LMOLMN: Chapter 10

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Last part of my Marathon! Hope you guys like it! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! ;D

Also I'm going to change my style of writing for this Chapter, it's going to be a bit more informal! Just a tiny bit....So in the comments, can you tell me what type of writing you prefer? This one or the one before? Thanks ;D

Oh and before I forget, I feel as if I write a bit too much about Lyza. But let me tell you, Lyza's awkward love life actually has quite an affect of Ashy's! Btw, you're gonna see more Loushy action in this and the next couple of chapters...

Anyway, let's get onto the story now shall we?...^_^

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Dray's POV:

"OMG! I can totally see what you mean by BAD HAIR!" Lina screeched haughtily. She was aiming the insult towards Ashy and Lyza, both completely ignoring Lina and Brittany's imperious behaviour. Actually, everyone on this table was acting as it they were more important than anyone else in this entire school. As if they owned it! Except for me. I didn't want to get involved, despite the fact that my so called "friends" and my conceited "girlfriend" were sitting on this table gossiping and insulting other people that were so much better than them. Of course they knew it, but admitting it was a completely different story that these twit-heads probably wouldn't even think a second time about.

I rolled my eyes as Brittany placed her £50 manicured hands on my right thigh. Pushing her hand away from mine, she frowned deep at me, sticking her red bottom lip out bigger as if she was trying to pout. Yeah...very attactive! Not. I don't even know why I'm going out with her? I honestly have never given a damn about her or what she does! I bet she only goes out with me just to keep her reputation high. Which is disgusting. I know this because shes always flirting with other guys behind my back, and even in front of my face. I used to think that playing around with a girls heart was okay, but that was until me and Lyza broke up. As soppy as it sounds, she opened my eyes to the monster I was becoming. Okay...that was gross. Way too cliché for my liking. But it was true. In a way. I think. Was it? I don't know. Urgh.

Despite the fact that I was having a stupid conversation with myself, no-one seemed to notice my constant spacing out. It was as if something was much more interesting than me! But that interesting topic was pissing off and insulting my girl! Well, she isn't actually my girl anymore, but uh...yeah.

I have to think of some way to distract them. Maybe talk about something else? Yeah, okay.

As soon as the laughter and jokes died down, I stepped in. "So guys I'm throwing a really cool party this Friday night..."

Lyza's POV:

Will those sluts just SHUT UP?! I don't know what's been happening, but lately I feel as if I have some serious anger issues. I've too many things going around in this average sized brain of mine. So many pleasant thoughts about going over to their table and ripping Brittany's fake hair out and beating Lina up so hard until she has a near-death experience. Oh gosh. What the heck is up with me?

Looking over to Ashy, I noticed her looks of discomfort. I swear any second now she could be crying. Everything between me and Ashy are like, VICE VERSA! She's supposed to be the really aggressive and brave one that will always stand up for the things she loves, and I'm supposed to be the very innocent one that likes to be kind and fair to everyone and that always thinks thoroughly before acting; for many actions DO speak louder than words.

Catching another glimpse of the group of rebels behind me, I noticed how Dray was looking very...solitary. I mean, he was surrounded by lots of people, but it was as if he didn't want anything to do with the conversation, as if he was...uncomfortable. Urgh, too many "as if"s! Plus, everything I had just thought couldn't be the reason why he didn't seem very, engaging in the abusive conversation, right? Never mind.

I only realised how much I was spacing out when Ashy had to wave her hand in front of my face to get my attention. Jumping slightly and looking over to her once more, we started a very, unusual conversation. Ashy finally decided to speak out. But venom was leaking from her words.

"I hate her."

Those three words changed my mood and I immediately realised who those words were aimed at. Lina. My sister. Well, half-sister. As much as I wanted to say those words back, I remembered that I'm NOT supposed to hate anyone. Well screw that, Lina is an exception.

"Oh my gosh! Where do get those clothes? From a group of rats at the dumpsters?! I wouldn't be so shocked!" Lina's voice sounded like bats being attacked by gunshots. Worse than Brittany's.

Calm down. Remember, happy thoughts? Don't go over there and rip her extensions off. As beautiful as the thought is.

"So you can't talk now? You lost your voice after 'over-screeching'?"

Nope. Not gonna affect me. Deep breaths, take DEEP BREATHS. I kept my sweaty hands on top of my violet coloured skirt. It was short at the front and long at the back. It came up to my waist and hugged my sides pleasantly. Yeah that's good! Distract yourself with clothing!

"Or are you deaf? After listening to so much Ever-losers or Night-piss?" sniggers escaped from the lips of everyone on the "popular table".

If she disses my favourite bands one more time, I will march over there AND I WILL beat the living daylights outta her!

"Aw...it seems you have a lot of self-control. It didn't seem like that when you jumped all over, Niall Horan?" what did she say?! The sound of chatter quietened down and the only thing that could be heard in the canteen were the snickers and insults coming from the group behind me. "Yeah that's right, I know about your little stunt with Horan!"

Finally, I turned 180 degrees clockwise so that I was facing Lina, yet I was still sitting down. I raised my left eyebrow at her in a challenging way. Cocking my head, I heard her continue. I'm interested in what she's going to say about that specific topic. Something that DOESN'T include her, AT ALL.

"Niall Horan, the blonde and very Irish member from the band, One Direction, had found some sort secret relationship with you!" rolling my eyeliner-rimmed eyes, I rested my bare elbows on the table behind me. "You are nothing but an attention whore. Always taking the spotlight! You only wanted to date Horan so that YOU could be famous!" gasps emerged from everyone in the room, especially the Directioners. Even Ashy. But she didn't gasp because she thought it was true, she gasped because she knew it was WRONG.

That's it. I stood up and crossed my arms, strolling over to the group of conceited animals. Wait, scratch that! I actually LIKE animals. "What the hell is your problem? Where the hell did you get that very INCORRECT information?!"

"I have my ways." We glared at each other, dead in the eye. If only looks could kill...

"Well what you just claimed as a fact, turned out to be a rumour! When will you stop getting into my personal life?! You've seemed to do that ever since the first day we met! If it's because of our parents, if you're still annoyed by that, why don't you talk to Papa and stop blaming me?!" my accent grew thicker and I could see that Brittany and a couple more people had leaned back, fear flickering in their eyes. Wimps. "I don't give a damn if you think that it's my fault, but I do give a damn if you're going to ruin every second of my life because of it! What you keep doing is clinging onto the past, when you're in the present. Maybe that's why you won't have a future!" after letting those last words go, I gave everyone on the table one last glare before escaping through the exit. I don't care if I'm ditching school, I CANNOT deal with this right now.

Lina's POV:

Well she's pissed. Good. She can say whatever she wants, but she ruined my life and I am NOT going to take that lightly.

I heard Brittany shuffle next to me and I rolled my eyes. What are they scared about? Lyza's no threat. She couldn't even look at a butterfly without screaming her ass off. I smirked as I remembered the little prank I pulled on her 6th birthday. Priceless.

The cafeteria was no longer silent. The noise started to rise as soon as Ashreena went running after my little "sister". Oh I remember Ashy. A very annoying girl who was Lyza best friend. More like only friend.

Ever-so-gradually, murmurs started to get louder as everyone discussed the scene Lyza and I had just caused. Well, more of her. Such an attention seeker. I rolled my eyes mentally.

"What does she mean clinging onto the past?" I heard someone mutter from my left side. I could see that person from the corner of my eye. I think the chick's name was, Sequoia? Lakota? Something like that. I can't be bothered to remember, it's still my first day here anyway.

Whilst applying mint green nail polish and buffing them, I replied with a casual tone. "She means that she ruined my life and cries herself to sleep every night because she got bullied and was picked on at school." I looked up briefly to check their expressions, but they all stayed neutral, as if they weren't surprised. Nevertheless, I still carried on. "And she begged me to help her out but I didn't because that would ruin my reputation. She was always crying as if someone hit her, but I never cared. Why should I? Reputation is totes more important than helping out ENEMIES!"

Despite the fact that my reply didn't answer what she had just asked, they all nodded their heads and smirked as if amused by what I just told them. It's just that I don't have the energy to drone on and on about my past life. I'll start to explain in a few days; when everyone of the so-called "populars" start to look up to me.

I grimaced at the fact that Brittany was trying to flirt around with her boyfriend Dray. Oh please! I'm way more better for him than that cow! Anyway, speaking of Dray, only now have I realised how gorgeous he was. Dirty blonde hair was messed up and oh-so-sexy as it briefly curtained his stunning blue eyes. His smile was so attractive and his jock-like build was a HUGE turn-on!

I want him. And since I want him, I will get him!

Catching the eyes of Hazel with a quick kick to the shin, I shifted my glare briefly to Brittany to indicate that I wanted her to get rid of "Barbie-Doll" ASAP! Fortunately, Hazel realised what I was hinting at and immediately clicked her fingers in front of Brittany, almost instantly regretting what she had just done. Brittany, being the self-centred idiot that she was, took Hazel's action as an insult and scowled. And here I was thinking this witch couldn't get anymore uglier.

Closing my eyes, I tried to fill my head with happy yet distracting thoughts before I started to yell at Brittany and wring her to death. Although the thought did seem quite entertaining! Nevertheless, I fluttered my eyes open only to notice that everyone on the table was gone! Well, minus me and...DRAY! Well done Hazel. You've just earned yourself some brownie points.

He sat uncomfortably on the chair diagonal to me. Probably because an awkward silence filled the room. I still don't care. Scooting closer to him, I noticed how he was staring at the double doors to the back of the cafeteria. Placing my hand gently on his left thigh I could feel how he stiffened under my touch. I shifted so that my pink lips were grazing his ear. "I know you want me, so why don't we ju-"

I was insensitively cut off as Dray gripped onto my wrist and his face turned so it was facing me. Our lips were only a few centimetres away. So rude, yet so hot. I like.

My signature smirk appeared not long later; it's never failed to attract a guy. But Dray didn't seem affected, yet. He moved closer and I closed my eyes, waiting for his touch. But the kiss never happened.

Despite my attempt to lure in Dray, he never responded in the way I wanted. My eyes were still closed, as my mouth waited still waited for sparks. However, I could feel his minty breath tickle my senses. That was enough to keep me waiting. Only it never happened. "I would be crazy to say your not hot, but I would be myself to say I'm into someone. And that someone ISN'T you."

With those painful words my eyes shot open and stared at his retreating back. "Who?!" And when he shot me a reply, he didn't turn around, Dray just kept strolling towards the exit of the cafeteria. It left me enraged and I felt like ruining that specific person; for the memory was locked into my brain and the words lingering in my head was a damned ghost that was to never move on...

"Your sister."


Ashy's POV:

Urgh no! I was forced to go to the library because I ditched school with Lyza. And who forced to come here? LYZA!

I sat down on one of the small sofas in the teen-fiction area, Lyza's favourite part of the library. Pretty much no-one was in this area. Actually no-one was in the entire library! With the exception of Me, Lyza, the Librarians and couple of business people of course. The were either completing work on the computer, or reading some non-fiction books. Probably because it's a Monday, during school and lunch hours that no-ones here.

My best friend's attempts on finding a good book took a very long time. She has already been searching for a couple of books in the past I dunno, FIVE MINUTES, and has only found one book. Not very shocked though that it was a Marcus Sedgwick novel.

Noticing my jaded expression, Lyza sauntered casually over to me and plopped her big ass onto the poo-coloured sofa beside me. "You okay Ash?" Her voice was barely audible, and I honestly found it pointless because no-one would care about how noisy she would be. My exhaustion was obvious; even if my distaste of gothic novellas and libraries weren't.

Giving Lyza a cold, hard stare, she frowned as if wondering why I'm not acting like myself. "Yeah, I'm fine. That's totally why I'm about as active as a brick!" heavy sarcasm weighed down on my words, giving a sense of annoyance to the response.

Realisation soon hit Lyza as her facial expression lit up, briefly. Because it was not long until she was the one giving me the evils. "Look Ashy, just because there aren't any fan-fictions in this library doesn't mean you should be grumpy! One Direction fa-"

A very obvious cough emerged from my right side. Both me and Lyza ripped our glares from each other as we turned, straight away facing the unnecessary source of noise. Three hooded figures stood before us, each one wearing coloured chinos and converse. Glancing at Lyza for a very brief moment, we both shared a look of pure confusion as the tension in the atmosphere grew thicker with each second.

"Uh...Who are you?" For a second I thought that I had spoken my thoughts aloud, but it was just then that I realised the words were spoken with an American twang. Lyza.

The one in the middle, who had a red hoodie, strolled forward and reached up to his head. Taking off his crimson-coloured hood, I gasped in awe as I realised who it was.

Louis Tomlinson.

Only a moment later, the figures adjacent to him pulled their covers back, exposing their stunning faces. It was Niall and...HARRY?! Oh my. My favourite members from One Direction are standing infront of me, RIGHT NOW! And they are smiling at me. Well, at least two of them are. Niall's attention was fully on my best friend whose scowl was so deep I wouldn't be shocked if it became permanent.

"Wha...What are you guys doing here?" I was confused. Why would they be here?! Shirley is a very popular place, and any fan would recognise the boys as soon as they saw them. I was still surprised by the fact that they haven't been mobbed yet.

"Yeah...I was thinking the same thing." Niall's reply was towards both me and Lyza, but his gaze never left her. Harry smirked at me, whilst Louis folded his arms and raised his left eyebrow.

"The reason why we both came here is because we want to get our heads cleared. But MY reason is because I wanted to get my head cleared from YOU!" Lyza's voice rose as Niall's shocked expression transitioned into a discomfited one. I however, being a Directioner, couldn't be more elated. Only on the outside I couldn't look anymore serene.

Nudging my best friend's rib with my elbow, I gave her a look that told her to be nice. Oops. That was definitely the wrong thing to do. The next thing I knew her head snapped to face mine; lips pursed, eyebrow raised and eyes nearly coming out of their sockets. Yep...I was totally in it for later...

However, a small mumble broke me and my friend from our staring contest, as Louis stuck his hand out. I stared the hand in front of me, as if it was going to blow any second. Looking up to the gorgeous guy in front of me, I realised he wanted me to take it.

Gently placing my shaking hand in his, I stood up and walked over to where he was heading. Behind me, I knew that Lyza was going to give Niall a good set of colourful words. I glanced over my shoulder and mouthed; "Sorry!" to the unpredictable girl who I call my best friend. Giving me the evils once more, I twisted so I was once again facing the back of my role model.

Not long later we were standing a couple of centimetres away from each other, both of us gazing at the automatic doors of the library. Louis once again had his hood up, but he added a dark pair of sunglasses; obstructing the view of his beautiful face.

"So," his head turned to me and I smiled sweetly at him. "Why don't you show me around the place?"

I felt my heart skip a beat as Louis gave me his million-watt smile. Taking a step closer to me, he grabbed my left hand and intwined with his. I lifted my head and shot him a toothy grin.

"It would be my greatest pleasure, Mr Tomlinson."

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Aww....Finally I've written a Loushy scene! I wouldn't really call this a proper Chapter...I would just say its a filler.

It was extremely boring Chapter and for that I am so sorry! I have been obsessed with reading so much that I haven't had enough time to do writing! :-(

Hopefully the next chapter will be better! I'm planning on writing more about the blossoming relationship between Louis & Ashy!

Also, I was wondering on writing another book, but I will be writing it the same time as Love Me or Love Me Not!
(I'm totally overusing exclamation points)

Anyway, please comment, fan and please please please vote! It's one of the best feelings in the world when I see that I get another vote! (I actually do check how many reads and votes I get daily; call me a freak but I just love seeing someone has enjoyed my writing!)

❤❤❤ Until next time, boo-bye and spread the love! ❤❤❤

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