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Val's POV

It was finally race week! After spending a week away at Seb's home that was like a fairy tale dream, we both had to head back to London and prepare for the official start to the race season. Soon I was on my way to the airport heading to Australia with the rest of the team. Seb and was already in Melbourne tied up with press duties for RedBull but that didn't stop Seb from calling me and checking in. Today was no different with me standing slightly away from the rest of the team smiling like an idiot talking to Seb before I board my flight.

"How are you feeling today liebling? Have you eaten?" Seb asked and I could sense he was tired from his tone but he still took time out of his schedule to call me. I bit my lip and tried to hide my smile but I was too late because I could see Tara and Tyler looking at me.

"I've had a sandwich and I'll most likely eat on the plane. I can't wait to see you! How are you feeling? You sound tired, I bet those reporters have sucked the life out of you and you haven't even raced yet." I said smiling hearing Seb laugh on the other side of the line.

"You are not wrong Val, they've been hounding me with the same questions for the last 3 days but knowing that I get to see you soon makes it all okay." Seb answered sweetly and I had to try my hardest not to melt at his sweet words.

"Are you excited to come back to Australia?" Seb asked and nodded even though Seb couldn't see.

"God I haven't been back for 4 years! I am dying to have a proper beer." I said making Seb laugh.

"Well I can't wait for you to be my tour guide and show me what a proper beer is" Seb said and I felt butterflies in my stomach at the thought of showing Seb my country as a couple.

"I'm about to board the plane now, I'll see you in 22 hours superstar." I said sighing at the idea of being on a flight for tat long when all I wanted was to be in Seb's arms.

"See you soon liebling. I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I whispered and hung up the call and walked back to the rest of the team.

"Could you be anymore in love girl!" Tara said in a low whisper as we board the plane.

"Are you ladies ready for the opening race?" I said trying to change the subject.

"I mean the race seems like fun but I can't wait for Sunday night! You are definitely taking us out Valerie, you have to show us how Aussies really party." Tara said winking at me as we buckled into our seats.

"God it's been almost 5 years since I've been back to Melbourne. I am from the Gold Coast but I'm sure I can show you ladies a good time." I said laughing and remembered the last time I was in Melbourne, Daniel was actually there and we had gone as group for a birthday trip for Jacob. I shook my head and tried not to think about the past and smiled back at the girls who were looking at me with slight concern at my sad eyes.

"Last time I was Melbourne I was there with my ex." I said with a strained smile and both girls in front of me gasped. They weren't used to getting anything personal from me since I mainly kept our working relationship purely professional.

"That's tough Val but hey look who you're going to be with now? The hottest and current WDC!" Tyler said and I quickly looked around hoping on one else heard her.

"You're right, this is going to be the best weekend. Let's hope for a great weekend for Red bull and BOTH drivers." I said making the girls laugh at my attempt to seem unbiased. I closed my eyes and thought about that cheeky smile and blue eyes of a certain German driver waiting for me when I landed.

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