LMOLMN: Chapter 23

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Or I think it's mild. Just there's swearing included so, yeah.

IVE UPDATED!! I really suck at updating....*facepalm*

Just in time...Time for the story to carry on!!

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The room was quiet. Despite that at least five other patients were in the room, not a single sound could be heard. Even the ticking of the clock was completely inaudible.

Only, if someone listened closely, the continuous beep of the monitor was there. It was quiet, yet it was there. It was Louis's only hope. The only way to indicate that she was still alive was the heart monitor. If it wasn't for that, Louis would have believed she was dead. Still, it didn't help the situation. No news came from the doctors.

Louis took her left hand. He rested his head onto the side of the bed and cried, silently. Ashy, whose deathly-pale skin matched the colour of the bed sheets, was immobile. Her chest didn't even look like it was moving.

She's not going to die. She's going to live.

Ever since Louis got to the hospital and a group of doctors took her away, he had begun some sort of chant in his head. It had been almost an hour since they'd taken away and he still had hope. "Ashy?" There was no reply, not even a twitch. He expected her to just suddenly wake up, as if she didn't just get hit by a car. How stupid of me.

The sound of the curtain rustling echoed in the room. Louis didn't react. Even when the curtain opened and a woman glided nonchalantly into the room, as if there wasn't a dying patient right before her eyes. It was only when she laid her ebony hand onto Louis' shoulder did he look up. It was evident that he'd been crying. Nevertheless, he left a faint kiss on Ashy's bandaged forehead, let go of her hand and limped out of the room. Louis had run two miles in less than an hour; the sudden need to sleep overcame him. Only he had to stay awake, for Ashy.

As he left the room, he let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding in. "Shoot." he forgot to call Lyza. She's Ashy's best friend, surely she'd need to be informed. Swiftly, Louis took his phone and turned it on. He dialled Lyza's number.

"What?" Fatigue was evident in her voice.

"Lyza, I need to tell you something."

"I'm sorry Louis, but now isn't the time." She told him gently. He gripped his hair and took deep breaths.


"Now really isn't the time. I'm already dealing wi-" it was Louis' time to cut her off.

"Ashy is in the hospital. And she's dying." For the first time, he accepted the harsh reality to those words.


"Dying?!" Lyza screamed. "What the hell, Louis? What happened to her?!"

No more than a second later, Clio came into the room. Around her eyes were wet, black smudges. "What happened to who?" Her nose was blocked. Lyza ignored her completely and focused on what Louis was telling her.

"Louis please..." her heart raced. She closed her eyes.

"She...she got hit by a car." Louis replied.

"What..." Lyza lowered the phone as more people filed into the room. Her father, her mother and Lina. "I'm going to be there in five, wait. Which hospital is it at?"

"Uh..." Louis thought about it. He quickly blurted it out.

"Okay, I'm coming." Lyza pressed the END CALL button and clicked her phone off.

She ran upstairs to her bedroom. As quick as possible, she grabbed her keys, cardigan, wallet, earphones and a bottle of water which sat by her black desk. Stuffing all of the taken items into a random black bag, Lyza swiftly missed a few steps on the stairs. Unfortunately for her, her parents were curious.

"Lyza, where the hell do you think you're going?" André stepped in front of her. She sighed, frustratingly.

"I just need to go somewhere." said Lyza. Her feet steered themselves around her father and to the front door. "Shit, the paparazzi."

"Language!" cried Viola, her mother. Lyza turned to her.

"I don't give a flying fuck about my language, there are worse things than a few bad words."

"Lyza, don't answer back." André was furious. "Now, you are staying in this house. You are NOT going out with friends tonight."

That was it.

"You think I'm going out with my friends?" Lyza raised her eyebrows. "No, I'm not. In fact, my BEST friend is DYING. She got in a car accident and if you dare hold me back from going to her then I only have one thing to say to you, because I'm just sick of you treating me like this."

"What's that?" Lina challenged. Lyza faced her and glared.

"Fuck you." Opening the door, she pushed through the crowd of cameramen and sprinted to her car.

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Lyza's in a pissy mood. ^_^

Okay I really don't think that the story is going to end on the 28th of June, especially since I have a big festival/parade on that day, thus giving me no time to update.

So I don't know when this story will end, but I'm sure it will be sometime before the end of July.

Thank you to all the people supporting me, and please make sure to check out my new account:

Bye and hopefully I'll update soon ❤️

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