince'. No idea why he's looking for me though." "What do you mean? Are you saying you have... met a herald?" Xiao asked, frowning. "Yes." Lumine said. Dain motioned for them to stop talking, and continued translating.
Lumine POV
"Loom of Fate, initial operation." Dainsleif frowned again. "They... The Abyss... seem to be planning on carrying out a mass scale operation, the key word being Loom of Fate."
"Is it some sort of literal fate weaving machine? At this point, Paimon wouldn't be surprised if it was." "I think it is related to the inverted statue and the creepy ruins." Lumine said.
"So wait, the Abyss Order wants to make some sort of Cybernetic Squid God of Mass Destruction?"
She, Dain and Xiao snorted together at this totally ridiculous name. Lumine laughed and said, "These nicknames keep getting longer!" You could always rely on Paimon to give you some humor.
"But no one knows where this 'first eye' is. " Xiao said, He had been speedily brought up to date. "Perhaps we should use that statue as our starting point." She replied, "Well, it looked like the Anemo Archon." Her voice still held a tinge of bitterness to it, but no one commented on it. "But that Tone deaf Bard is too hard to track. Lets ask the Cathedral about it." Paimon said.
"The closer we get to the target, the more enemies there are." Xiao muttered. "Hmph. Fits the Abyss Order's style." Lumine groaned internally. Dain had also started on 'huffing.' Probably learn it from Xiao. "We should hurry and find Boreas." Dain paused, then said, "I... am not going any further in." "Is it because you are afraid of fluffy animals?"Paimon still as tactless as ever. Once again, she and Xiao snorted in unison. She hoped she wasnt getting the habit of snorting as well. "No. It is because, though Boreas was a god, he still willingly became a servant of Barbatos. I cannot possibly agree with his actions. I do not desire any interaction with him."

Important in Another World- A Genshin Impact Xiao x Lumine fanfic
Fanfiction*Who was this girl?, he wondered. 'This mysterious aura coming off her, something that even I, an adeptus, cannot understand... But something certainly not from this world...'* Heyyy, this is my first time writing a fanfic, as you saw in the title...