LMOLMN: Chapter 24

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Yes, a surprise update! This is to make up for the lack of them.

Anyway, I don't really need to say anything so...

Oh, right. Because my chapters are really short now (like 1 or 2 pages) I'm going to be updating quite frequently in order for the story to end quicker. I've got the whole thing planned out and I can't wait for you guys to get to the end!

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The same ebony-skinned woman came out of the room and walked to Louis. He sat in the waiting area, which was the dullest place Louis had ever seen. Everything was either white or grey. If there was one exciting colour, it had to be black. Despite it's gloomy aura, he felt it was suitable to how he was feeling.





"Sir?" The woman was awfully neutral. Like she's wasn't affected by having to deliver heart-breaking news, at all. Louis raised his head from his hands, which were resting on his knees.

"Yeah?" His voice was rough and scratchy. He looked sweaty and rugged, like a bum.

"Is the patient, Ashreena Sanders, your friend?" She asked whilst flicking nonchalantly through the papers on her clipboard.

"Um actually she-" He cut himself off before he said anymore. He was about to call her his girlfriend, only that wouldn't be fair to her. Technically, they broke up before she got hit by the car. An unpleasant sensation hit Louis, deep in his chest. "Yeah, she's my friend." He had to drag the words out from his mouth. Yet, the woman didn't seem to notice. Or maybe she did, only she couldn't care less, therefore ignored it.

"Right. Well, I have some news. There's the good news and of course, the bad." She looked up at him and took off her thickly framed glasses. Her face was seemingly clear of any expression.

She's a doctor, of course she looks emotionless. She's probably had to do this a million times before. Louis thought to himself sourly.

"Sir, did you hear what I just said?" She blinked at him. Louis shook his and and apologised. "Good or bad news?"

"Oh yeah, um..." He quickly ran over some things in his head.

If he asked for good news first, his hope would probably be shot down afterwards with the bad news.

But if he chose to hear the bad news first, at least he'd be able to have some hope after.

He chose the former.

"Okay then. Well your friend is going to live, that's for sure-"

"I'm here! Oh gosh, what'd I miss?" Lyza came rushing into the room, panting heavily.

"Lyza, what are you doing here?" the doctor asked. Lyza looked at her and frowned.

"Sorry, Agatha. My best friend got into a car accident." She took the closest seat to Louis, dropping her bag by the leg of the seat.

"Does your best friend go by the name, Ashreena Sanders by any chance?" Agatha asked curiously.

"Ashy." Lyza corrected. "And yeah, that's her."

"Oh well, I was just telling Mr Tomlinson how she's doing."

"Alright. So is she okay?" Lyza crinkled her forehead. "I mean, I know she's not okay but-"

"She's alive." Louis added quickly. Lyza blew out a breath.

"Oh gosh, that's great! But there's something you're not telling me isn't there?"

Agatha spoke up. "She's going to live that's for sure, but she's in a coma. Of course this was expected for a girl her age to be a victim of such an accident is actually quite common. We've predicted that she'll be awake in approximately a month and a half, but other than that we don't really know."

"A coma?" said Lyza.

"A month?" said Louis.

"Yes, exactly." Her eyes flickered to the clock on the wall then to her clipboard. "Well, I have another patient to attend to. Good luck."

"Yeah, I think I'm going to need it." Louis muttered to himself as he felt Lyza tense beside him. As Agatha left the room, he took her hand and squeezed it.

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Well, this was surprisingly easy to write. I always manage to include a hospital scene in my books. I kinda liked writing this Chapter, especially since I've included more speech.

I'm going to update next week, definitely, and I've estimated that the story will end somewhere around 30 chapters.

I'll be going now! Bye and thanks for reading!

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