© 2013 by Elysa Salavarria. All rights reserved.
This is dedicated to my dear friend Ashreena. ^_^ your very early birthday present!
Before you read this story, I just want to warn you that it's not going to be very good because this is my first fan-fiction, EVER! So if it seems a bit off, or it's not like others, please excuse that.
Another thing I need to say is that Lyza's name is pronounced LIE-sa. I know its wierd, but yeah.
Okay so I guess that's it. Oh & if you think that I hate any celebrities because I make them enemies in this story, I don't. Only 1 or 2 people I might not like, but yeah. So...
Here goes nothing...
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Ashy's POV:
I felt my head throb at Miss' words.
Technology is such a pain, I feel like clawing my eyes out. I couldn't eat dinner due to the ridiculous amount of homework I have been set and I had to skip my breakfast otherwise I would be late for the bus! Yet that didn't work out as planned for I missed the bus and had to take a ride with my sister. Just great.
And here I am, on a Wednesday, having D & T. But it's not just like any lesson; I have DOUBLE Technology! It's bad enough dealing with the damn subject for one hour, just doubling it makes me feel like the teachers want to kill me.
I turn my head to my left, noticing that Lyza looks as if she could black out any second. How can I tell? Well, she has her elbow on the desk, with her hand underneath her chin, trying to support her wobbling head. As her brown eyes struggled to stay open, I realised that her makeup was a mess! Brown eyeliner is smudged all over her crease, wet mascara light yet clumpy & her lips look dry and pale. Oh dear she looks like a clown. And her outfit was so weird... she's wearing a knee length yellow dress (which is by far her worst colour, even though I was the one who got her the dress), an orange waistcoat with lace leggings to match, but it's all messy and crumpled up. I wouldn't be so shocked if she wore her bra inside out. The only thing normal about her was her white pair of converse. Something that definitely shocked me was the fact that her black/brunette hair was up and in a messy bun. A bun. Yep, something is wrong with my friend.
Miss Valleys starts going on with the history of packaging and how important nutritional labelling is. I've already learnt this in Year 7! I feel like dying.
" Okay, so now open your logbooks I'm going to set you some homework,"
Kill me now!
" The homework is to write a full essay,"
" Also, you need to include an evaluation and reflection of your work."
Yep, I'm dead.
I glanced once at my friend before I quickly wrote the task into my log book.
Time flew by really quickly. The next thing you know, it's already lunch. I met Lyza in the canteen, who was sat on our usual table. It was in the corner of the room, closest to the fire exit. We weren't popular, but at the same time we weren't losers. We were just an average pair of nobodies hiding in a crowd of students. Only our non-existent reputation had been going downhill for The Populars have taken a sudden interest on ruining our lives. It's only been a few weeks since we came back from the holidays, but already I've eaten spoilt food, tripped up in PE and broken my phone. All because of them.

Love Me or Love Me Not... (One Direction fan-fiction)
Fanfiction16 year old Ashy Sanders is a normal college student at her Secondary School's Sixth Form. With her best friend (Lyza) at her side, everything is completely normal. It's only when the hottest boy band around, One Direction, have chosen their school...