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TW: rape!

Abby's POV

"Abby, Pierre and Charles, what can I do for you?" Niels Wittich asks as the three of us sit down on the other side of his desk.

As I stare at the table I feel three pairs of eyes burning on my face. "Don't look at me." I say and Pierre and Charles look in front of them on the same time as I lock eyes with Niels. "I've had really bad experience with another driver.."

"You have to be more extensive than that Abby, otherwise I can't help you."

"Lance Stroll raped me."

My heart explodes from the rate it beats and in the corner of my eyes I see Pierre's eyes go wide, probably not expecting me to blurt it out the way I did. Charles on the other hand was tight and kept his eyes on the wall, but his breathing is heavy.

I look at Niels again and he look at me with wide eyes. "Abby, I need you to understand I have to take this kind of accusations really serious." "YOU THINK SHE WOULD LIE ABOUT THIS?!" Charles stands up and leans over the table. "Mate sit down." Pierre says and so he does. Charles cross his arms in front of his chest and looks at Niels. "Well?"

"Charles please stop it." I say with my head in my hands. "No, I mean I'm sorry Abby but the way you were yesterday, I was with you the whole night. He cannot, not believe you! You were devastated." I cry and walk out of the room.

I feel a panic attack coming up and my breath gets stuck in my lungs. I flinch back till my back hits a wall. Flashbacks of last night cross my mind and it all happens again, but I'm there, wide awake and everything is as clear as the day.

Lance leans over me as I lay on the couch of his drives room. My jeans are off and I feel his hands on my legs. I feel him play with my panties. I try keeping my legs together but he pushes them apart.

I close my eyes, hoping that if I open them in a few seconds he's gone, that I'm not here and that it's a dream, a nightmare.

I feel my panties being yanked down my legs. I open my eyes again and see him. Biting his lips. How can he possible be turned on by this? Isn't he aware of that he's genuinely hurting someone?

I zone out, if I'm physically not here, maybe it hurts less. But it doesn't. I feel him pushing himself inside of me and I scream in pain. He covers my mouth, muting my voice.

I hear him moan and a few minutes later he cums undone.


"Abby, hey, hey it's okay."

I open my eyes and see Pierre. It wasn't real? It was real? It happened?

"He raped me Pierre, he really raped me!"

"Hey, hey, calm down, it's okay." "I...I..." "Oh girl, come here." Pierre wraps his arms around me and I burry my head in his neck.

"Abby we need you to put charges against him." Niels says while kneeling down next to me and Pierre. "Mate!? Why the fuck do you think we're here?! I put charges against him too." My eyes find Charles' who leans against the doorframe.

"Charles.." "No it's either he'll get fired or I'll quit."

With shaking legs I stand up and walk to Charles. "Don't quit, promise me. You won't quit before you've won a championship." Charles look down at me. "Abby I-" "Just promise me Charles! You won't quit!" "Okay, I promise." "Good."

"Do I have to make an official declaration?" I ask Niels. "Come back in, sit down and I'll explain everything okay." We take place in his office again and Niels talks us through the whole procedure.

"Okay thank you."

"We'll go the police station right now, that man is not starting the British grand prix." Charles says while standing up. I thank Niels and Pierre and I follow Charles who is already at the end of the hallway. "Why does he care so much?" I ask my teammate. "I don't know, but he really seems to care about you Abby." "Yeah..."

"Thank you officer." "Of course Abby, I'll make sure the case will get priority as there are three charges against him. We'll stay in contact. Take care gentlemen." The policeman finally says and nods at Pierre and Charles.

We walk out of the police station. I have just filed a report about rape. There is a real case against Lance.

Pierre and Charles also put charges against Lance which makes the case three times as strong.

We sit down in the car and I turn so I can look at Pierre, behind the steering wheel and at Charles in the backseat. "Thank you for being there for me and coming with me." "Abby of course, that's what friends do for each other." Pierre says and squeezes my hand gently.

"I don't want to tell anyone, can we keep this between us three please?" "What about you parents? Nick, your family, friends?" Charles asks like it's not a good idea keeping this for myself. "You two are enough for now." Charles nods and mouths an 'okay'.

"Will you be okay alone? I mean Silverstone is in two weeks and I assume you go home?" Pierre asks me. "Maybe it's smart to tell Nick, he can stay over." He tries. "No, okay, I'm not gonna tell someone, I'll be fine." "Monaco isn't that big, I'm one call away, I'm going home for the week too so." I smile at the man in the backseat and knowing he'll be in Monaco too makes me feel a little better. "Thanks."

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