Chap. 25

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After what felt like hours, the van stopped and Hanna heard Blair open and close the door. She heard gravel under his feet, he was walking away.

Hanna tried to get her hands out of the knot; she searched for a sharp object and couldn't find one. She decided to bring her tied hands to the front of her body so she could open the doors and get out of the horrid van. Hanna felt along the wall for a latch and finally located one, she pulled with all her might, and she finally got it open. She peeked round the van, to make sure no one would see her escape, what she saw made her stay rooted on the spot for a solid minute. There was a face in the window, a scared face that resembled that of a child's. Hanna heard screams of fear and pain, this brought her back to reality and she tor out of there as fast as she could, while her hands were bound. She didn't dare look back incase Blair or others run after her. She had no idea where she was going, she just really wanted to get away from those men and that girl, that scared little girl, her face forever engraved in Hanna's mind.

Hanna duked and jumped under and over branches and roots to avoid getting hit in the face and tripping while she ran. She stumbled a few times but regained her balance before face planting. Hanna ran for many miles before she finally saw a clearing in the thick forest, I had no idea that I could run so far! With that thought she tripped, Hanna got up as fast as she could, she was breathing hard and she staggered towards the clearing in the woods. She now felt every branch cut and bruise she had acquired from the bumpy ride in the back of the van, she was also certain that she had either broken or pulled a muscle in one of her legs. Hanna could hear yells and branches breaking behind her, she sped up; Hanna kept her bound hands close to her chest and took every painful step as they came, she breathed through the pain. A technique she had mastered soon after she had gotten into the system and was placed with a couple who liked to beat on her and their other foster children. She had never run with an injury before but there's a first for everything, right?

Hanna saw the trees ending in a few more meters and she would be out in the open. She stepped onto a paved road, she took an educated guess and sprinted to the right, hopefully there is a town not too far away and she can alert the police.

Hanna heard a vehicle approaching her; she didn't dare stop and look. She had a bad feeling that the person driving wasn't a friend of hers. She could feel the heat of the car on the back of her legs, she sped up, and so did the car. She veered off the main road and ran down another street; in the distance she saw the outline of a town and she ran towards it. She had no idea if the car was still following her or if it continued down the other street. Sudden pain in her legs and lower back, she was suddenly facing the asphalt with pain coursing through her body like she has never felt before. A crushing feeling pressed down on her legs, something black, which looked very much like a tire blocked her view. Hanna realized that it was a tire; a car was driving over her body. She passed out from the pain.

Hanna slowly came back to reality; she heard beeps and talking. Someone was talking beside her, but she couldn't make out what they were saying and frankly her head hurt so much that she didn't want to concentrate on what the people where saying. The room became clearer and for a second she thought that the people had finally caught up to her, she thrashed in her bed and tried to get up but for one reason or an other she couldn't move her legs. She screamed and tried to rip all the tubes out of her arms, but a woman in scrubs came over and injected Hanna with a clear liquid, which made her very drowsy. She fell into a deep and dreamless sleep, only waking up five hours later. The next time that Hanna woke up, she was more aware as to where she was, she heard the beeps from the machines in her white walled room. A woman in green scrubs walked in holding a clipboard, Hanna tried to speak but her throat was hoarse and no sound came out except a small croak. The lady looked at here and left the room, Hanna was dejected, she wanted to know what was going on. A few minutes later the lady came back holding a cup with some liquid inside, she approached Hanna cautiously and held the cup towards Hanna.

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