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Abby's POV

"I really have to ask you to leave. Fans are not allowed in here, sorry." I hear Pierre say to Nick. "Yes fan! Get out!" Pierre turns as he hears me scream from behind him. "Abby? It's your day off, what are you doing here?"

"For an F1 driver you took your time." "Shut up." I throw him the pass and Pierre looked confused. "You know him?" "Otherwise I wouldn't give him a paddock pass don't you think?" He laughed and looked back and forth between me and Nick. "And you said you didn't had a boyfriend."

"Pierre God! No, I haven't I should've introduced you two first. Pierre, this is Nick my nephew. Nick, Pierre teammate." "Yeah I already thought that. Nice to meet you Pierre." They shake hands. "Same here and sorry for almost kicking you out." "No worries."

"So track walk Nicky?" "Yes, sure." "Have fun peeps!" I smile at Pierre. "Thanks mate, good luck on the simulator." Pierre throws his thumbs up and walked away.

"That track looks a lot shorter on tv!" "Don't cry baby, it wasn't that far." Nick breaths in and out extra loudly causing us to laugh. We were messing around and laughing when Nick almost bumps into someone.

I wasn't able to control my laughter. "Stupid!" I say to him and look who is was, he almost bumped into and ofc it was Mr. Arrogant. "Watch it." He looked at Nick very angry. "Sorry.." I saw Nick was impressed by the Ferrari driver.

"I'm Nick." He politely introduced himself to Charles. "Did I ask your name?" Now he was taking it to far. "Okay listen, the fact you have a problem with me okay, but act normal to others. Jesus."

"We're going." I grab Nick's hand and drag him away from Charles.

"I have never in my entire life, seen a guy looking that jealous." I stop waking and look at him questionably. "I'm sorry what?" "Charles." He points behind him to the spot Charles stood a few moments ago. "Yes? What about him?" "That dude is SO into you!"

"Who's into you?" Lando casually joined the conversation. "Well?" Nick was about to say Charles' name but I stop him. "No one." "Right, who are you?" Lando asked seriously interested to Nick. "I'm Nick, you're Lando Norris right?" "The one and only, nice to meet you Nick." They shake hands, "The pleasure is all mine."

"Why aren't you that sweet to me?" Nick smiled and wraps his arm around my shoulders. "I don't have any reason to." Lando laughed as I wipe his arm off me. "Excuse you? I drove to your house, took you here, got you a paddock pass and you've already met three drivers! You monster."

"Well well, the love is so on point." Lando says in between laughs. "Are you two together?" "Why the fuck does everyone thinks that? No Lan he's my nephew." "Oh, sorry didn't know."

Lando decided to come along and we showed Nick around. I showed him the Alpha Tauri garage, Lando showed him the McLaren garage and after we walk to the cafeteria.

"How cool, I've seen the McLaren garage and you not." Nick says like he's a five year old boy. "I have seen it. Back when I was in F2, Lando and Carlos showed me the garage." I see Lando smiling, thinking back of that day.

I was really nervous, I hadn't spoke to an F1 driver and thought they would be all arrogant and stuff, one ended up being the way I thought but I don't care about him.

"Yeah, that was a good day." Lando said looking onto my eyes. I smile and look around the cafeteria, when my eyes meet Max's. "Nick, are you still inside-out Verstappen fan?" Nick looked at me and Lando understood and looked around and saw Max too.

"Uhm yes?! Always have, always will. Stupid ass why would you ask?" In the meantime Lando waved at Max, signing him to come over and I look at him while Nick still looks confused at me. "Because he's standing right behind you."

His eyes go wide and his lips part. Lando spit out is milk because he couldn't hold back his laugh. "So you just really casually telling me Max Verstappen Formula 1 World Champion 2021 is standing behind me?" I laugh and Max's face looked impressed by the words my nephew just said.

I knew Max was the driver he looked up to the most and he really wanted to meet him. "Nick, Max is seriously standing behind you, if you want to meet him that bad you always told me, I should turn the fuck around, Max sit down."

Nick turns, didn't move a muscle and looks up at Max. "He's not that special tho." Lando whispers to Nick. "Thanks Lando. Hey I'm Max." Nick stands up and shakes Max's hand. "Nick Pierce, I'm Abby's nephew." Max nods and smiles. "Nice to meet you Nick, Abby." He said my name and nods at me, saying hello. "Hey Max."

"Well are you two going to sit down or?" "Your wish is my command." "Well in that case, I would like to win my home race Sunday." "Yeah that you have to do yourself sweetheart." Max says while sitting down next to Nick.

Nick and Max get to know each other a little as Lando and I talk about the possibilities of the race this weekend.

"It was really nice to meet you Max." I grab Nick's arms and stand in front of him. "Nick, you are almost two years older than me, don't act like such a baby. Max is just a person like you and me and you'll see him again." "Yeah, just a person."

"Why do you look up to him so much?" I ask him while laughing a little. "Cause he's a fucking F1 driver." "SO AM I!" Lando and I scream at the same time. "YES, but you are my niece and-" "I'm still an F1 driver mate."

"What about me? Just because I'm not that tall you don't look up to me?" Lando asked. "No it's not that, you just seem really kind and-" Nick started but got interrupted my Max. "And I don't look kind?" Nick's eyes were filled with panic and it was amazing to see. "Yes, you do but, I uhm, it's just."

"Jesus Nick, they're kidding. Calm the fuck down." He didn't look at me but kept looking back and forth between Max and Lando. "She's right mate. I'm only joking." Max said which seemed to calm Nick a bit down.

"I've to go folks, the big boss is waiting." "Say hi to him form me." "I will Abby, guys see you around." "Bye Lan." "Bye Lando." He walked away and the three of us stayed at the cafeteria a bit longer.

When I drop Nick back at his house, he gave me a quick house tour because I hadn't seen his house since he moved out. "Wow Nicky it's really beautiful." He smiled proudly and walked me back to my car.

"Thanks for letting me met Max and Lando, and Pierre and Charles of course." "It was actually all coincidence but I probably would've introduced you to a few." He hugged me and speaks up softly. "See you tomorrow Ab." "Yeah." My voice broke and a tear left my eye as I was still in Nick's arms.

Tomorrow is grandma's funeral. "We'll be okay honey." I pull away from the hug but Nick didn't let go of my arms. "What if I don't win in five days? I'll let her down if I don't win." Tears stream down my face and he wipes them away.

"Abby, listen very carefully to me okay? Everyone, including grandma, especially grandma is so proud of you. It doesn't matter if you end up winning or become last or even an DNF, she is so incredibly proud of you Ab and so am I and the entire family." I hug him tighter than I've ever done before. "Thank you Nick." "Of course darling." He pleased a small kiss on my forehead.

"Drive save okay. And send me a text when you're back at the hotel." "I will, love you Nicky." "I love you too Abby."

I unlock my car and get in.

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