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Abby's POV

Me, Pierre, Max, Daniel, Carlos and Lando were chilling on the couch when there was a knock on the door again. "Last but not least, finally." Pierre stands up and opens the door and Charles walked in. "Last and definitely least." I whisper and thought no one heard me but Lando stared laughing next to me.

"You two don't get along that well do you?" "He acts like I'm some sort of little girl." "He'll see what kind of amazing woman he's missing soon enough." I laugh but get interrupt by someone speaking up. "I don't think so Lando." I roll my eyes and Charles and Pierre sit down.

"I think I'll head back to my room." I yawn. "Yeah you should." "Jesus! What the fuck is your problem!?" "You are." "Charles stop it." Pierre stood up for me. "I can talk for myself Pierre, thanks. Thank you for tonight, you too guys. It was fun." I look around to everyone except Charles and Pierre walks me out. "Don't mind him-" "I won't." I smile and he nods at me and I walk back to my room.

I pull on my sleep shirt and lay down in the bed. I close my eyes and within minutes I'm asleep.

My alarm wakes me early in the morning and I see the sun of Bahrain is already shining. I stretch my arms and roll out of bed. I pull on my black legging again and my Alpha Tauri team shirt. After I did my entire morning routine, I text Pierre to see if he's ready.

Pierre and I sit down in his car and drive to the track. There are lots of fans in the paddock and we take pictures with everyone.

"I really like how much love you show your fans." "But I do love them Pierre, I wouldn't be here without them, I'll always be thankful for them." We split ways as we both walk into our room.

When I'm warmed up, have my earphones in and my helmet on. It is finally time for my first race in Formula 1. "ABBY!!" I turn around and see Dennis, Oscar and Robert outside my garage. I smile and run over them.

"What are you guys doing here!?" "You didn't possibly think we were gonna miss your first race did you?" I smile at Dennis. "Thank you guys, it means a lot knowing you're here." Oscar hugged me. "We're always here for you, little one."

"PIERCE! We've to race!" "Guess there are other boys who want you too now. SHE WILL BE RIGHT THERE GASLY!" "Who doesn't want me, huh Rob?" We all laugh and I hug them. I do my little handshake with Dennis and run back to my car. Time to shine.

"Good luck Pierce and don't forget to have fun, I know you can do this." I throw my thumbs up to my teammate and we both get into our car.

After the formation lap I stop at the fifth place and look behind me. I caught Charles already looking at me and I wave at him. I could imagine him rolling his eyes in his helmet, amazing.

The lights go out and I've an amazing start. Of course I want to score points but my main goal was to enjoy my first race in Formula 1.

"Box Abby, box!" "Confirm." I drive further and go into it pits. 2.3 seconds, pretty good. "You'll come out nineth, behind Norris." That was kind of an surprise, he started fourth. "Okay."

I exit the pits and see the orange McLaren in front of me. When I get DRS I overtake him and I'm eight. I feel like I'm faster than my qualifying yesterday and I see the next car coming closer. "Sainz in front, 1,493 seconds."

We get into the second DRS zone and I'm 0.735 seconds behind Carlos. I overtake him and I'm seventh. "Nice overtake Pierce. Next is Leclerc." Well this was going to be fun. He wasn't that far away and I'm 1.291 seconds behind him.

"Next turn you should be able to overtake him, keep pushing you're doing amazing." I hear Mike in my ears.

I get the inside and Charles and I go wheel to wheel. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING?! He needs to let me pass!! Does he want to crash or what?!"

The next turn I overtake him and I don't even think about looking, I'll rub it in after the race.

Before I finish I manage to overtake Pierre and George. "Good race Abby! Well done fourth!" "FUCK YES! Thank you guys! It was amazing, thanks!"

I wasn't even sad I didn't finish on the podium. I was close and there are lots of other times I will end on the podium, I know that. For me it felt like a win. I get out of my car and run to my team.

"Wow! That's was amazing Pierce." "Thank you Franz." I look behind me and see Pierre and Charles get out of their cars and walk together.

"Pierre!" "Abby! Hey! Well..?" I look straight into Charles' eyes. "Fourth." I saw Pierre being proud in the corner of my eye and Charles gave me a death stare. "What about you Leclerc?" I smile, knowing he finished seventh. He didn't answer and walked to his garage. "It's his own fault!" I say before I give Pierre the chance to speak.

"I have to say, that was a good overtake you did on me, don't tell the media tho." "I know, but thanks, at least one person here that can handle to be beaten." I wink at my teammate before we walk into the paddock.

"Congrats on the win Max!" He turned around and I saw he was doing a interview with Ziggo. "Oh shoot sorry!" "No it's okay, head over! Join." I look at Pierre and he nodded and walked away. I stand next to Max and look at Olaf and Jack.

"Thanks, where did you finish?" "Fourth." I say with a smile and Max looked down at me like a proud brother. "Wow, that's impressive for a first race, well done!" "Thank you, next week I'll be right behind you, watch your back Verstappen." The three men around me laughed at my comment.

I make my way to my drivers room when I hear someone speak up. "Congratulations, that's what you wanna hear not?" I turn to see Charles behind me. "I've heard it a lot today, from people who mean it, you don't so no, I don't wanna hear it. Bye Leclerc." I walk into the Alpha Tauri hospitality and change.

I sit in the chair on my phone when someone knocks on my door, "Yeah?!" The door opens and Pierre's head sneaks around the corner. "Can I come in?" I lock my phone. "Yeah of course, what's up?" He closes the door and sit down in front of me.

"You and Charles? What is that?" "He is horrible." Pierre rests his right foot on his left knee and looks at me. "He said he tried to congratulate you?" "I don't wanna be congratulate by people who don't mean it." I stand up and walk out of my room.

"ABBY!" "Pierre leave it, we just don't get along, it's not that big of a deal. It happens nothing we can do."

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