Chap. 28

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They went to work the next day with tired eyes but a smile on their faces. After dropping the children off with the nice older ladies, the couple made heir way to their station for the day. The workday flew by; Sky couldn't believe her ears when the final bell rang, signalling the end of the day. She put her bundle of weeds onto the pile; she walked towards the elderly women that were looking after the children.

"Where do you think you're going sweet cheeks?" a ruff voice questioned from behind Sky, she shivered when she recognized the voice. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the trees. She cried out and tried to wrench her wrist free from Sam's grasp, but to no avail, he was too strong.

"My kids! I can't just leave them there! Sam! Please! I need to make sure that they are okay! Please, Sam!" Sky begged as he dragged her along. He stood still and let out a frustrated sigh; he ran a hand through his golden locks and nodded. He dragged her to where the older woman was talking to Mason.

"Woman, you will watch these children for a few days, these," he waved to Sky and Mason, "will be going on a mini vacation," Sam said with a smirk. Sky looked at Mason with frightened eyes, he inclined his head ever so slightly.

"Come along, we have things to discuss," Sam snarled and started to drag Sky back to the trees, Mason was torn between taking his children and running or going after Sky. The elderly woman smiled and nodded her head as if to say that she will look after the 'lil ones and that he should go.

"You are a sweetheart. Thank you Mrs. Gibbs," he gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran after Sam and Sky. He caught up to them and took Sky's other hand, she was shaking and tears were pouring out of her eyes.

"What the fuck man! Where are you taking us?" Mason called after Sam.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll shut the fuck up!" Sam walked faster pulling Sky behind him like a rag doll. She let out a sob and stumbled after him, Mason also sped up and whispered comforting words into Sky's ears. She looked at him with sad eyes, it broke his heart; Mason wanted to pull all of Sam's limbs off one by one, he wanted to make Sam pay for all that he did and that he will do.

They exited the Volcano and entered a room that neither has ever seen before. The room had couches and a television in one corner; on the table in front of the television there were wiis and cases that held games. Sky just stared at them; she hasn't seen those in so long, the TV was big and very flat. Sam dragged them through the room and through two more that held a kitchen, with all the latest implements, and a room full of games like an air hockey table and a poker table there was even a bar on one wall. Sky and Mason just gawked at all of the things that these rooms held; they had such nice things while all the kidnapped had so little. They finally reached their destination, a dark, dimly lit room that held very little in the furniture department. There was a cot in one corner a few chains that hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room and table with sharp looking tools on it. Sky flinched back when she saw them, she couldn't believe her eyes, was her childhood friend going to torture her for no reason other than the fact that he wanted revenge for something that happened so many years ago? Mason placed a gentle hand on her shoulder as if to comfort her, yet his hand was shaking, which gave away how frightened he was. Sam turned on his heels to face them and clapped his hands together; his smile was sadistic and very creepy.

"Welcome to my favourite room. I spend a lot of time here," Sam spread his arm as he told the couple. Mason took a step forward and punched Sam in the face, he kept hitting him, all the anger that Mason felt since being locked up came crashing into him and he let his fury out on Sam's face. Sam laughed and took ahold of Masons hand, he pulled making Mason lose his balance. Mason fell but got up again with a look that screamed death, Sam chuckled, he grabbed Sky's hand and puled her to him, he held a knife to her throat.

"Surely you wouldn't want the mother of your children to die because you wanted revenge on something as stupid as being locked up with a beautiful girl, which you could take advantage of, I mean come on that is really dumb," Sam taunted. Mason let out a cry of fury and charged, he'd only taken two steps when he suddenly stopped and crumpled to the ground. A tall guy was standing behind the crumpled body holding a shortened two by four. Sky screamed but shut up as soon as she saw who was standing behind Mason's body, tears poured out of her eyes.

"And who do you have here, my friend, she is really pretty Sam. Do you mind sharing?" The guy asked, he rubbed his hands together and stepped closer to Sky, he ran a hand down her face and down her throat. She let out a sob and closed her eyes wishing that she could be anywhere but there.

"Please Blake, don't," she whispered. The hand stopped at the collarbone, Sky opened her eyes to see a confused Blake look at her then at Sam. He let out a laugh and pointed at Sam.

"You told this bitch my name, you really think that telling me that you have a fucking surprise for me, and this is what you bring me. You take a girl that looks like her, and you think that I would be all over that shit?" Blake screams. He slaped her with one hand and punched her with the other, her head snapped to one side and then back.

"Damned it, Blake! That would have been sweet if I didn't want her; you just ruined her fucking face. You could have done that after I was done with her. Would you tie him up?" Sam pointed at Mason's unconscious form. Blake scowled but Dragged Mason towards one of the chains. After tying him up Blake yanked at a chain, pulling Mason to a standing position and kept pulling until his feet where a couple of inches off the ground. Sam dragged Sky across the room and placed a chain around her wrists, he then signaled to Blake to pull the chain, she wriggled trying to break free, but to no avail. Sky looked over to an unconscious Mason and felt pity that he was dragged into this, into her fucked up life.


Mason stirred and opened his eyes; he looked around trying to figure out where he was. He looked up and saw chains and the he looked to his left, Sky was stretched out, her arms above her head and her feet skimming the floor. She was missing her shirt and there was blood pooling under her still form. There were deep cuts all over her torso, there was no pattern, it looked like whoever cut her was mad and lashed out in random directions. Mason started to wriggle and thrash about, but as much as he wanted to get free, he couldn't. Mason tried to call Sky's name but she didn't stir, her chin rested on her chest and her eyes were closed. A figure emerged from the darkness, this man was tall and had black hair, he was young and was holding a knife. He came closer smiling sadistically.

"Well, well, looks like lover boy finally woke up. Took you long enough. You slept through her screams, oh, how she screamed. It was music to my ears. Too bad she was screaming your name and not mine," the man pursed his lips and ran the sharp knife along Mason's abdomen, it sliced through a layer of his skin making Mason wince in pain.

"Oooh, we got a tough one. Maybe a deeper one will liven you up a bit." The man buried the knife into Mason's side driving it deeper and deeper until Mason cried out in pain. The man extracted the knife and licked the blood off of it.

"Now, tell me, do you have a sister? I would really like to have a piece of her. you are a pretty boy but alas I do not swing that way so I must settle for something I would enjoy," the man taunted.

"!" Mason responded and spat in the man's face. He wiped the spit off of his face and glared at Mason.

"Very well." The man took the knife and dragged it along Masons body and around to his back. Mason heard the knife being placed down onto a metal tray and something being picked up. Suddenly he heard a whooshing sound and then a stinging sensation coursed through his back. Within a second the stinging turned into a burn, another swooshing noise and again the stinging/burning sensation. After the third time Mason came to the realization that he was being whipped. Every whiplash made Mason arch his back and whimpered in pain, but he refused to cry out. Mason lost count how many whips he had gotten, his vision was blurring and he could barely feel the whip coming down onto his back when a small voice cried out:

"Blake stop! You'll kill him! Stop! Please, you can do anything to me, but please stop hurting him," Sky had woken up to the view of Mason being whipped. Blake turned to Sky and smiled but when he spoke he directed his speech to the person that had been standing in the shadows watching.

"Sam, what do you think, should I take her word and do as I will or should I keep on punishing Mason for what he did to me?" a chuckled was heard but he didn't respond to Blake's question, he took that as a yes. Mason 's head snapped back up at the mention of Blake's name, where had he heard that name before? 

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