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Charles' POV

The entire day I've been thinking of that stupid guy. Who is he and why was he with her? Are they together? Pierre told me she didn't had a boyfriend. She wouldn't lie about that would she? Why do I even care? "Fucking hell." I curse to myself and turn on the shower.

I close my eyes and rise the shampoo out of my hair while I listen to, shivers by Ed Sheeran. 'I wanna be that guy, I wanna kiss your eyes, I wanna drink that smile.' Why does my mind even think of her? Why? Fuck her. She doesn't even have to try, just the line of a song makes me think of her and I hate it, I hate her.

I pull on my grey sweatpants and a black shirt, and sit against the headboard of my bed. I scroll through Instagram when the notification of an incoming call from Pierre pops up, and I answer. "Mate!" "Hey Charles movie night with the usuals?" I smile cause it will probably keep my mind from Abby, but then I realize she'll probably be there too. "Yeah sure what time?" "Eight thirty?" "Be there!" "Great."

I'm I gonna change? "No Charles why the fuck would you?"

Abby's POV

Pierre just ended the call and asked if I wanted to join movie night with the boys and I cannot resist. So I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and pull off my pj's and pull on a grey sweatpants with a black cropped top. I finish the episode for my series and when it's 8:20 PM I head to my teammates room.

"Hi, hi." "Abby, come in." Pierre walked back to the couch and I see Lando, George Max, Carlos, Daniel and Charles in the room. "Hey guys." I say and nod my head. They all say said hi back, except one.

I feel Charles's eyes burn in my back I as stand up and walk to the bathroom.

Charles stands at the sink at the small kitchen in Pierre's room and fills his glass with water. I look at his outfit and he looked at mine. "How cute you two are wearing the same outfit!!!" Lando says and disappears into the bathroom.

I walk back to the couch but Charles didn't move.

Back on the couch it actually kind of hits me that I'm practically wearing the same outfit as Charles. What the fuck. He and Lando came back and Lando sits down next to me. "Very cute." He whispers and I hit him in the balls. "AAGGH!" "AY! NOT TO THE BALLS!" Carlos screams around the room. "Even I feel that pain!" Max says and I laugh so hard.

"I'll go back to my room and get some sleep." "Tired already?" Charles said annoyed. "No but I can use some sleep for tomorrow."

Charles' POV

It was literally 10 PM and she was tired already. "There's nothing tomorrow?" "Not for you, for me there is." "And that is?" "That's not important for you to know." I roll my eyes and look back at my phone. "Go cry for attention." "Mate, not now." Pierre said looking at me.

"What? I mean the facts she 'has something tomorrow' doesn't make it illegal for me to say she's crying for attention." I see Abby chewing on the inside of her cheek and it looks like she's trying to hold her tears back but I see one rolling down her cheek. "Oh my god she is literally crying."

She runs out of the room and Lando stands up and runs after her. "You seriously took it to far Charles." I look at my best friend. "What!?" "Tomorrow is her grandma's funeral."

Shit. I look into Pierre's eyes and I can't say a single word. I see the other boys shifting uncomfortable in their chairs. "How the fuck was I supposed to know?!" Pierre didn't say anything and went to the bathroom.

Abby's POV

I felt so weak, crying in front of my fellow drivers. I slam my hotel room door shot and lean my back against it. "Abby?" I wipe my tears away. "Abby are you okay?" Lando. I open the door, standing behind it so Lando couldn't see me as he walks in.

"I hate him Lando. I really, really hate him!

He didn't say anything and just hugged me. "I'm sure he didn't mean it and he didn't know." "It doesn't matter!" I push him away from me and walk to the balcony.

I hear two male voices from the inside of my room. "It's better if you apologize another time." "Lando get out of my away!" "Charles talk to her later this week, now it not a good time."

"Abby I'm sorry, I...I had no idea. I didn't know and if I did, I never would've-" I turn around and look up at the other Monégasque with tears in my eyes.

"What have I ever done to you, that makes you hate me so much?" Shaking his head he looked down and while speaking up he looked up again. "I don't know."

"Can you please leave?" "Abby please, I'm sorry." "Leclerc go, please. Now is not the time for me, for you to apologize." He nods and looks down. "Okay." He looked straight into my eyes before turning around and walked out of my sight.

I place my hands on the railing of the balcony and look up to the plain blue sky. Everywhere you looked there wasn't even one cloud to be found. "Ab?" I don't respond and look eight floors, down to the ground. "Abby." It sounded more worried but also like a waring this time. "I'm not gonna do it Pierre, calm down."

"Do you want a water?" I nod and sit down on the bed while Pierre hands me a water. "Thanks." He smiled, Lando left a few minutes ago and it was now me and Pierre. "You should go back to room, the boys are waiting and I was planning to sleep anyway." Pierre lays his hand on my knee in a friendly way and looks at me. "I can stay here if you want me to." I shake my head. "No, go back, thank you and also thank Lando again." "Okay. You're a strong woman Abby." I whisper a 'thanks' and Pierre went back to his own room again.

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