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Abby's POV

Pierre and I are waiting for the team at the airport. "Abby." "Hm?" I turn the volume of my music down and look up at him. "Yeah?" "We're flying with the other Scuderia team." I blink multiple times waiting for him to scream 'joke!!!' into my face but I see Carlos walking our way.

I push my head on my teammates chest. "Why?" I groan and I hear him laugh. "Sorry." I turn the volume back up and look away.

"Abby, congrats on last weekend." "Thank you Carlos."

I sit down next to Pierre on the private jet and look out of the window. Can't wait to be home again.

"You exited to race in Monaco?" I put my AirPods back in the case and look at Carlos. "Yes, my home race so, quite exited." Charles looks up from his phone at the words 'home race'. "You're Monégasque?" "Yes." He nodded and turns his attention back to his phone.

"I didn't know you were Monégasque." "Here are a lot of thinks you don't know about me Carlos." He laughed and also turned back to his phone.

I look out of the window and see the ground of Monaco coming closer and my face lights up. This week also is my grandma's funeral and that bothers me a lot. It will be a hard day.

"Abby?" I turn my head and look at Pierre. "Is everything okay?" I nod and look back out of the window. "Yeah." He, and my team, were the only ones who know my grandma died and that her funeral is this week. Pierre squeezed my hand and I smile at him.

When I'm save behind the door of my hotel room I drop my bags and suitcase. I take a black summer dress out of my suitcase and pull it on. After I redo my hear, put on some light makeup and went to the toilet, I grab my purse and keycard and head out.

 After I redo my hear, put on some light makeup and went to the toilet, I grab my purse and keycard and head out

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I make my way to my car to pick up my nephew. I promised him to take him to the circuit today. My whole family including my own house, lives less than a 30 minute drive away from there.

When the doors of the elevator go open. I see Charles surrounds by fans and they all start to call my name when I enter the lobby, causing Charles to turn around.

Charles' POV

I was surrounds by lots of fans in the middle of the hotel lobby. I hear the doors of the elevator behind me open and suddenly I hear lots of people scream Abby's name. I turn around and see indeed Abby exit the elevator.

She was wearing a black dress and I hate to admit it to myself and not even in a thousand years I'll say it to any living creature, but it looked beautiful on her. The fabric of her dress hugged her waist and she looked very confident. As she should.

We make eye contact for a brief second and when she looked away from me and to the fans a smile was placed on her face and she makes her way to me, well to the fans.

She was so loved by them and made lots of pictures and signed a lot of merch.

The fans were asked to leave the hotel and they did so. "Going somewhere?" I ask her and it was funny to see she was wearing heels and still had to look up to look at me. "You care?" I sigh. "No, Abby. I don't. Never mind I've to go, bye." "Bye Leclerc."

I walk to the elevator, press the button and wait for the doors to open. I look over my shoulder and see Abby walking out of the door, towards her car. The doors open and I walk in, up to the seventh floor.

I change my black jeans for a black short and my shirt for a Ferrari polo. I grab my car key, phone, keycard and paddock pass and go to my car.

I get in and drive to the track cause a track walk was scheduled with Carlos and the team.

Abby's POV

I texted my nephew I'm almost there and when I drive into the driveway he's already waiting outside. I get out and don't even close the door and run to him.

"Nick! Oh my God I missed you so much!" I wrap my arms around his neck and I feel his arms around my waist. "Damn Ab I missed you too." He let me go and looked at my outfit and swirled me around. "Looking good Abby." I smile. "You too Nicky. Let's go, circuit De Monaco is waiting for us." He smiles wider than ever before and we get in the car.

"And how's it, living on your own now?" I ask him as we enter the highway. "Peaceful actually, I mean I love mom but she was like always around." I laugh cause I know how protective my aunt can be. "Yeah that sounds like her." "Right." We laugh even more and sing the songs along on the radio.

"Here we are." I turn the engine off and Nick and I get out of the car. "And how am I gonna get into the paddock?" "By walking close behind me and enter at the same time, we'll get you a pass after." He nods and we get in.

"Wait here, I'll be right back." "Sure, hurry." "I'm a Formula 1 driver Nick I'm fast." He shakes his head and laughs while pulling his phone out of his pocked.

I walk to Franz's office and knock on the door. "Yes? Come in." I push the door open and enter. "Abby? What are you doing here?" "Well it's Monaco and my family lives close by and I promised my nephew to show him around, he's waiting in the hospitality but I actually need a paddock pass." I explain and Franz was really understanding. "Ah okay, I have a few extra's somewhere here." He sheared through the drawers and gave me one. "Thanks!" "Of course Abby, enjoy." "Thanks Franz!"

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