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Abby's POV

"So next thing, qualifying. You had fourth fastest time during all three practices so the possibilities are looking good." I nod and look at the data while Mike explains everything.

"I don't want to put any pressure on you but you should be able to qualify in front of Pierre." "I know I'm able of that and I will." I tell my engineer and walk away to grab my balaclava and helmet.

"Good luck Pierre." "You too Abby."

"Nice Q1 Abby. Sixth time." "Great thanks." Q2 starts and it goes pretty well again.

"Q3 Abby, second time! Charles currently pole." "Okay thanks, what's the difference?" "0.208 seconds." Pole it is. Two hundredths of a second I'm able to get that. And so I go into Q3.

"Purple sector 1, purple sector 1, keep pushing." I push my lips into a thin line and fly through the corners. "Purple sector 2 Abby, it's going amazing!"

I will start on pole. I have to start on pole. I can almost touch that pole position.

"You will start the Azerbaijan grand prix on POLE POSITION ABBY! Well done!"

Satisfied I drive into the pitlane, back into the garage. I see Pierre's already there. He claps his hands and smiled proud. "Pole position, impressive." I pretend to wipe dust off my shoulders and Pierre laughs.

"It will be quite a fight at the start tomorrow." I look at my teammate questionable and turn to look at the results of Q3.

P2: Charles Leclerc
P3: Max Verstappen

"I don't think so, I'll just drive away and let Leclerc and Verstappen fight." "That's the spirit Pierce."

"According to starting fifteenth last week, she will start on Pole Position tomorrow, Abby how do you feel?" Craig Slater says.

"It feels really good. I think this is a good example that you can't give your fans the results you want to give them every week, last week has been a tough week for me outside of Formula 1, but I'll keep that to myself. It's important for other people to remember we are persons too, we have feelings too and that, sometimes can influence your performance, and with this I don't wanna say that a bad result is always the consequence of personal issues but for me it was, last week. But coming back to your question, I'm really happy and I'll give everything to finish as high as possible tomorrow."

"Thank you Abby, congratulations and I hope everything goes well for you now." "Thanks."

I strip down my race suit and pull on a simple outfit, denim shorts with a white shirt. I redo my hair when a knock on the door caught my attention. "Come in!" Pierre's head appears trough the door and smiles. "In for a movie night before the big day?" With an elastic band between my teeth I nod at Pierre.

"Yeah, sounds fun, what time?" "Going for pizza at seven, movie after?" "Sounds like a plan, with who?" "Just the usuals, you, me, Max, Lando, Daniel and Charles." "Sure." He nods and gets out again.

I walk into the paddock, towards my car when I got interrupted by fans, which I absolutely don't mind. I take pictures and have a few chats with them. "It is hard to not catch feelings for your teammate when you spend so much time together and he's so good looking?" I look to a girl who's around 15 years old and smile.

"Pierre is a heartwarming person and he helps me a lot in my rookie season till now. We are very good friends but that's it." She looked quite impressed but smiled.

After my shower I pull on a white top and a light jeans, with some golden necklaces. I wipe the brush of my mascara against my eyelashes, making them longer. I put my hair in a high ponytail and pull on my, by a fan designed, Nikes.

The doors of the elevator open and I see Pierre, Max, Lando, Daniel and Charles waiting. Lando holds up his hand and I high-five him. I make eye contact with Charles and he smiled at me. Charles Leclerc smiled at me and he was sweet over text. Weird.

"Competed?" I ask Pierre and he smirks at me. "Almost." "I'm so sorry guys! I did everything I could to be here on time!" I turn around and see an completely out of breath Nick leaning against the doors of the hotel entrance. "NICK?!"

Charles' POV

Well at least I know his name now. What is he even doing here. "I thought you might wanted him here when you start on Pole tomorrow." Pierre says to Abby. "You called him?" Abby asks as she pulls away from the guy and Pierre nods. "I did."

"How did you even got his number?" "Back in Monaco when you went to the toilet Pierre asked for my number." The guy called Nick tells her.

"So guys this is Nick. Nick you already spoke the others but that is Daniel. And I want to put a warning now, if I even hear ONE person say 'are they together?' no he's my nephew." It felt like a weight of 100 kilo's felt off my shoulders. What the fuck Charles! "Clear Pierce, nice to meet you Nick." "You too Daniel."

In the restaurant Abby sat in between Pierre and Nick and opposite of me. "A fan asked me if it was hard not catching feelings for you." She says looking at Pierre, who choked on his drink and Abby burst in to laughter. "I'm sorry WHAT?" In between loud laughs she spoke up. "Yeah, because we spend so many time together and because you're SO good looking." She says dramatically and sarcastic. "Well Abby you look gorgeous but teammates it is." "That's exactly what I told her."

Abby's POV

"I can roll back to the hotel cause boy I have never eaten this much." "I'll roll with you!" Lando says back. "DEAL!" I high-five him and drink up my coffee.

"Do you have an hotel room for tonight?" I ask Nick and he nods. "Pierre booked me one." "Mate! You wouldn't say that." Pierre said like I wasn't supposed to know Pierre paid for Nick's room. "Fuck I uhm, yes I booked one on the plane!" "Right." I say, shaking my head.

We split the bill and go back to the hotel. "Leclerc you coming?" He still didn't stand up and stared in front of him. "HELLO?!" "Jesus Christ, WHAT?" "We're leaving." "Oh, sorry." I roll my eyes and turn around. "Whatever."

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