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Charles' POV

I haven't talked to Abby since last Tuesday. Pierre told me the funeral was really emotional. She qualified fifteenth yesterday and that, for sure didn't lift up her mood. It was her, and mine, home race. She's supposed to enjoy this race the most.

I see her cross my garage and I run to her. "Abby, I know you don't wanna talk to me and I know you hate me but I want you to know I'm sorry and I just want you to enjoy your home race. Even tho I know it's hard to enjoy something after losing someone."

She stayed quiet for a few seconds and looks up at me. "I never said to you I hated you. I said it to Lando, yes, because I did in that moment. I hated you more than anything else that night." Ouch. That hurts, but I probably would've felt the same way if it was the other way around.

"You have every right to." She looks at me and I know she knows that. She doesn't need me, or anyone else to tell her that. "Enjoy our home race Leclerc." "You too Abby." She turns and continues the way to her garage. "Charles ten minutes!" I nod at Carlos and walk into my garage.

Abby's POV

I sit in my car, still in the garage when my team is doing the final touches. I start fifteenth, on my home race, what a joke. Literally.

"Radio check." "Clear."

The lights have never been this far away and it's difficult to actually see them going out but ones they do I push the paddle.

The first ten laps are done and I've managed to overtake Ocon and Stroll and I'm about to overtake Vettel.

"Good overtake Pierce, P twelve, P twelve. Box next lap."

Into the DRS zone I overtake Ocon again. "Ten labs to go, you're now P eleven Abby." "Okay copy."

I cross the finish flag, I ended P thirteen. "Thanks guys." I tell my engineer.

I wasn't happy. This was suppose to be the race of the year for me. As a Monégasque ending thirteenth at the Monaco grand prix, it's a scandal. I get out of my car and walk into the garage, keeping my helmet on.

I walk around the corner so I'm out of sight for the cameras and sit down. "Don't be so hard on yourself, you did good." "Shut up Mike, I didn't and you know that just as good as I do."

"As a Monégasque, how do you feel about ending thirteenth on you home grand prix Abby?" Craig Slater from Sky Sports asked me. "I'm really disappointed to say the least. There is no one else but myself to blame for this. I wasn't fully focused during qualifying yesterday and I made a lot mistakes, yesterday but today as well. I'll take close looks on it and will focus on next week. I hope to give the team some good points than."

"Good luck and we all hope to see you finishing in the points next week. Next we have Pierre Gasly." I walk away and do a quick handshake with Pierre without sharing any words with him.

I'm chilling in my drivers room when I get an notification.

Charles Leclerc started following you.

"The fuck?"

Charles Leclerc liked your post.

I stare at the notification till it disappears again, but soon after a new one appears.

Charles Leclerc: Last year I didn't start the Monaco GP at all, I was mad and blamed myself for it. You just ended 13th and I'm sure you fell like shit now, but remember this is only your seventh race in f1 and last week you won, you have tons of races ahead of you and some go very very well and others suck, that sucks but it happens. Don't be disappointed in yourself Abby. Like Pierre said back in Bahrain, you have the talent.

Why is he sweet? He isn't sweet, he's Charles. He hates me, the universe may know why, but he hates me. I'm so confused but the massage also caused a smile on my face which I didn't notice until Pierre spoke up from the doorway.

"Why are you smiling at your phone? You never smile at your phone." Shit, he's right, I never do that, and the smile's gone again. "Nothing. What's up?" "Well I'm leaving, it's already 7 PM, you coming?" "Yes, give me one minute." Pierre nods and I gather my stuff.

After I showered I open Instagram. I open Charles' massage 'officially' and read it again.

Abby Pierce: It didn't looked like you were agreeing with Pierre on me having talent and I didn't knew you had sympathy inside of you. But thanks, I saw Monaco last year and it's my nightmare.

I put my phone on the sink and blow-dry my hair. It didn't take too long and when my hair is dry I grab a book out of my suitcase.

I flip the page but get distracted by an incoming notification from my phone, inside the bathroom. I close the book and walk into the bathroom to grab my phone off the sink.

Charles Leclerc: First of all, Pierre is my best friend, he might or might not say the true but I will never gave in. Second, you seriously do have talent, I've seen it with my own eyes, everyone has. And third, send your focus to next week, Azerbaijan, new possibilities, everyone will forget about this in a few days. Show them your talent Abby.

Abby Pierce: Congrats on p4...

Charles Leclerc: I'm sorry what?

Abby Pierce: Thanks for the compliments. Good night Leclerc.

Charles Leclerc: Good night Abby.

I lock my phone and stare at the ceiling.

Maybe he isn't that bad after all.

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