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TW: sexually transgressive behavior.

Abby's POV

"Lance can't you just tell me? I'm really tired and I actually want to go back to the hotel."

Instead of agreeing, which I thought he would do, he took my wrist and pulled me into the Aston Martin hospitality. "Lance! What the fuck. Hey, let me go!"

He looked behind us and dragged me into a room, his drivers room, and locked the door. "Lance, dude what the fuck let me out now!" "Scared?" He said, turning around with a creepy grin on his lips.

"What do you want?" "You." I can't help but laugh. "I'm sorry what?" "You heard me, I want you." "Lance, we haven't ever spoken longer than two minutes. You don't know me."

"You don't have to know people to want them Abby." The way he spoke out those words made a shiver run down my spine, from fear, and I'm not scared that often. "Lance let me out, come on it's been funny, now open that door and we can go home."

I reach out to the door handle and with one move Lance spins me around and pushed my back against the door. I have no chance to move. "Lance?" I say a lot softer than I wanted.

He kissed me. He kissed me and I froze. I feel his tongue against my lips and it feel gross. With all the strength I can find I turn my head. "Stop it!" He looks straight into my eyes while his hands go down to my belt. I want to push his hands away but he grabbed both my hands and presses them, above my head, against the door.

With the other hand he undid my belt and he let my jeans sliding down my legs. I see his hand coming closer to my face and then everything goes black.

I slowly wake up again and I feel something in between my legs.

What the fuck happened?

I open my eyes and look straight into the eyes of the Aston Martin driver. "L, Lance? What happened?" "I got what I wanted. It was a good fuck Abby." What?

"Lance, what do mean?" He rolls his eyes. "We fucked Abby or, I fucked you."

Then it comes back.

I walked into the paddock when Lance called my name. He dragged me into this room. He kissed me. He undid my belt and then he hit me. Did he rape me?

"You, you raped me?" I say as a whisper. "Oh darling no, you wanted it just as much as I did." I couldn't bring out a single word.

"I'll be right back and don't you dare move love." He unlocked the door and walked out.

I stand up as fast as I can and run out of the Aston Martin hospitality and there was no one in the paddock. I look at the big clock above the circuit, 11:01 PM. Holy, what the fuck.

I scan the paddock, praying I would see someone, anyone. And there he was. Walking out of the Ferrari garage towards the hospitality, with his back to me. And I run as fast as possible to him.


He turns around looking confused and I run straight into his arms. "What the- Abby?" "Please, don't let me go." I feel his arms slowly taking grip around my waist. "Abby, what happened?"


I tighten my arms around Charles' torso as much as possible when I hear Lance scream. "Make him leave, please make him leave." I whisper to the Ferrari driver. "Let's go." He whispers back and he leads me to his hospitality.

Lance yanks Charles's arm away from me and I flinch back. "Don't you fucking dare to touch her Stroll." Charles says with a angry voice as he manage to keep me behind him.

"Oh, but I already did." I think I've never seen anyone hit someone that hard as I see Charles hit Lance. He falls to the ground and Charles turns to me. "Come with me."

I walk with him and all of sudden I fell such a strong pain in between my legs I cringe and almost fall, but Charles catches me and picks me up bridle style and walks into his drivers room.

"Abby, what did he do to you?"

"I was walking to my car when he, he called my name and he took me into his room and k, k, kissed me and undid my belt and then it became black. And when I woke up he said it was a good fuck, or something like that and I didn't know what he meant but then it all came back and I." I turn my voice to a whisper and look at Charles.

"Charles, I think he raped me."

His eyes were so dark, he was so so angry. He stands up and wanted to walk away. "NO please don't leave me." He let out a soft breath and sits down next to me on the sofa again.

"I'll never leave you Abby."

My heart hurts a little less when he says those words and he softly pulls me closer to him. When my head hits his lap I burst into tears. "I'm so sorry Abby."

I feel him playing with my hair and it makes me relax a little.

Ten minutes later I sit up and notice Charles made a braid of my hair, which caused me to laugh and he laughed too. "Sorry..." "No, no don't be. Here." I hand him the small elastic band from my wrist and he ties it around the end of the braid.

"Come I'll take you back to your hotel." Charles says. He stays at the hotel across mine but the thought of spending the night alone scares the hell out of me. Nick is already back to Monaco and Pierre was already asleep. I panic and a tear leaves my eyes.

Charles wipes it a way and looks at me. "I don't want to be alone and Nick is back in Monaco and Pierre is already asleep and-" "I'll stay, if you're okay with that. I'll sleep on the couch." "No I can't ask you that." "You didn't Abby, I offered it." "Are you sure?" He nods and we both smile a little. "Thank you."

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