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Abby's POV

*Skip time*

The winter break was crazy. I got so much love and support from fans that I made it to F1. I still comment and share their content because I love them so much and I wouldn't be here without them.

Today was time for my first qualification in F1. Yesterday were the first 2 practices and the car felt really good. I was confident and I think I'm able to get some points tomorrow, I'll see how quali goes but I feel really good about it.

"So you made it into Formula 1." I already roll my eyes at the voice. "That's what it looks like doesn't it?" I turn around and look at the other Monégasque. "Look, what is your problem? I literally shared less than 30 words with you and you always act like I'm some sort of little girl who doesn't know what she's doing. Well listen carefully, I know damned well what I'm doing and I'm good at it okay. Now If you'll excuse me, I've a qualification to get ready for."

"Like you'll make it into Q2 let alone Q3 at your first race." "You sound scared Leclerc. Scared to be beaten by a woman?" "I've nothing to be scared of." I turn and walk towards my garage. "We'll see."

"How can that dude of a Leclerc be your best friend?" "You still don't like him?" Pierre answered without looking up. "I did nothing to him. Nothing! And he acts like I'm a ten year old girl. LOOK AT ME!" He looks up from his phone and stands up. "Breath Abby, he won't do anything. Drink something and calm down, don't go into your quali angry."

"Like I'll get into Q2 let alone Q3." Pierre turns to look at me. "What kind of asshole told you that?" "Who do you think?" He laughed. "He's into you Ab." Yeah, right. I walk to my side of the garage to pull in my earphones and balaclava and helmet.

"Good luck Pierce." "Good luck Gasly." We do a little handshake and it makes me think of Dennis. He's somewhere here watching, he promised and I'll see him after.

Time to get in the car. "Radio check." "Yes sir!" "Good luck Pierce." "Thank you Mike."

Q1 went pretty good, I had the tenth fastest time and was into Q2. "Mike?" "Yes?" "Say to the engineer of Leclerc it pretty looks like I made it into Q2." He didn't really respond but I heard him laugh.

Q2 went pretty well too and now it was time for Q3. My time to prove myself to the world. My time to show everyone what I can do and that women can do this too.

"Well done Pierce! We're starting fifth tomorrow." "Fuck yes!! Thank you guys! Where does Pierre start?" "Seventh." That's good. We'll both be able to get the team points.

After my interviews I walk to my garage to grab my bag so I can change in my drivers room. I see Charles standing at my garage when Pierre, who didn't see me, excused himself and went into the garage. "So where do you start?" Charles eyes went up and down my body and he looks back into my eyes. "Third row, sixth." "Well done." I say with a smirk, knowing I started in front of him. "Yup, you? Sixteenth?" "Nope.." "Lower!?" I shake my head and laugh. "You will have an Alpha Tauri driver in front and behind you Leclerc, I'm starting fifth. In front of you." I wink and walk into my garage.

I see Pierre walking out again and I hear his and Charles' conversation. "Jesus your teammate is so arrogant! How can you stand her?" I grab my bag and hear Pierre answer. "She is nice Charles. Plus she's good. She has the talent, she says what she thinks, which is mostly the true, she's loved by lots of fans and she has the looks. You can't handle that." "Whatever."

I walk out and rest my elbow on my teammates shoulder. "Can't handle my beauty Leclerc?" I smirk and walk away after saying Pierre did a good job on starting seventh tomorrow.

I change and walk back into the paddock to go back to the hotel when I hear a lot of fans screaming my name. It makes me smile and I run towards them. I get lots and lots of compliments on my qualifying.

I'm a lot of pictures and signatures further when I'm finally in my car. I talked for almost two hours with all the fans and now it was time to go back.

"Can you hold the elevator please?!" The doors open again and I walk in. "Hey Abby!" "Oh god, Max hey. How are you?" He lowered his mask so I could see his whole face. "All good. What about you? I saw you're starting fifth tomorrow, that's amazing for a first race, congrats!" He was so supportive. "Thanks! I knew I could do it but it always feels like I have to prove myself you know." "Yeah, F1 is rude, even for me and other drivers let alone being a woman in this world." "Yeah."

The elevator stopped on Max's floor and he walks out. "It was nice talking to you Abby, I'll see you tomorrow!" "Same here, see you Max."

I close the door of my room and throw my bag on the bed and walk straight into the bathroom and turn on the water so the bathtub gets filled. I add some soap and pull off my shoes and strip down my clothes.

I grab my phone out of my bag and my laptop off the desk and walk back. I put my laptop on the stool next to the bathtub and watch my series, I know what you did last summer, and scroll through the socials.

When the episode ends I got an incoming call and pick up. "Pierce! Movie night, tonight my room." "Sure, sounds fun! What time should I be there?" "Nine?" "Perfect! See ya Gasly." I and the call and watch the next episode.

I put on a black legging and a Alpha Tauri sweater. I look at the time, 8:30 PM. "I hope he doesn't assume I'm gonna wear makeup." I say to myself and grab my phone and walk to Pierre's room.

"You can read times? Nine is in 30 minutes hun." "Do I look like I care?" "Nah." I smile at him and walk into his room. "Well I was getting ready." "Don't mind me, I'm just chilling on the bed." I say without looking up from my phone.

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