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        "Last night at eight O'clock Tammy Hindenburg was taken from her home in Iowa State. This is the third kidnapping this month and it is only June 14th," Skyler heard the News reporter report yet another one where kids run away but their parents think that there was a man out that really wanted to kidnap their child. She was sitting in the living room trying to get her stupid homework done, when she heard her father come into the house talking to someone on the phone in a hushed tone. She was curious so she crept closer to the kitchen to hear better, she's too curious for her own good. Her mother always said that it'll get her in trouble one of these days.

        "...get her. Put her in room 546. Yes, with the guy we got last time. Not yet, I haven't seen her yet. No, you'll get your turn. ...Cause I said so. Yeah, meet me with the new one at the gate, at four. No, why.." At that moment she stepped into the kitchen and her father stopped talking and gave her a look that tried to figure out how much of the conversation she heard and if she understood what he was talking about.

        "Hi pumpkin, what are you doing in the house?" he asked slowly.

        "Ummm, I was doing my homework and I got thirsty. Why did you hang up? Was that Blair? I wanted to say hi," Sky asked.

        "He hung up on me," he stats calmly, as if this isn't the most awkward conversation ever. Sky didn't talk much to her dad, she was more of a mamas-girl, even if her two younger sisters took all her mom's attention. Her two older brothers Blake and Lee hung up on everything their dad said and well, being the middle child sometimes sucked.

        She really wanted to know where her dad and Blair would meet and who were they talking about? A new what? She figured it couldn't be too bad, so she followed her father when he left the house at three thirty in the morning.


        Sky saw a van pull up to an old wooden gate close to where her house is located. She followed her father silently and hid behind a tree, her father hopped in and it drove slowly for a while as if they were looking for something. Then the van stopped again, but this time Blair stepped out and moved some bush and her father drove through it and Blair hopped back into the van. Sky followed closely behind, making sure no one saw the figure darting from tree to tree. After what felt like an hour Sky saw that the van stopped in font of this old building. Her father and Blair got out and were met with at least five other guys; they exchanged a couple of words and then opened the van's sliding door. What Sky saw next shocked her to her chore, she saw a boy and a girl of about fourteen (Sky's age) dragged out of the van. Their eyes were covered and their hands were tied behind their backs. Sky heard her father say something about putting them into room 446 and then how he will visit again really soon. The tone of his voice was one that she was not familiar with at all. Her father went into the building and she crept closer. She looked into the window and saw her father doing something to the girl that she has only ever heard about in health class, it was sex, yet it wasn't because it was obvious by how the other men were standing around cheering and how the girl was sobbing that this was being done to her against her will.

        Sky was about to turn away when she saw that the boy sitting there all helpless and made to watch this horrible thing, he looked up and his eyes widened for just a fraction and then he began to thrash around yelling, while still looking at her. She ducked and ran to the trees, she didn't stop until she was at her house and climbing the side of the house so she could get into her room by the window. She had tears in her eyes and her stomach heaved, she ran to the bathroom and lost her supper. The sobs and the cheering were stuck in her mind and the look in the eyes of the boy, a mix of fear, hope and desperation it scared her so much. She decides that she couldn't live in the house with a man that would do that to someone, Sky didn't want her family to know that she ran away and to be honest she didn't want to call them family anymore. It was time for a fresh start.

        Sky grabbed her pajamas and went back outside, she took gasoline from a can that was sitting in the garage and doused her pajamas with it. she then took off her necklace which was given to her by her mother. and dropped it onto the pile, well she made look like she was actually there, she even cut her hair off and placed it where her head was supposed to be. She lit the pile and walked away. with the money she stole from her parents secret stash she would make it to her aunt's house.

        Sky's aunt didn't have contact with her family, mostly because she hadn't agreed with who her sister got married to. Sky took the train out of Kansas and into Colorado; she hopped that her aunt Jackie would take her in.

I tried to fix as many mistakes as I saw but it is by no means perfect.

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