Chap. 2

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        For the next week Sky had this odd feeling like someone was watching her. She shrugged it off, thinking that it was just her paranoia coming to creep up on her, just like every year around this time. 

        Jackie works a lot and leaves Sky alone in the house with only her neighbours annoying music to keep her company. She was ready to pound his face in, yet again. Control Sky, he is not worth your anger. She takes deep breaths to try and calm herself down. She plugs her earphones into her iPod and plugged them into her ears. Sky slowly drifted off to sleep. 

            Sky jerked awake to a rough hand on her shoulder, it grabs her pajama shirt and roughly yanks her to a sitting position.  Before she can scream a cloth is placed over her mouth and tied behind her head, her arms are yanked behind her back and tied with zip ties tightly. Sky felt a sharp pain in her head when something wooden hit her, then, nothing.

            Sky slowly let her eyes open and her senses came back to her, she was in a dark cramped area. A movement on the other side of the darkness caught her eyes; she managed to yank the cloth off her mouth with her shoulder and wiggled her way towards the slumped figure in front of her. Sky lightly nudges the person, and they lift their head, she gasps.

            "Mason?" she whispers so as not to be overheard.

            "Hmm," his mouth is still covered so she could not understand what he was trying to say. She motions that he should try to take the cloth away with his shoulder, he does this and breathes in deeply once the cloth dangles around his neck loosely.

            "Is this some kind of sick joke that the guys are pulling? Cause this sure as hell ain't funny!" Mason growls, but is shushed by Sky. She frantically looks around to see if anyone heard him.

            "Shut the hell up Mason! I don't want to get my face kicked in because you are yelling!" Sky hisses. He doesn't say anything to this, she assumes that he is giving her a glare, but it's kinda difficult to see in the darkness. She is beyond pissed that she is in a fucking van with the one person that she can barely be in the same room with. This better be some kind of prank, or oh so help me,I will...what will I do? Oh my god! The kidnappings have been really bad this year...but there hasn't been one in a while, is it possible?... her thoughts were interrupted by the van stopping and shutting down. They hear doors open and slam shut, their door gets ripped open and rough hands clamp painfully on Sky's arm, and she is pulled out of the van and shoved into a room that has at least ten big men standing at attention and all their eyes were trained on the new arrivals.

            "So who's first?" one of them asks, lust is etched clearly on his face, his eyes never leaving her chest area. She realizes that she is in her pajamas and of course is not wearing a bra, so it's obvious what he is seeing. Why did I choose this shirt? It's way too small and is tight in all the wrong places! Damn you Sky! She mentally scolds herself.

            "No one! You know what the boss said, none of you are to touch her or any other female we drag through these doors until he is back and decides he wants them! Got it?!" a new voice barks from a hidden door that Sky did not see when she came in. He is obviously in charge because all the men look at their shoes and mumble some incoherent words.

            "Put them in room 367, and get someone to give them a run through of what is expected," the man at the hidden doorways says, he turns around and is about to walk away when he yells back:

            "Put some god damned blindfolds on them we do not need them to escape!" 

            Two men,drag them down, what she figures is either a hallway or one big assed room. After walking in zigzags for what felt like ages they stop, Sky hears something that is like jiggling of a door; she gets pushed and falls on a hard floor. She hears a thump next to her, which she presumes is another person. Her hands are freed and then the door is slammed and locked. Sky rips her blindfold off and rubs her wrists to get the blood flowing, as she does this she looks around the room she was locked in. There is a bed in one of the corners, in the other corner is a small bathroom, (she knows this because the door was open and she could see the sink and toilet), and to her left is door that is closed, most likely locked. On her right there is an arch and another room, from her position it looks like a small kitchen. What the hell! It looks like a fucking apartment. Her eyes land on Mason, he looks so confused, but that does not stop the anger that courses through Sky's body. 

            "You son of a bitch! You think that was funny! Grabbing me in my sleep binding my hands behind my back and gagging me so you can bring me to a room! What the hell Mason! You're not getting any from me!" Sky was beyond pissed. If he thought that I would drop my pants as soon I walk through that door he has another thing coming his way. She makes a fist and about to sock him.

            "The hell you talkin' about? Why would I want to have sex with you? If you forgot I was in the van too! I would never come up with an idea that stupid, especially one where I get knocked out and get a fucking black eye!" he yells right back. Sky was taken aback, because it is true, Mason might have twisted ideas sometimes but he would never have an idea where he would get hurt in the process.

            "Then why the hell are we in an apartment type thing? And who where those guys," Sky half mumbles to herself, she had a feeling that she knew who was behind this.

            "I have no fucking idea," Mason replies exasperated. She sits on the floor and buries her head in her knees as the realization hits her. They are one of those people that got kidnapped, she will never get to see her aunt again and she is stuck with the person she almost loathes more than her father. Mason sits on a chair in the kitchen area. At that moment the door opens and three men walk in and a woman. The men grab Mason and walk out with him. The woman grabs Skyler and practically throws her in a chair.

            "I am here to tell you your role here, what I say you must do or else life here will be worse than if you were to die and reside in hell."

I am sorry if it does not make sense, but it does in my head, so deal with it! 

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