LMOLMN : Chapter 4

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So I'm not going to say much. Hopefully this Chappy will be better than the last, but don't get your hopes up.

So this chapter will be shorter than the rest, hopefully I will upload quicker!

Go on little bunny wunnies! The story is underneath, not this!

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Ashy's POV:

I sat. Waiting. Just waiting for my friend to do something. Lyza stood in front of me with her arms crossed and her eyes were focusing on something outside of the window. It's like she didn't even hear what I said. Maybe she didn't!

I stood up so I was now in front of her. I started waving my hands, but she didn't take any notice. Oh no. She's doing it again. When Lyza is very deep in thought, she tends to zone out.

Waving my hands right in her face, I started to call her name, slowly. Well this is boring. I put my hands on my hips and waited. Finally, I got an idea.

Lifting my right hand up, my palm connected to her left cheek, with a loud clap! She quickly snapped out of her thoughts, held her cheek and glared at me. I know, I'm probably going to get slapped later, but at least she stopped it. It really scares me when she zones out. It's as if Lyza is in her own little world, unable to see anything in reality. Well speaking of reality, I need to stop thinking and start talking.

Without any warning, Lyza slapped my left cheek and it really stung. But I guess I deserved it, right?

Her American accent was thick with annoyance. "What the heck did you just slap me for?" Well, I dunno. There's no reason why I slap you out of the blue like that.

"Well," I answered back. "You started to daydream again, thus leaving me no choice, but to slap you!"

The look of embarrassment tried to be hidden on her pretty little face. "Oh." was the only word that she could say before a deep blush crept onto her cheeks. Lyza constantly blushed. It was cute when I found out, but after a few more weeks of doing it, it got a bit annoying. I'm used to it, knowing the fact that she can't help herself, but it can still get on my nerves. It helps though, when I want to find out if she likes someone or not, I say the name and she blushes. Ooh I wanna check that out now!

"So Lyza..." her head whipped round to face me. A poker face was all that I could see, but not for long. "What do you think about Dray Erikson?" and my theory was right. Her pink face flushed even more, making her look like a tomato. I smiled as she tried to hide her round face with her black curled hair. I crossed my arms and balanced on my tippy toes before mimicking and laughing at her. She replied with a sarcastic giggle.

"Oh come on Lyzies! I know that you like him!" I said whilst nudging her. "Plus...I saw both of you two snogging in the locker basement!"

Now that I got that out, I felt better. Only, I don't think Lyza was very happy with the fact that she and Dray couldn't keep their relationship a secret. "Seriously! If someone else caught us, we'd be toast! Thank goodness it was only you, you're like my sister and you would always keep my secrets secret, but if it wasn't you..."

I hadn't actually thought about that yet. "Yeah...thank goodness. But what would you do if it wasn't me, say, if it was Brittany?"

A frown quickly appeared. "I...I don't know! I would just...um...dump him?"

"I don't think that that is what Dray wants to hear. He really likes you, you know?"

"Yeah...well...I know that he likes me, a lot, but I don't like him, well in tha-" my shocked expression cut her off. "Yes I know that's it's wrong going out with someone if you don't really have any feelings for him, but Dray is a good guy and he begged me. Honestly, I kind of like Ryan a bit more."

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