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Abby's POV

I wake up and hear something inside the bathroom. I sit up and sit straight against the head board. The door opens and Charles walks out. I let out a breath and look at the ceiling. "For fucks sake you scared the hell out of me."

Charles walks over and sits down on the bed. "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up." "It's fine." He smiled and my eyes travel down to his torso, he wasn't wearing a shirt. I mean he also didn't last night in bed but that was different. He looks pretty good.

"I'll make myself ready, can you order breakfast? I don't really feel like explaining people why you're here." I stand up and Charles nods. "Yes sure, what are your wishes?" "We have the same diet I guess, order the same as yourself, can we go to Pierre after?" Charles nods and I walk into the bathroom.

"Thank you, have a good day." I walk out of the bathroom and see Charles closing the door and set a tray with food on the night stand. "Croissants, I haven't seen them on the diet?" "I don't really think we're in the situation for a diet." "Thank you."

I knock on Pierre's door and after a few seconds he opens. "A-" He looks back and forth between me and Charles several times and he seems to get more confused by ever second that passes. "Yes okay I think you have seen him enough to check it's really him." I push myself past my teammate and sit down on the bed.

"An explanation would be really clarifying." "It's on her, believe me don't act so stupid, I know you're confused but just listen to her okay?" Pierre and Charles argue as I lay on the bed and sigh. "Well?! Are you two coming?"

Charles sits down next to me on Pierre's bed and Pierre himself sits down in the chair, he moved closer to the bed. "I'm really confused, you two? I, you, I though you two hated each other?"

"Mate! Just listen." "Jesus, sorry." They both look at me. I lock eyes with Charles. "Where am I supposed to begin?" "Just take your time, if you want me to tell it's okay too." "No, I'll try myself, thanks."

I look at Pierre who is really confused. "Remember last night, when you left, I stayed to check some things with the car and the data and stuff?" Pierre nods. "Well around nine I was done and left. I was almost at the exit when Lance called my name, he said he wanted to show me something and he took me into his room."

"He uhm, stared k...kissing m...me and." I start shaking and Charles takes one of my hands in his. "Take it slow we're here, nothing is gonna happen."

I look back at Pierre and his eyes are burning on my face, he doesn't even seem to notice Charles took my hand. "He hit me and when I woke up again he said he, he, he said he fucked me. I think he raped me."

Pierre didn't move a muscle and looks at Charles. Charles nods and Pierre looks back at me with tears in his eyes. "Lance? Stroll? He raped you?" Pierre's voice cracked. "I was blacked out but he said he did..."

"If I just stayed..." "What? Pierre! No! Don't say that!" "But..." "Mate, it's not your fault. The only person who's wrong is Lance." Charles says looking to his best friend.

"And you're the only one who knows?" Pierre said looking at his best friend. "Yeah."

"When I saw the possibility to get out I ran out of Lance's room and I saw him walking towards the Ferrari hospitality. He brought me to his room and he stayed at my room last night because I didn't want to be alone and you were already asleep and Nick was already in Monaco."

"Abby you could've just woke me up." "I didn't want to bother you and Charles offered to stay."

"We're going to the FIA, he can't get away with this." Pierre insist. "I agree with him Abby." "Yeah I know, you two are coming with me right?" "Yes of course." Both drivers say at the same time.

I see Pierre is still processing what I just told him. "Sorry it's quite a lot to take in. Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just really happy Charles was still there."

Pierre, Charles and I get in the car and drive to the track where the stewards are still analyzing yesterday's race. I'm zoned out, thinking about what to say and how to start.

"Abby, we're here." I look into Charles' eyes and jump when Pierre closes the car door. "Is he okay?" "It's not about him now, let's go." We get out of the car and I see Pierre staring at something. I look at his hands and see they're rolled up into fists. "Fuck.."

"Pierre. Pierre!" I stand in front of my teammate but he keeps looking straight in front of him. "Hello?! Look at me." It's Lance, I'm sure, I don't dare to look behind me, but Pierre's eyes tell me enough.

I look at Charles who is looking in the same direction as Pierre and I panic. I look behind me and see Lance. I stumble back into Pierre's arms. Lance laughs from 40 meters away but it's clearly audible, and it scares the hell out of me.

I feel Pierre's arms slipping around my waist as Lance moves forward, towards the three of us, and Charles stands next / in front of me.

Lance stops around 10 meters in front of us. Pierre holds me tight and close to himself. My eyes are burning on Charles' hands, which are rolled into fists as he looks at Lance.

"Pierre, Charles.." I whisper to my teammate.

Charles walks forward but Pierre is fast enough to stop him. "Calm. Down." Pierre says with a warning voice. Pierre grabs Charles' wrist and he relaxes his hand. "Nous allons passer devant lui et la serrer entre nous, okay.'' Pierre says in French so Lance wouldn't understand.

I look at them as they get closer to me and Charles holds out is hand. I take it and while Pierre wraps his arm around my waist we walk towards the entrance of the paddock.

When we enter the paddock my hands start shaking and Charles pulls me into a hug and plays with my hair. "Ssshh, he's not gonna hurt you anymore."

I tighten my arms around him and burry my head in his chest.

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