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Abby's POV

I walk out of the Alpha Tauri hospitality when I hear someone clapping behind me. Thinking it can be Dennis or Oscar, I turn around with a smile.

"For the love of God, don't you have someone else to bother?" Charles steps away from the wall and looks at me. "What?" He didn't answer and I roll my eyes and walk away.

"Can you do me a flavor?" "Depends." Pierre said questionable. "Keep that friend of yours away from me." "What did he do this time?" "He's just everywhere where I am and he works on my nerves." I grab my backpack and swing it on my back. "What are you gonna do?" "All my interviews are done, I've nothing scheduled for the rest of the day. I'm going back."

I walk out of the garage but Pierre grabs my hand. I sigh and turn around, looking up at him. I furrow my eyebrows. "What?" "Are you okay?" I look into his eyes and tear up. I look down and wipe the tears away. "Yes, I'm fine."

"You know I'm here for you if you need me right?" "Thank you." Pierre carefully let go of my hand and I walk away.

When I'm save behind the door of my hotel room I lay down on the bed and close my eyes. I take a few deep breaths. I can't stay in this mindset, a heavy workout will probably help. I grab my bag and put in a bottle and my sport shoes. I strip down my clothes and pull on my Nike Pro shorts with a sport bra and a shirt and head out.

I go into the elevator, up the thirteenth floor where the gym was located.

I push the door open and walk into the changing room. I change my shoes, fill my bottle, grab my towel and walk in. No one is in here, even better. I pull my AirPods out of the case and put them in. I put on my workout playlist and turn the volume to the max.

I start the treadmill at a low level and warm up a bit. After 10 minutes of walking I add more pace and start running.

40 minutes later my legs burn like hell but I keep running. My record is 55 minutes straight on this pace and I will break it today, no matter what. I close my eyes and focus on the music in my ears.

67 minutes. A little proud I turn the pace down and walk for another 5 minutes. I take a deep breath and sit down. "I'm not even gonna try to get close to that time." Exhausted as I was I open my eyes and see Lando and George at the weights.

"You should, the burn is amazing." "You can't tell me you did that just because you wanted to." George had put down his weights and walked a little closer to me. "Running emotions out of you with music. Not because I wanted to, because I deeded to." Lando stands now next to the tall Mercedes driver and they both look concerned.

"Is everything okay Abby?" "Yes Lan, thanks." I stand up and dry the sweat on my forehead.

I put my AirPods back in the case and walk to the boxing area in the gym and put on some boxing gloves.

"I think you should sit down for a moment." I feel hands on both of my shoulders and almost hit George when I turn around. "And why's that?" "Abby, you've been beating the shit out of that poor boxing ball." I roll my eyes and step back. "Mind your own workout George, I'm fine."

"Five minutes." I pull my hands up and roll my eyes. "Fine." "There's no way to get you out of here is there?" "Oh there is one!!" Lando screams from the back. "And that is?" George calls back. "Call Charles!" "Don't you fucking dare." I stand straight in front of George.

"Ahh, Charles huh?" "Douchebag." I say under my breath and place the gloves with the others and sit down.

"Abby?" I blink a few times to get back to reality and look into Lando's eyes. "Yeah? Sorry, what?" "We're leaving, you coming?" I smile while Lando holds out his hand to help me up. "You okay girl?" I slowly shake my head and Lando stops walking.

"My grandma died yesterday." "Oh, Abby I'm so sorry." "Thank you Lando." He pulled me into a short hug and squeezes my arms softly, letting me know he's there for me.

After a shower I pull on my pj's and lay down in bed. I scroll through Instagram and see I have lots of messengers about me winning the race and I respond to all of them.

I see it's already 1:00 AM and put my phone on charge and go to sleep.

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