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Abby's POV

It was a long day, FP1 and FP2 went not that good, first I was eleventh and at the second session I was fourteenth. I got lots of questions what was the cause of that, but what do they expect me to say? Traumatized?

I almost fall asleep on the couch in my drivers room when someone knocks on the door. "Ab?" "Yeah? Come in." I keep laying down as I recognize Pierre's voice and he walks in.

"Everything okay?" "Was about to fall asleep but, what's the case?" He lifts my legs and sit down, laying my legs on his lap. "Well, case Leclerc still doesn't say a single word."

I haven't spoken with Charles since the second my front door fell shot. Eight days ago. Not a call, not a text, nothing.

"I know it's not true, but even tho make sure he knows I'm off limits." "You are?" "No asshole, you know what I mean."

Pierre and I walk into the pit lane for a track walk, just us two, even tho the team didn't agree with that.

"Abby, are you okay?" I look behind me while we keep walking. "I'm just scared that he suddenly appears." I start shaking and tear up. "Hey, he has and restraining order, everyone know that, he won't appear."

Suddenly my phone explodes with messages. "What the fuck." One in particular catches my attention.

Charles Leclerc
F1 insta.

I don't reply and open Instagram, I don't have to search for the profile cause it's the first post I see as I open the app.

 I don't reply and open Instagram, I don't have to search for the profile cause it's the first post I see as I open the app

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(I have put a 'fake' watermark over the picture to remember y'all it's fake!)

"He's fired." I say with unbelief and look at Pierre. He takes my phone out of my hand and looks at the post. With glossy eyes and a smile on his face he looks up. He hugs me tight and I
feel really relieved.

It's 8 pm and movie night is hosted in my room tonight. Lando insisted on coming earlier that the others, but I have no idea why.

"So why did you want to come earlier?" I ask as Lando sits down on the couch. "You're not okay, something's wrong, I can see it but I can't put my finger on it." "Lando, what do you mean?"

"Abby, you've changed, you're more alert, you're scared faster, like only by a simple and soft touch on your shoulder you flinch back. You look around much more and your practice results? That's nothing like you. I mean don't get me wrong everyone, doesn't have his or her day every weekend but, it's different...Abby, what happened?"

"It's nothing Lan, really, I just didn't sleep well, didn't have my day that's it, nothing special, really." Lando looks straight into my eyes. "I still don't believe you and I hope that ones you're ready, you know you can tell me."

I send him a fake smile. "Thank you." He smiles and nods then there's a know in the door.

When everyone is in my room, Pierre, Daniel, Lando, Max, Charles, George, Alex and Carlos, I grab some drinks but stop as I hear the boys talking about possible reasons why Lance got fired.

"I don't get it, I mean Mattia obviously knows the reason, yet he doesn't tell us." I hear Carlos say. "Yeah, same's for Christian." "And also Zak." I head Max and Daniel.

I walk into the room and put the last two glasses in front of Pierre and Daniel. "Thanks." I smile at Daniel and keep standing. "You're not gonna sit down?" Max says.

I inhale deeply and my lips shake a bit. "Know why Lance got fired..." Charles stands up and all the boys look at him but he only looks at me. "Mate..?" Max says doubtful.

"He got fired, be...because uhm." "Are you sure?" Pierre whispers but everyone was that silent, you could hear a pin hit the ground, and I just nod. He squeezes my hands soft, "You're strong." Both he and Charles sit down again and all faces are turnt to me.

"He kissed me, and hit me, knocked me out. And he...uhm." I dig my nails into my hand palms but Charles takes my hands. "Relax, nothing is gonna happen, I promise." I bite my lip and he wipes the tear away that rolls down.

He sits down again. "Lance got fired because he raped me..." I hear multiple gasps and everyone looks away except one, Lando. With tears in his eyes he doesn't look anywhere except my eyes.

He stands up and looks at me questionable and I nod. He wraps his arms around my waist and with one hand he plays with my hair. My breath gets shocking and I burst into tears.

"Sorry guys." I dry my cheeks and everyone seems to let it sink in a bit. "I'm so sorry Abby, I don't know what to say." "It's okay George."

Lando sits down next to me and I lay my head on his shoulder. We wacht Bird Box but my eyes look everywhere but the tv. I don't know where to look and then my eyes find Charles', who was already looking at me and one thing flitses through my mind.

"Because I love you."

It was a lie, a slip of the tongue.

I look away and try to focus on the movie.

"Thank you guys, and thanks for the support, I means the word to me knowing rivals on track can be friends off track. "You the only girl on the grid Ab, you have 18 brothers on your back." I smile and hug Max. "Thanks."

"You sure you'll be okay alone?" "Yes Pierre, I'll be fine and if not you're two rooms away." He nods and pulls me into a hug. "Goodnight Abby." "Goodnight guys."

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