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Abby's POV

"Abby, do you hear me?'' I blink a few times when I hear someone again. "Abby, are you okay?'' "Uhgg, yeah, I'm here.'' I hear an relieved sigh from Justin. "Thank god. Okay Abby I need you to stay with me. Medics are on the way okay." I focus on his voice. "Okay, Justin I don't feel that good." "Stay calm Abby medics are almost with you."

I look through the visor of my helmet and see the safety car, followed but the other drivers crossing. Then I see people walk towards me. They help me out of the car and pull off my helmet.

"Abby do you know what day it is?" "Sunday, July 19th, Monaco race." "Great, come sit down." We sit down on the backseat of the safety car and drive back to the pits.

After I'm checked and I haven't broken anything I was good to go. I had to take my rest but I was allowed to watch the podium celebration.

I walk to the podium, just on time. "Dennis Hauger, winner of the Monaco f2 grand prix." I was proud of him winning, but I should have stand there. Dennis lifts the trophy but his eyes find mine and he puts it down again.

"Dennis, go back! Spray your champagne." He laid his hands on my arms. "No, are you okay? I'm so sorry Abby." I smile and he looks confused. "I'm okay Den, I'm not mad, go back. We'll talk after okay?" he nods and walks back.

"Abby I-" "Dennis stop. It's okay, it's racing, shit like this happens." "Are you okay?" I nod. "Yes Den, I am, look everything still works." I do some jumping jacks, which hurts actually but I don't show it.

"Pierce! Everything okay? I saw your crash, didn't look that fun." I turn around and see Pierre and Charles Leclerc walking my way. "Pierre, hey! Everything okay."

"Crash? You race?" My gaze switched from Pierre to Charles. "Yup, I do." He laughs. "Cute." Excuse me? I was screaming inside. "You think it's cute? Formula 2 is quite rude."

His eyes go wide. "You drive in F2?" "And my dear teammate is leading the championship." My smile turned into a proud smirk when Dennis spoke up, and I saw Pierre laughing at Charles reaction. "We've a race to prepare for, you coming Pierre?"

"Ignore him." "With pleasure." We laughed and I hugged him. "Good luck Gasly. I might sneak into your garage to watch." "See ya Abby." He turned and ran after Charles.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" I jump. "What was what?" Dennis made weird movements with his arms, making me laugh. "What? You and Gasly?!" That made me even laugh harder. "WHAT?! Me and Pierre? No, never in a million years." "I watch your back Pierce."

We walk into the hospitality and both go into our own room to fresh up and change. I grab my black top and denim shorts out of my bag and pull them on.

"Den!? Are you done?" "No! Go, I'll find you!" I walk out and make my way to the Alpha Tauri garage

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"Den!? Are you done?" "No! Go, I'll find you!" I walk out and make my way to the Alpha Tauri garage.

"Hi Abby." "Hey Franz, how are you?" He smiles at me and I return it. "I'm good, you? I heard from Pierre you crashed?" I nod. "Yeah, I'm okay nothing broken." "That's good to hear, have you already thought about next season?" "I have, yes of course. We have a meeting after Abu Dhabi with René right?" "Yes that's right, I guess I'll see you then.'' I smile and nod. "You definitely will! Is it okay if I watch the race here?" "Make yourself at home."

I see Pierre putting on his helmet and stuff and walk over to him. "Good luck Gasly." "What are you doing here? Thanks tho." "Getting used to my new garage." "That's the other side lady!" We laugh and Pierre continues putting on his helmet.

He winked at me and closes the visor. "Have fun." "I will, don't worry." He slides into his car and drives out.

Pierre finishes sixth and the team was very happy.

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