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Abby's POV

I wake up, knowing I qualified P14 yesterday. I kept telling the press it's just not my weekend, but I won't be able to keep up with that answer much longer.

I get out of bed and pull on a light blue jeans with a Alpha Tauri polo, do my hair and brush my teeth. I put some mascara on my lashes and look in the mirror. Two night and five nightmares further. "You look like a disaster hun." I roll my eyes at myself and walk out of my room.

I exit the hotel, a car honking caught my attention and I see Pierre behind the wheel. He waves me over and I get in. "Hey, everything okay? Slept well?" "Hey, yes, no, you?" Pierre than becomes serious and sits straight. "Another nightmare..?" "Three last night, but yea.."

Pierre starts the engine and drives to track.

"Morning guys!" "Good morning Mike." Pierre and I split ways and both get into our drivers room.

"Drivers parade is waiting girl! You ready?" "YES!" I call back to Pierre as I finish the last things. We run into the paddock to the others.

"Abby..?" I turn around to face Lando. "Lando?" "I've heard multiple people in the paddock gossip about you...they said it was too clear your happiness is fake. I don't wanna lie to you and I don't want you to hear it from someone else while I knew it too."

"Yeah, faking a smile becomes harder and harder as the minutes pass, but thanks, I really appreciate you being honest with me."

He smiles and nods and turns to Carlos. Carlando content, something the fans will be happy with.

Charles and Pierre are joking around too and and Max and Daniel's attention also goes to each other, Alex and George are together and Seb and Mick too. I don't really mind standing alone and smile and wave to the fans, something that makes my smile more real.

Pierre is doing his tennis ball, reflection thingy and I do some stretching. "Ready?" "Yes sir, and go get that podium please, you qualified second, learn Max his lesson." "I'll try, I'll try, but Charles is behind me and you know how strong they are." "So? You never know what'll happen, keep pushing."

He smiles and we do our handshake. "Good luck, stay calm, you can do this, overtaking is you strength, you'll be behind me before you know." "Thanks for the trust Pierre."

After the formation lap, it's lights out and away we go. With the start I already fell four places back, putting me P18. Latifi is behind and P20 is Hulkenberg.

I breathe out and tight my hands around the steering wheel. "Box Abby! Box." "Copy." I drive into the pits and the pitstop went good, 2.4 seconds.

I get into turn 13 when a flash of Lance crosses my mind and I loose control over the steering wheel. I try to recover but it's too late. I loose grip, throw my arms over my helmet and hit the barrier.

When I open my eyes again it's hot in the car, and not just, Spanish sun plus racesuit hot.

It's fire hot, the heat from flames.

I can't find the strength so move and then I see a red car stop a few meter away. I thought the safety car was green. My eyes close again.

Someone grabs my arms and tries to get me out of the car.

"Abby, ouvre les yeux, allez !"
("Abby, open your eyes, come on!")

Safety car people speak French?

"Abby!!" "Hm?" I try to open my eyes but I barely can. "The safety car is almost here, stay with me, please." Almost here? He's not one of the doctors?

I see a car on fire. My car? I see the signs on the side of the track light red, I caused a red flag? I crashed?

My helmet is off.

"Hey, Abby, can you hear me?" I look to someone above me, a helmet with an open visor, and I look straight into familiar eyes.

"Because I love you."

"You love me?" "What?" The other Monégasque asked confused. "That's what you said, 'because I love you.'"

"Thank you Charles, we'll take it from now on." I look at one of the doctors, who kneels down to mine and Charles' level. "Do you remember your name?" "Yeah, Abby Pierce, Barcelona F1 race, I crashed, bla bla bla." "Good, can you walk?" "I'll try."

Charles and the doctor help me stand up and with a lot of support from Charles I can walk, slowly, but I walk.

He sits down next to me in the safety car. "You have to race." He shakes his head and smiles. "No, I'm not going to race anymore today."

He had put his helmet off and I drop my head to his shoulder. "Thank you for getting me out of my car, you saved my life." "I saw fire and when my engineer said it was a Alpha Tauri car, meaning it was you or Pierre I had to stop."

"How do you feel?" "Weak but okay." "Do you know what caused the crash?" I lift my head and look out of the window, not answering the question. "It was him, wasn't it?" "Yea..."

"Everything is okay, it's a miracle you have nothing broken, that you're sitting here like nothing happened." David, one of the docs says. "Thanks."

With effort, I stumble out of the medical center and see Charles surround by reporters and press. "Why did you ruin your race to get Pierce out of her car?" "I think it's quite oblivious you help if you can, and it was an Alpha Tauri car giving it a 50/50 it would be my best friend so."

"You two didn't got along that well at the start of the season, has that changed?" "I think the most important thing is that Abby is okay." Charles walks away and then he sees me. I smile at him and he walks over. "Everything okay?" "Yeah, that David guy said it was a miracle I'm walking."

"But I actually want to know the answer of that question." Charles furrows his eyebrows. "Why did you ruin your race for me?" "Like it said, I would've stopped in every way, no matter who it was." "Okay."

"ABBY! For Gods sake how are you walking?!" I see Pierre running to me and Charles. "You know you are under investigation?" Pierre says to Charles. "I'm sorry?" "Yeah, for stopping your race without reason." "You can't be fucking serious right now." I say, looking at my teammate. "No of course not." "Asshole."

"But seriously, how are you?" "I'm fine Pierre, weak but fine."

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