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Abby's POV

Today is the big day. Abu Dhabi. The final race. My chance to win the Formula 2 championship. I'm leading with 5 points and Dennis is behind me.

I do some stretching in my garage when I hear my name. I turn to see Pierre outside. I walk over him and look at him confused.

"What are you doing here." He laughed. "Well it's the day you'll win the f2 championship, just wanted to wish you luck." My face turned into a smile. "Thanks."

"Exited for next year?" I slap his arm. "Be quiet  stupid! Nobody knows yet." "What?!" He whisper-screamed. "Abby! You've 5 minutes left!" I give Justin a thumbs up and turn back to the Alpha Tauri driver.

"I've a championship to win. Wish me luck, not that I'll need it, but just because you're nice." He shakes his head and held out is hand and I shake it. "I wish you all my best Abby, really, you'll smash it."

"You and Gasly?" "Like I said before he's nice." I look up at Dennis. "You are talking with him a lot lately." "Yeah, so? I can't talk to him?" He shots his hand up. "Yes, yes of course you can. Good luck on the race Pierce." I smirk at him full exiting. "May the best woman in f2 win." He laughs and after our usual handshake we both get into our cars.

"Radio check." "Yup loud and clear Justin." "Good luck Pierce, enjoy the last race of the season! See you on the the podium after you're called formula two champion." I get goosebumps all over my body.

I start on pole and for the last time this season the lights go out. After five laps I have a 4 seconds lead on Dennis.

"Next lap box." "Okay!"
"Box box!" I drive into the pits and my pitstop went amazing. 2.2 seconds. "You come out close after Caldwell."

"Two laps to go! Two laps to go." I'm leading. Excitement goes through my body but I stay focused. I cross the finish line and go for my final lap.


"OMG!! OMG GUYS UNBELIEVABLE! THANK YOU ALL SO SO MUCH! I could've never done it without you!"

There were a thousand things going through my head. I was the f2 champion, as a girl! Only eighteen years old and it also was my last f2 race and nobody knows that yet.

I park my car in the P1 spot and jump out. I stand on top of the halo throwing my arms in the air. I see Pierre clapping his hands and smiling.

Dennis parks his car on my left, he was second and Olly Caldwell was third. "YOU FUCKING DID IT ABBY! IM SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU!" I thought he would be upset because he didn't win but he was genuinely happy.

I jumped into his arms and he spins us around. When he puts me down again Olli comes to me. "Congratulations Abby, wow you did fucking amazing! History, f2 champion as a girl. Well done." I smile even tho he couldn't see it because I was still wearing my helmet. "Thank you Olli."

I turn to my team who were already screaming and cheering for me. I jump into the crowd and feel lots of taps on my back, helmet and arms.

I didn't really realize it. Formula two champion. I weigh myself and put my helmet and balaclava off, put my earphones out and take a quick breath. Formula two champion.

I sit down on the floor and rest my head against the wall. There were hundreds of photographers in front of me but it was my life and I didn't care.

I slowly started to kick in. Formula two champion. Tears stream down my cheeks and Oscar walked over me. "I think there isn't a racing driver I've more respect for than you Abby. That was one hell of a race."

He helps me to my feet and wraps his arms around me. "I just got beaten by a fucking teenager." He whispers in my ear. I laughs and he lets me go, as we had to go to the podium.

"And now, our FIA Formula Two Champion. ABBY PIERCE!" The crowd went crazy. I look and see a few f1 divers. Pierre, ofc, I kind of expected him to be there. But I also saw Lando Norris, George Russel and Alexander Albon.

I got the trophy handed and held in above my head. Soon after I was soaking wet of champagne.

My last interview was done and I let out a deep breath and close my eyes. I hear someone clapping and I look up. Pierre with Charles.

"WELL FUCKING DONE!! Woman that was one hell of a race!" He lifts me up in a hug and I laugh, Charles looks a bit weird at us but still smiled.

"Don't you think it's cute I won the F2 championship?" Charles rolls his eyes and looks away without answering me. "How old are you even?" "It can talk! How nice."

Pierre never asked my age so I assume he doesn't know. "Eighteen." "YOU'RE EIGHTEEN?!" Both f1 drivers scream into my face at the same time.

"She's fucking eighteen yes!" Oscar wraps his arm around my neck and stands next to me. "And the formula two champion."

Charles looks at me like I was a stupid child, I dislike him already. I roll my eyes at him and walk away, towards my room to change.

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