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Abby's POV

"M...mom?" "Abby..." I already know enough. The pain in her voice when she said my name was enough. "No..." I whisper and shake my head. "She had an cardiac arrest, grandma is gone." "No! No, no, no, mom. She was supposed to come to my race next week!"

"I know sweetie, I know, and I wish I was there right now. I'll book a plane now." "No mom, it's okay, stay there. You all have to arrange things for her funeral." I try not to breath loud. "Are you sure Abby?" "Yes mom, I uhm, I have to go, Pierre is waiting." "Be careful baby." "Yeah, I will. I love you mom. Tell dad I love him too." "I will Abby, we love you too, good luck." "Thanks." I whisper and end the call.

I stay still on the edge of the bed and tears aren't able to stop. My biggest fan was gone, my grandma, she was everything to me. Gone. Dead.

"FUCK!!" I run onto my balcony and throw my phone away, not thinking about the consequences. "What the fuck are you doing?" Through my tears I look two balcony's further. Of course he's there.

He saw my eyes and stands up. "Abby what happened?" "Like you fucking care! Fuck off." Charles walked away and disappears into his room. I look down over the railing of the balcony. Of course I wasn't going to do it but the though crossed my mind, staying with my grandma, save, where no one could hurt me.

There was a loud knock at my door.

I look though the look hole and see Charles. What the fuck is he doing here. "Leclerc go away." "You just threw your phone off your balcony Abby. Let me in." I open the door a little but not far enough for him to walk in.

"Go. Away. Please." I look into his eyes and he pushed the door open. I was to weak to stop it and I break down. Charles grabs my arms to keep me from falling but I yank out of his grip. "I TOLD YOU GO AWAY!" "Fine." He left and I throw the door shot and fall down.

"Abby, open up!" "I told you to fuck off!" "You didn't, you told Charles to fuck off, not me." I open the door and see my teammate. "God, girl, what happened?" Pierre walks in and closes the door. He helped me to the bed.

"She's gone." Pierre's expression was confused but sad. "Who? Who's gone, Abby what happened?" I wipe away the tears look down. "Grandma..." I whisper, and I feel Pierre's arms around me. "Shit, I'm sorry Abby, when did you hear this?" He let go of me and looked into my eyes. "Ten minutes ago."

"Is there anything I can do?" "No thank you, I think I'm just gonna take a bath." Pierre smiled sadly at me and nods. "There only is one problem." Pierre furrows his eyebrows. "What?" "I threw my phone off the balcony." "You did what?" I laugh a little at his reaction. "I'll go to Franz, go take a bath, relax a little and don't do anything stupid okay?"

I had an idea what he meant with 'anything stupid' but I wasn't sure and furrow my eyebrows. "I lost my best friend Abby, nothing hurts more than losing your loved ones. Weird thinks cross your mind." "Yeah, they do but I will beat your ass Sunday." He smiled. "We'll see about that, take care and text me if I ca, your phone is God know where.." We both laughed. "Yea.."

"I'll wake you tomorrow at 8 okay?" "Okay, thank you Pierre." He hugged me. "Of course Abby." I let him out and walk into the bathroom and turn on the water.

Time few by and after I bought a new phone I had a lot of calls with my family, especially Nick, my nephew. He's two years older than me and we've always been one. He has been with me to a lot of f2 races but not in F1 yet, but he comes to the Monaco GP next week.

"Ready to race?" I look up, out of my thoughts and see Pierre in the doorway. "Ready to be beaten?" He puts his hands on his hips and looked at me like you ain't gonna beat me girl. "So sad your quali didn't go that well."

If one of us didn't qualified that well, ofc we were upset, but in the end we could joke and laugh about it, one of the things I love about my friendship with Pierre.

"Where do you start again? Twe, twel?" "Yes twelfth shut up!" We laughed and walk out of the hospitality. I start third, my highest qualifying until now. Max starts on pole, Lewis second and George fourth.

After the formation lap I look around real quick and see George throwing up his thumb, I laugh and do the same.

When the first light goes on, that's all I can focus on. This race will be for my grandma, my parents and my family and friends. Let's, fucking, go!

My start was far above amazing. I was second, 1.102 behind Max.

"Box, box!" "Confirm!" I enter the pits and it was the best pitstop so far this season, for us. Exactly 2 seconds.

"Abby, you'll come out behind Russell." "Okay thanks!"

I'm less than a second behind Max and when we enter the DRS zone I can overtake him. I wave at him as a joke but was quite surprised as he waved back at me. These moments really make me love my job even more.

I was enjoying the whole event so much I didn't even realize I was leading the race. "Last lap Abby, keep going." "I will Mike."

"And that is your first win Abby! Congratulations! Well done, great race." "Omg! Guys I just won my first race!! Thank you!!!!" I was so happy. Six races into F1 and I already have my first win.

I jump into my teams arms and everyone cheered.

I see Pierre walking my way with his helmet in his hand. "Wow, well fucking done Ab. I wish I could say I didn't expect it but secretly I did." I smile and hug my teammate.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and let go of Pierre. "Nice overtake you did there Pierce." "You know I'm gonna wave at you at every single time I overtake you from now on?" Max laughed and hugged me. "I will hold you to that one." "Congrats on P2 tho." "Thank you."

George ended P3 and we walk to the podium. When we all have out trophy, the champagne is sprayed and the pictures have been taken I speak up, just for Max and George to hear. "Isn't this the youngest podium in F1? Like I'm nineteen and you're both 24."

"I guess it is." George says as we leave the podium.

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