LMOLMN : Chapter 7 Part 2

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Kk! Chapter sept, part deux! So this is part 2 & it's really hard to write cause I can't really think of anything! Now...I've been doing most of this in a hospital and in school so it's not really that good! Also, this Chappy is a bit mushy and romantic, so I'm just saying in advance... if you are still young (say, you're in primary), I would recommend you don't read this chapter! Anyway, hope you like it!

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•••Thurdsay Fifth Period•••

Lyza's POV:

So now it's my favourite subject, History. Well one of. And after this I'm going to visit Ashy considering the fact that I haven't seen her in AGES!

Right now, we are learning about different points of History. What it technically means is that it's project day. Our teacher is going to put us in partners or groups and he or she will give us a point of History to study about. We then have to present our information through a presentation, video, essay etc...So exciting! Nerd power!

Sadly, Dray is in this class. I would choose his clingy friend over him any-day! "I'm going to partner you kids up!" Mr Miller clapped his hands together and smiled briefly. Then he started pointing at the children whilst saying their names. "So, Kleo with Christina, Marc with Laura, Meera with Annie, Sarah with Ryan, Dray with Lyza, Emille with Gregg..." My head shot up with shock. I bet my face looked like it had just been hit with a wall. I can't believe I had just been paired with my ex!

"Okay so now can you sit next to your partner?" Everyone stood up to rearrange themselves. I just sat down there and closed my eyes. Next to me, I felt Sarah leave and a male figure replacing her. Dray. My ex. Who I couldn't stand. AT ALL. I didn't need to look at him to know, I recognise his scent. His warm hand covered my shaky one. I pulled it away from my desk and laid it calmly on my lap. My eyes shot up to meet Dray's. His eyes looked so innocent, yet his heart was cold. Turning my head away from him, my eyes lingered away.

"So now that all of you are partnered up, I'll let you talk while I go and try to find some of my work!" Straight after, Mr Miller ran out of the classroom leaving me staring at the dark-coloured door. I know exactly how this is gonna work out. It won't be easy, but I'll survive. I hope...

Dray's POV:

Yes! I'm partnered with Lyza, a perfect chance to get her back! Yeah, I did see the little argument between her and Britt yesterday lunch, but that just made me see the error of my ways. Gosh that sounded cliché. But how can I get her back when she won't even look at me?

"Lyza...Snap outta it!" And she still kept staring at the brown-oak door. I leant back in my chair and crossed my muscled arms. "Babe, yeah I found a dead wolf by the school entrance." And funnily enough, her head went straight to face mine.

"What?!" I did one of my heart-melting grins at her. But instead of getting the usual smile and giggle I receive from girls, Lyza rolled her beautiful dark-ebony eyes and elbowed me. Oh and she didn't elbow me in that gentle couple way, it was the "you're annoying and won't shut up!" way. I found it cute though because it didn't even hurt.

Straightening her deeply-curved back she put on a poker face, trying her best to look emotionless. Well, it worked. When I looked into her deep brown eyes, instead of seeing that sweet and innocent young girl, I saw a passionless statue that was a void of emotion. "So, we've been given the topic of the Salem Witch Trials! I guess that's an easy A...considering the fact you're such a genius in History." I spoke in a flirty tone. Once again her eyes met mine and then retreated quickly, looking for something in her colourful bag. Lyza stuck her toned arms in and took out a couple of worn out books and two folders that were over-flowing with written-on papers. And it only took two words to shock me.

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