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Abby's POV

I wake up from the sun shining through my curtains. I'm home again, Monaco. I get out of bed, go into the shower and make myself ready for the meeting with René and Franz.

I do my makeup casual, just as normal and pull on a light blue jeans and a white blouse. I put on my black heels and my jewelry.

In my kitchen I drink my tea and scroll through Instagram

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In my kitchen I drink my tea and scroll through Instagram. There are lots of posts from fan accounts about me winning the championship. I like and comment under as much posts possible, I think it's really important to stay in contact with your fans. When the clock hits 8 AM, I have to go.

I jump in my black Lamborghini and type the address into the navigation.

Half an hour later I arrive at the factory from Alpha Tauri and I see Pierre also getting out of his car. I see his eyes go big as he sees my car and when I get out his jaw drops. "THAT IS YOUR CAR?!" "My baby and no one else's." "Wow." I laugh and we walk into the building.

"Nervous?" I look up at Pierre and shake my head. "No, I know what I'm capable of and what I can give the team next season, it's Franz's choice if he wants me." Pierre's mouth curls into a smile. "You're an inspiration for lots of people Abby." I smile at the compliment and a door opens.

"Abby, Pierre, come in." Franz opens the door a little more allowing me and Pierre to walk in. I see René sitting on the table in the large meeting room and I sit down next to him. "You seem calm." "I am actually." "That's good, no need for nerves."

The meeting starts and we talk about a lot of stuff. The pressure of going from F2 to F1. "I've been through a lot of hate and pressure as a girl in this sport, I can handle it." "I don't doubt about that Abby and I have fully trust in you." Franz tells me.

"Well, the final step. Read everything carefully and if you agree with everything sign the bottom line." Franz slides the file under my nose and I read everything. I don't doubt and grab the pen and put my signature next to René's and Franz's.

"Welcome to the team Abby." I'm an Formula one driver. I am an Formula one driver. Wow. "Thank you Franz." I let out a breath and look at Pierre who sits opposite from me and he held out his hand. "Congratulations teammate." "Thank you Pierre."

"We are going to miss you Pierce." "I will miss everyone too René, really, thank you so so much for everything you and the team have done for me, and I would like to tell them myself that I'm leaving." He nodded understandable. "Everyone is at the factory I think, shall we go there?" "Yes, lets go." I thank Franz ones more and leave with René.

The Alpha Tauri and Prema factory were both moved to Monaco not that long ago, so it was a short drive to Prema.

"Den, can you come over here? I need to tell you something." Dennis excused himself and sits down on the empty chair on the two persons table. "What's it?" He was gonna be the first I'll tell, it was going to be the first time I will tell someone I'm going to leave Prema and join Formula One. It's going to be real.

"Ab, why are you crying? What's wrong?" "Dennis, I'm gonna leave Prema." He looked into my eyes in shock. "What? No!" He stood up and walks with big steps to René. "You were seriously the last person in the world I thought would fire her!!" "Dennis! Come back here!" He shook his head at René and sits down again.

"He didn't fire me Den." I think he lost it. "You quit?!" I shake my head. "Abby I don't understand." I grab his hands and look into his eyes. "I'll be in Formula one next season. I just signed a contract at Alpha Tauri." His lips part. "Abby! Omg! I'm so proud of you!!" He stands up and lifts me off the chair in a hug. Causing weird looks from the team.

"Guys, I have to tell ya'll something." The entire team including all the F2 and F3 drivers are sitting in front of me. This was way scarier in real life than it was in my head.

"First of all I want to say to every single one of you, you are amazing. I want to thank everyone who helped me to where I am this day. Especially a few, Dennis, you've been my teammate for four seasons and always supported me as a girl in this sport, all of you guys have and that means the world to me."

Everyone looked confused and worried at me, not knowing where it was going to end. After thanking my team and engineer and René again it was time to pronounce the big news.

"From next season I'll be no longer part of Prema racing." I hear multiple soft 'what's?' and Oscar stands up. "Why?!" "I've just had a meeting and I've signed a contract with Alpha Tauri. I'm gonna be an Formula One driver." The room was now filled with applause and 'wow's.'

"You did it. You fucking did it Abby, I'm so proud of you." "Thank you Oscar."

"Abby?" "René, yes?" He showed me his phone with the picture we took at Alpha Tauri, me, Pierre and his car. "I think it's time to tell the world, what about you." I smile and was really proud of myself. "Yes."

"The honor is yours." He handed me the phone and I kick 'share.' Seconds later the same picture was shared on the F1, F2, Prema Racing and Alpha Tauri profiles, and the entire Prema team and Pierre posted is on their story.

"It might be smart to turn you notifications down." Arthur winked at me. "Yeah, already down." We laughed and talked for a bit. The Leclerc I do like.

A lot of conversations and congratulations later it was finally time to go home.

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