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It's the same chapter as the chapter before but from Charles' POV!

TW: sexually transgressive behavior.

Charles' POV

"Xavier how long is it gonna take? It's 10:30 I wanna go back to the hotel." I say to my engineer. "Count on half an hour, I'm sorry Charles but there is nothing I can do to change it." I roll my eyes and sigh. I could have been in bed like the other drivers but ofc I'm still here working on that car and analyzing data at fucking ten thirty.

When the last things are done and I can leave, my phone is gone. Of course it's gone. I roll my eyes out of annoyment and tiredness. It should be in my room. "Guys, I'm out! See ya Xavier."

I walk out of the garage and something inside of me felt completely wrong. Even though I won something was wrong and I can't put my finger on it.


I hear a voice, a voice that belongs to a beautiful face, an amazing woman but over all an fantastic driver. But it's also the voice I've never heard saying my first name and her voice was full of pain. I turn around and she runs straight into my arm.

"What the- Abby?" "Please, don't let me go." He voice was barely a whisper and her arms are tight around torso, I slowly wrap my arms around her waist, having no clue what happened. "Abby what happened?" We're standing in the middle of the paddock, no one around us.


I feel Abby's arms even tighter around me when someone starts screaming. I look up and look into Lance's eyes. What the fuck is he still doing here? "Make him leave, please make him leave." Her voice softer than I could imagine, she's afraid of him? What the fuck happened?

"Let's go."

I lead her towards my room is the Ferrari hospitality when someone yanks my arm away from Abby and I see her flinch back. Anger boils through my veins. "Don't you fucking dare to touch her Stroll." I keep Abby behind me so Lance can't touch her.

I feel Abby grabbing my shit off my back and hold it tight. "Oh, but I already did." He WHAT? I think I lost it for a second. I make a fist of my hand and hit Lance as hard as I'm capable of. He looses his balance and falls to the ground, I turn to Abby and lay my hand on her lower back again. "Come with me."

We walk through the paddock when she suddenly seems to loose her balance but I manage to catch her. I pick her up bridle style and she rests her head on my shoulder, which breaks my heart. I don't know what happened but she went through a lot today.

In my room I put Abby on the couch and I sit down next to her. "Abby, what did he do to you?"

"I was walking to my car when he, he called my name and he took me into his room and k, k, kissed me and undid my belt and then it became black. And when I woke up he said it was a good fuck, or something like that and I didn't know what he meant but then it all came back and I..."

She look into my eyes and the look she gave me breaks my heart into a million pieces.

"Charles, I think he raped me."

I can't think. I don't want to believe her. Why would he? How could he?! I stand up and walk to the door. If he's still here, someone really has to stop me or that man won't see the sun come up tomorrow.

"NO please, don't leave me." I blow out a breath to calm myself down a bit and sit down next to her again.

"I'll never leave you Abby."

I pull her in softly and slowly not sure if she's comfortable or not but when her head lays on my lap she starts to sob and she burst into tears. I manage to keep my own tears back but it was hard to do. "I'm so sorry Abby."

I feel tears fall on my jeans and I play with her hair. I make a braid, which I learnt from my niece, and Abby seems to relax a little.

Around ten minutes later she sits up and reaches to her hair, she smiled and a giggle rolled over her lips, causing me to laugh too. For a small moment the tension in the room was gone.

"Sorry.." "No, no don't be. Here." She gave me a small elastic band and I wrap it around the edge of her hair.

"Come I'll take you back to your hotel." I stay at the hotel across the street so taking care she will make it to her hotel is the least I can do. I place my hand on her lower back and she looks at me with eyes filled with panic.

A tear leaves her eye and I wipe it away with my thumb really carefully. "I don't wanna be alone." She starts and the tone of her voice stabs straight through my chest. "Nick is back in Monaco and Pierre is already asleep and-" "I'll stay, if you're okay with that." "I can't ask you that." "You didn't Abby, I offered it." "Are you sure?" She sounds a little less scared and I nod.

We share a small smile. "Thank you."

We walk into the paddock towards the exit when I fell Abby grabbing my arm. I look down at her and then over her and see were passing the Aston Martin hospitality. I pull her a little closer and we exit the paddock.

I close the door of my car softly when she sits down and walk to the drivers side. I again close the door as soft as possible and look at Abby.

She leans her head against the headrest and has her eyes closed. The light of the moon makes the trail of the tears visible and I don't know what to do. I want to hug her, hold her close, make her feel comfortable, yet I don't even know if she wants me close.

Everything that's naturally in every situation suddenly feels unsure. What do I have to do? Call Pierre, ask if she's okay, of course she's not okay dumbass! I lean my head against the headrest too and we sit there in a comfortable silence.

"Are you okay?" I look to my right. She has been through hell an hour ago and she asks if I'm okay? Am I okay?

"I've felt better but it's not about me now. Are you? It's a stupid question, I know but I don't really know what to do." She smiles, but it was far from real. "I'm not even sure what happened, I was blacked out. I assume he spoke the true when he said he uhm, he fucked me."

I see her shiver by the words and she looks down, playing with the rings around her fingers. "Can we go?" "Yeah, of course." I start the engine and drive back.

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