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Abby's POV

I wake up from my alarm, 7 AM. Race day and I start on pole, yet I don't have a good feeling about today. I let it go and get out of bed. I pull on a light blue jeans witch a Alpha Tauri polo.

After I finished my entire morning routine I head out to Nick's room and after to Pierre.

"So till when do you stay?" I ask Nick as we drive into the highway. "Tonight, it's mom's birthday tomorrow so I'll go back then." I nod. "Do I need to drop you at the airport?" "No it's fine I'll take a cab, thanks tho."

"I'm sorry Nick but I need her to win a race now." Mike interrupted us. "Have fun Ab and good luck." "Thanks Nicky." We shared a hug and I go make myself ready for the race.

"Good luck Abby!" "Thanks mate. You too." I say to Pierre. He was about to pull his helmet on but he stops and walks closer to me.

"You okay?" "Yeah, I just have this weird feeling inside of me and I don't know what it is." "It's gonna be okay Abby." I smile at my teammate and we both put out helmets on.

"Radio check." "Radio is loud and clear Mike." "Great race Pierce."

The formation lap was done and it was waiting till Latifi and Zhou were back in place and then the first light goes on.

My start didn't go quite well and of course Charles did have a good start. We went wheel to wheel in turn one and into turn two he overtakes me. "FUCK!" "Keep pushing Abby, DRS zone is close you can overtake him again."

I open the DRS and come closer and closer to the Ferrari in front of me. Again we go wheel to wheel and now I am the one who takes the lead.

"Box Abby box." "Copy!" I fly through the last corners and go into the pitlane. I look in the mirror and see a red car. My pitstop went amazing, 2.1 seconds.

"Let's go Abby, the final lap." Charles was still pretty close behind me and I know he will have DRS in a few. I already feel that my car begins to struggle. "Mike, the tires are not working that smooth, is something wrong?" "No, the data says everything is fine."

I see Charles coming closer and with DRS he got next to me when my tire explodes and I spin into the wall.

"Abby is everything okay?" "FUCK! Yes sorry guys, I kind of felt it coming, the tires didn't feel good."

Charles' POV

It was really exiting fighting like this, that's been a long time ago. Into the DRS I come closer to Abby and I could see her struggle a bit and then her tire explodes.

Holy shit.

She spins into the barrier. "Is she okay?" My engineer didn't answer and I know he could hear me which irritates me. "Hello?! I asked if she's okay?!" "Yes mate she's fine." I roll my eyes and see the checkered flag coming closer.

Abby's POV

When I walk into my garage Nick runs towards me. "My God Abby are you okay?!" "Fuck off." I say and walk straight past him. "She was about to win, blowout in the final corner, she's angry. She'll come back in a few minutes." I hear Pierre say to Nick.

"You okay?" I look up into my teammates eyes. "Pierre, my friend, I have never ever been better." I walk away but he grabs my wrist. "I'm totally fine with you being grumpy towards me because I understand you, but act normal to Nick, he's here for you." I smile a little and Pierre let my wrist go. "Sorry." "It's okay Ab, are you hurt?" "No, I'm fine." He nods and walks away.

"Nick?" He looks up from his phone and stands up. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted that way." "It's fine Abby, are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine thanks."

"Are you guys coming to the podium or not?" I look from Pierre to Nick who looked really hopeful and I couldn't let him down. "Yes, let's go."

"On p3 we have George Russel!"
"On p2 we have Max Verstappen!"
"And the winner of the 2022 Azerbaijan grand prix is Charles Leclerc."

The champagne was sprayed and the three drivers came back down. "Abby!" I look behind me and see Charles running my, Nick and Pierre's way. "Leclerc?" "Are you okay?" What the fuck is going on with him? "Yes I'm fine."

"Con-" "Good." Charles said, cutting Pierre off and he walked away. "Gratulations?" Pierre continued confused as Charles walked away. I look after Charles hella confused and turn back to the boys. "That was weird."

"I told you he was into you." Pierre AND Nick both said at the same time. I roll my eyes as they both burst into laughter and give each other a fist bump as I walk back to the garage.

"Ab? I've to go back to the hotel and grab my stuff, otherwise I'll miss my flight." "Shit I totally forgot." Nick laughs and said it didn't matter and he left the circuit.

"Abbyyyyy Piiiiiierce!" I let out a deep, tired breath and turn. "Pieeeeeerre Gaslyyyyyyy." It came out with zero energy. "You look tired as fuck." While a yawn leaves my mouth I speak up. "I am, what time is it?" Pierre look at his watch. "Seven."

"Are you sure you're not coming with me?" "No Pierre, it's fine thanks. I want to check on some things with the car. I'll see you tomorrow." "Okay." I hug my teammate and he leaves the garage.

When it's 9:00 PM I'm finally done with analyzing all the data. I was alone and some mechanics were still doing things to the cars. "Guys I'm out! See you tomorrow or next week or sometime!" They all look up from their work and say goodbye.

I walk into an empty paddock, extremely tired and looking forward to a long, warm bath. "Abby? Is that you?" Ugh! I really don't feel like talking to people now. Yet I turn around and see Lance Stroll. "Lance?" "Hey, do you wanna come with me for a sec?" "Uhm, yeah sure, what's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong, I just want to show you something."

Weird.. but okay.

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