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Abby's POV

"Abby, can I talk to you for a sec?" "Yeah, sure." Mike looks at Pierre and Charles who are next to me. "In private?" Pierre stands up but I pull him back down. "No, they can stay here." "Abby, I have to ask things about the crash." "Yes, go ahead."

"Abby, it'll include personal questions." "They know Mike." Mike's eyes go from me to Charles and his eyes stay at Charles for a few seconds. "Stop starting at him!" "Uhm, yea, sorry."

"Okay whatever you feel comfortable with. I looked at the data and nothing was wrong with the car, the moment you lost control." "I know, I looked in the mirror and saw Nico behind me, I got a flashback of Lance..." Mike nods and switches looks between me and the two boys next to me.

With support from Pierre, I stumble towards the exit of the paddock. "ABBY!!" I sigh and turn around. With tears in his eyes Dennis runs towards me. "Fucking hell Abby, you don't even wanna know half how scared I was!"

Pierre carefully let's me go and Dennis holds me by my waist. I notice him being extra careful. I told him and Oscar what happen with Lance when I was back home.

I look into his eyes and feel the tears coming up. "Oh boy." Dennis wraps his arm around my waist and the other on the back of my head, moving through my hair. "Shhh, it's okay Ab, he's gone." "I'm just so, so scared Den."

"Is everything okay over there?" I hear someone ask Pierre. "I would love to say yes but honestly, I don't know..." I pull away from Dennis and he dries my cheeks. "You've a little mascara over there." I giggle rolls over my lips and I love how Dennis can make the tension less thick. "Thanks." I whisper to my former teammate and look at who stands next to Pierre.

"Hey, Max." "Hey, everything okay?" I smile and nod, "Quite sore but yes, thanks. But just between us..how long would you think it will take before this guy will make it into a RedBull F1 car?" I say to Max, but my smile fades a bit when I lock eyes with Pierre. Shit I didn't mean it like that...

"Sorry I..." Pierre smiles and shakes his head. "It's okay Ab, I had my time, I'll give it, let's see, two years maybe?" "I'll stick with that." Max agrees and I smile at Dennis. "Well mate, see you in two years than huh?" "You and building up my pressure, I though you would stop doing that after you left Prema." All four of us laugh and a tap his shoulders. "Never Den, never."

"Abby I need to talk to you." Charles rushes passed me into my hotel room. "What's wrong..?" "I...for fuck's sake!" I look at my watch, 11:27 PM. "Charles, you're scaring me." "See when you only called me 'Leclerc' there was nothing wrong, but now you say my first name and I..." "I don't understand you."

"What I said was true okay?!"

My mind flashes back to Monaco, after I hang up the phone. Because I love you.

"You can't..."

He take two steps forward and takes my hand in his. "You can't deny you don't feel a single thing when I'm around you." I can, but I would be lying if I did. I shallow and look back and forth between his eyes. "Tell me your feel stone cold every time we're close to each other and I'll leave. I'll leave you alone and nothing happened."

I can't say that because it is not true. I can't just say I feel nothing for him.

"I can't okay. I can't say that." "Why not?" I take my hands out of his and walk to the window. With both my hands in my neck I look at the view. "Why not Abby?" I bite my bottom lip and hear Charles walking away and I turn around.

"Because it would be a lie!"

He let go of the door handle and turns around. "What?" "Because it would be a lie. If I tell you, I don't feel anything when you're close to me, it would be a lie."

Silence fills the room but one way or another it wasn't awkward at all. "And now what?" I take in a deep breath and look at him. "And now nothing, we'll both get over it. We need to focus on our-"

Charles walk over to me and presses his lips against mine. I was overwhelmed and pull away. "Charles we can't." "Why not?" "Charles really? You know damned well why not!" It stays silence from his side.

I want it again. I need it again. No Abby, you can't. It's not possible. But my feeling are stronger then my thoughts.

"You know what, fuck this..." I place my hands in his neck, pulling him in and we share a magical kiss.

(Of part one, there might be a part two but I won't promise anything...I've two other stories to finish first!)

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