Chap. 29

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Mason's head snapped back up at the mention of Blake's name, where had he heard that name before?

"You...You're her brother," Mason suddenly realized where he had heard Blake's name. He did see the resemblance now; they both had the high cheekbones and the exact same green eyes, except his were cold and had no light in them whatsoever.

"Don't make me laugh." Blake turned back to face Mason, he held the whip towards Mason's face.

"Sky mentioned having a brother named Blake Thompson, his best friend's name is Sam and her father's name is Greg. She left her home when she was fourteen, she faked her death to get away," Mason told a stunned Blake.

"Mase, stop. I don't want to be...I am no longer related to him, they lost that status the night I saw my father with that child," Sky whispered. Tears slid down her cheeks.

"Nah, she's, she can't be...Sky? You're alive, why would you...why did killed mom! She fucking died because she lost you! She has been like a fucking zombie since you 'died'!" Blake made air quotes around died. She didn't speak. Blake threw the whip across the room and picked up the knife. He held the knife to Skyler's throat and pressed until he drew blood, Sky looked at Mason and mouthed 'I love you' then whispered.

"Take care of them. Don't let them get into the system." Blake was confused by her words but Mason understood that she was telling him to get out with their children and to make sure that they don't end up like them. He nodded to indicate that he understood. Sky set her jaw and waited for the pain that would indicate that her brother had slashed her throat open, yet it never came. She opened her eyes to see hesitation in Blake's eyes; he wanted to finish her yet he wasn't certain if he did then he might be killing his sister.

"Dad would know what to do," he muttered.

"Blake, you know what he would say and do. He would say that you're weak and you can't do anything without your father looking over your shoulders. How will you ever be able to take over the fucking family business?"

"Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about."

"Blake can we just get to the fun part? I wanna have some fun with her while she is still alive and breathing," Sam stepped out of the shadows as he spoke.

"You wanna fuck my sister with me here, seriously? What the fuck is wrong with you? I don't want to see that shit," Blake replied.

"You could step out, get your father, or you could get yourself some other girl. You know I've always liked Skyler the best out of all of your sisters. I've been waiting for so long, why can't you just let me have fun with her, plus you don't even know if she is telling the truth. She could have heard about Skyler and impersonated her, so she might not even be your sister."

"You're right, but I don't want to take the chance that she might be...screw it let's have some fun," Blake decided.

"What should we do with this fucker?" Sam asked as he pointed at Mason.

"Let him just hang there."

"I'm good with that, maybe we should stuff a cloth in his mouth to shut him up," Sam suggested after Mason started to yell and curse at the two men in front of him. Blake nodded, too preoccupied with lowering Sky to answer. Once she was unchained Blake and Sam grabbed Sky, they carried her towards the bed. She struggled and tried to get out of their grip, but they held on tight. The pair threw Sky onto the bed, then proceeded to tie her down.

"Blake, please, you don't want to do this. I'm your sister!" Sky pleaded, but her plea fell on deaf ears. "Please, Sam...I want Sam. Can Sam do it? Please, you can see how wrong this is," Sky whispered. Sam noded slightly; he looked up and pushed Blake out of the way.

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